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you bet your :banned: I am. It gives WoolfolksUncle openings.
He really dropped the ball after I posted Steve's Mugshot.
Did you see that? Post a link to it if ya have. Dude, I got to distract them with a little diplomacy for when the bangers come and slam them down. I talk a good talk. I defend this turf well, but how about Hoffa? Man, he's been shreadin' ... 2004! awesome.

Sledge, come lay the hammer down on the thread about our thread and other two threads about our threads. ohh... we are safe in here!!! hahahaha

(sarcasm... but seriously...laughter)

LazyMan has been riding me for that DVD. I'm glad to know it is on the way. I'm seriously looking to send some out.

Check in over there man. I've been doing it all week.

er? hahahaha get a stretcher!
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
you bet your :banned: I am. It gives WoolfolksUncle openings.
He really dropped the ball after I posted Steve's Mugshot.
Did you see that? Post a link to it if ya have. Dude, I got to distract them with a little diplomacy for when the bangers come and slam them down. I talk a good talk. I defend this turf well, but how about Hoffa? Man, he's been shreadin' ... 2004! awesome.

Sledge, come lay the hammer down on the thread about our thread and other two threads about our threads. ohh... we are safe in here!!! hahahaha

(sarcasm... but seriously...laughter)

LazyMan has been riding me for that DVD. I'm glad to know it is on the way. I'm seriously looking to send some out.

Check in over there man. I've been doing it all week.

Man I got banned :lol:
yeah, they banned everyone... guilt by association...

I guess they just hate the fact we have a streak going!

I can't get over how they dodge the football smack and go right for the "special purpose" ... I was having mutual fun with a couple of them.

The barometer will be if Woolfolks ban is lifetime.

Mine is a month. If they don't want us there they shouldn't start threads about us. At least we have a user group to cohort in.
what i don't understand is we come in there smackin' football, players, records and junk like that and they are like... hillbilly, fag, swear... yada, yada, so we are like.. ok.. you want to do that? fine..

I dropped all that classless stuff and just took to being silly days ago...
like cartoon silly... now no one has got a gun to their head compelling them to respond... that's weak IMO.

I kept stinging them with 5 reasons why KVB is better than mac, in straight rip off fashion with this guy singing...


c'mon... that's friendly in your face love to hate ya smack!

nattyboyfriend the pilot got it.
he was fun.

I even paid their picture smack props to encourage it.
After I broke the ice and rose above their go to profane and perverse stuff it was really getting fun.

Then they started the thread about Gannonclown...

I told him that I own3d Gannonclown.
Gunny has him in image shack.

That was the final straw I believe.
I think he took it personally.
He might have spent hours on that annimation.

What people need to understand about images is if they are published they are fair game. Stupid ratturds.
I think I'll need to get a log in. I need to read through some of the post to find out who actually knows anything about football. Sounds like they have weak moderators if there is swearing on the forum and the bad OUR posters.

Well this is just the Arrow saying hello to the smack talkers. I just joined this forum this weekend.
Glad to have you. The traffic is ultra light unless some bs is going on. You are right about the mods over there but WU was really fanning the flame and I was rooting him on... Though to conquor a forum you have to get banned unjustly and then convince them how wrong they were. Just ask Edgeman at Coltfreaks! :ha: I hope Woolfolks Uncle is not mad at me. I haven't heard from him in a minute. We could have never own3d them like that if it weren't for him, even if he doesn't know when to let up. Uncle is relentless. You don't want to screw with him that is for sure.

I think the Raven Mod thinks I am a woman since I emailed the adminstrator with Mrs. Bipolars email. The header said "Jennifer" ... I think he hit on me where he posted the flowers to my Churchhill V-sign. :lol:
I was wondering what that post was about with the flowers. That is even funnier if he was hitting on you. I would save that one for a trump card or maybe bait it further and see what exactly will be the next post. You mentioned you had posted a pic though. And at one point you mentioned you were a late 20's male.

nattybohfiend was a pretty good smack talker. He kept his insult intelligent. He would be one I would watch for to come back with some smack that digs deap. Or that is what I have read so far.

My smack talk/ posting in general will be limited for the next week or so. My company is being audited by the great state of TX, and I have to deal with the auditor's questions. What is funny right as we got the notice we were being audited, a TX legal firm contacted us to ask if we needed assistance because TX reams everyone on there audits. Too funny when you think of all the BS UnderAlls and FilliSquirrel talk about there "great state". I had a huge burn of there state and team I was going to post but did not want to push my warning up any further.
sounds like good bs to me. I don't think being matter of fact about that would be too bad, and I wouldn't think you need worry about your zebra, but let's face it, Tennessee and California are both having heaps of trouble getting things done on a state governmet level and it shows by some of the things we vote on.

I don't know if either of them is astute enough to recognize that as somewhere to latch hold, they would likely blow off their history books and tell us that it turns out that davey crocket was a fag or something along those lines... I don't know, if someone ran that at me I'd tear them a new :banned:.

Hey, if Thunderkyss ever shows back up, post pictures of hot beer comercial bimbos (with cute indulgent captions) just to see if you can get a read on her. I just do a little song and dance and don't blast away. She's nothing like this FILO. She's a freakin moron dude. Smoke hemp. Please. Uh lady, hemp is legal and it is not marijuana, and you should know all about that being all lovey dubby with Texas so uh... moo.

And what the hell is this belly acheing with her stupid blog? I mean, what the hell? You leave a text box on your website, promote it and invite people in, what do you expect? People are going to write :banned: WTF? Who cares about this smack troll who behaves smacking your Oprahs book club blog? So what? :rolleyes:Dude, we have free reign on fat jokes with her now. She just says... give me a beer! give me a beer! Uhh... beer makes chicks fat.

I figured out a long time ago that underalls is a gigantor, long before he put out that avatar. Even if that isn't his pic, he still comes across as a guy that 260+lbs. One day I ran some Of Mice and Men smack at him. He caught it put I knew he would since he told me he majored in journalism. I can still picture him walking around petting a dead mouse. :lol:
Blazing Arrow 1 Texas Auditors 0

I got the dude in a head lock and said "who's your daddy?!!"

Who runs a tight ship?

THIS GUY!!:ha:
Since Overalls and his pimp gallery of milkmaids have such a problem with actual moderation... I trolled him out where moderation is all but absent...

anyhow, if you want to pop off a shot of your own... follow this reference link and register. I'd like to build my referral count. Besides, it will come in handy when Vince runs wild all over the Colts! <---click that link to register on the forum.
Hey SRs... I got banned about a week ago on that ******ty Ravens board.... I was in the middle of a straight up ballistic exchange and as usual, they constantly cussed me out.... I don't cuss and I still got into their livers with straight alcohol.... They banned me until the end of July..... The junk was hilarious.... I told them they would ban me from jump street and thus...... Carry on the good fight.... Yo, BP and all SR experts email me at [email protected].... BP I still need to figure how to post video because I have the ultimate insult video for Ravens fans..... Put it this way, the subject of the video I have can be either the mascot, the captain of the Ravens cheerleaders, or here is my suggestion.... Use it as an example of just how bad a beatdown the Titans thumped on the Ravens last year..... Let them know they are owned... Peace Out.... WU
I like to mess with the Jags. Jags&Dawgs is an idiot. He rests his case. It's a good thing because his case doesn't have any legs. I give them a little bit of suck up when it doesn't mean that I have to talk down the Titans in any way and they just fold. They have no answer for 1999. That has to be one of the most humbling experiences for any NFL team ever. 3 losses in 1 year to the same team.

At any rate... here's the fun.

Bottom line is that they have to admit that we were the superior team that year. I just can't believe some dork opened the door to talk about it again.
Ok now we are talking Jag smack talk is like taking candy from a baby. I am sure I just started up some hate for me with my last post. :ha:

The funny thing is I can almost hear there responses and the will only dig a bigger whole. :evil:
check this post out from Swing...

Originally Posted by SwingOnDeezBalz

To respond to your Jaguars concern, I just don't have much respect for them. They're not a team that should beat us, ever. Sure, they could beat us 1 out of 2 games, but they shouldn't.

I'd call their defense a step above marginal, and I'll gladly call their offense garbage.
-Byron Leftwich blows dogs for quarters,
-Fred Taylor is over the hill and gets hurt every five minutes,
-they've got a quarterback playing wide receiver,
-and their best weapon, Jimmy Smith, is 38 years old. That's 3 years older than Marvin, and he was never in Marvin's league EVER to begin with!

Furthermore, don't use the playoffs as a judge by how strong divisions are because the Chargers were flat out ROBBED of the playoff spot occupied by the Jaguars.

The Faguars fricken suck dude. You ever tried runnin' with the faguars in Madden? If so, you know what it's like to break a controller.

OH, and I had to throw in an edit for this blip:
You ever been to the message board at Their fans are a bunch of fat, doughnut-eating slobs with terrible skin that watch Knightrider on black and white TV's while pretending to drive "Kit" with garage sale-bought Fisher Price steering wheel columns, with a phat wad of biscuits 'n gravy flavored Timberwolf in their lower lip. I mean, THAT is a low life bunch of condom chewers. If I saw a herd of Faguars fans face off in a brutal session of fist to cuffs in a carnival parking lot against an equal number of Patriots fans, I would CHEER for the PATRIOTS FANS!! Sure, they'd get killed; they're weak, liberal, and two parts French, but nonetheless, I'd pull for their gay asses if they were fighting the shame of Jacksonville.

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