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I am new to this forum but I have been a Titans fan for years. I have lived in Nashville my whole life and was one of those people who were thrilled when the Oilers moved here- it was as if we finally had arrived. I was very proud that our new NFL team was able to go to a Super Bowl- and I was just as proud after that game to call myself a Titans fan. For years we were blessed with a very good team- in truth we were spoiled. But regardless I was always proud to be a Titans fan. I don't know if I can say that anymore.
Not because we've had bad seasons, but because of the way the front office has handled our veteran players.
I know, I's time for me to take off my blinders and look at the facts- but what are the facts? What is real here verses what the team would want us to see?
Fact#1- Steve McNair hasn't played like an MVP for a long time and doesn't rate the fat contract money negotiated earlier in his career. FACT: The Titans have dealt away 2 of the 4 best targets (Mason & McCareins) Steve had as a MVP and another retired after Steve's MVP season (Wychek). Add to this changing offensive coordinators, numerous first and second year players on offense and defense as well as seasoned linemen making rookie mistakes and you get a mess that many in this organization can share responsibility in creating.
Fact#2- Asking Steve not to work out at the Titans training facilty is a smart move due to the cap hit we will take if he is injured there. FACT: You don't treat the guy who has a forty foot billboard on your colliseum like a chump...period.(oops, that happened before didn't it?) say call him to let him know your concerns instead of letting him show up at the facility and hear it from a trainer- while Floyd, Jeff and Norm are all in California looking at another quarterback. That's REAL classy guys.
Fact#3- Even if they wanted to keep Steve, his opinion of his skills are unrealistic. FACT: This may be true, but then again it may not. As a fan I sure don't want to find out that Steve had five great years left while watching him in a Ravens uniform. That disgusts me. But, like my good friend said earlier tonight, though he has ragged on Steve's performance Steve doesn't deserve the "Titans" treatment he's getting. It boggles my mind that Adam Jones can get away with the crap he has and our league MVP gets treated like an old pair of sneakers.

Maybe Floyd and Jeff should consider what our draftees are learning about how they are likely to be treated in the future as a Tennessee Titan.

I will continue to support the team, but it won't be the same. Then again after Steve is gone it won't be the same team.
Tungtide said:
Fact#2- Asking Steve not to work out at the Titans training facilty is a smart move due to the cap hit we will take if he is injured there. FACT: You don't treat the guy who has a forty foot billboard on your colliseum like a chump...period.(oops, that happened before didn't it?) say call him to let him know your concerns instead of letting him show up at the facility and hear it from a trainer- while Floyd, Jeff and Norm are all in California looking at another quarterback. That's REAL classy guys.

I don't like the thought of McNair anywhere else myself, but it sounds like his agent got the news beforehand.
dontdraftCutler said:
Memories of Randall Godfrey are springing up....

Memories of Godfrey only spring up if thats what you want to remember. I chose to think of the decision made on George, which was proven correct when he couldn't stay on the active roster in Dallas.
That's a nice long post there fella. I read every word and on the whole I didn't like it. Sure, this team has got problems and growing pains and such... I think you are not looking to the future... because the Tennessee Titans are going to be a superior team again... just get off the bandwagon already if you are so disenchanted... I'm going to ride this out with my team and keep hoping.

I'm not going to cry over spilled milk and not every decision the FO has made is horrible... suck it up. Losing stinks but for the love of God don't whine about it.
Fact#3- Even if they wanted to keep Steve, his opinion of his skills are unrealistic.
opinion and fact... ahh... I see... :suspect:
Pretty brutal critique of the post there BP. Didn't see it as whiny at all...I think he may be more in line with a lot of long term Titans and what they are thinking of the whole way this has gone down than a minority of those who are willing to distill this down to nothing more than a cap number. Personally I also believe you don't simply treat McNair as an unfortunate victim of the bottom line. The Titans knew this was going to be their stance...they should have told Bus and Steve what they were thinking before the offseason program geared up once they realized the contract was not going to get worked out.

Its like Wycheck said yesterday morning, it was at times when Steve had difficulty walking off the bus on his own because of the pain he was in yet gutted it out and went out and won the game for the Titans that defines the dedication and effort the guy put into doing his part for the team. You would think a cell phone call from Underwood or Reese would have been the least they could do.

BTW...if you eat up almost half a meg of server space every time your "video signature" is posted then I hope you are kicking in some $$ to TJ.
Everyones opinion is different, however, I don't think he is whining, he is just saying what some Titan fans are thinking right now about what has happened.

I know a Titan fan that will stop supporting the team as much as he used to, if Mcnair is no longer a Titan.
Tungtide said:
Maybe Floyd and Jeff should consider what our draftees are learning about how they are likely to be treated in the future as a Tennessee Titan.
Now that I don't agree with, I think this situation with Mcnair won't happen, the Titans won't do this again, I'm sure of that.

Owner and Player Greed is Killing the Game!!!
It is a game for 60 minutes, 16 times a year. For the other 23 hours on those days and the 349 other dates on the calendar, it is a business.

And sometimes BAD business.
LazyManJackson said:
I know a Titan fan that will stop supporting the team as much as he used to, if Mcnair is no longer a Titan.

Then you are not a Titans fan to start with. :sad2:

McNair is part of the team. He is not the TEAM.
I want to move on. I only take serious issue with fact #3.
I'm Mr. Friendly... you know that...

McNair has my support if the FO takes him in the fold.
What I don't get is that almost every Titan fan in here is acting like this only happens in Nashville. Comeon, it happens all the time in every other club in the NFL.
That was the innitial point of my message. We have been spoiled here, and part of why I am frustrated is, in truth, the nature of business in the NFL. Business is business and everyone- Floyd, Buss, Steve, Jeff- are aware of this. However, bad form is also bad form, and the way the front office handled this is not professional or respectful of either Steve or the fans they have spent eight years endearing him to. If they want to manipulate each other that is fine, but WE buy the tickets in the Colliseum and pay those fat paychecks that are in dispute.
Titans should be MORE BRUTAL with their players IMHO.

guys that cannot stay healthy should be cut when the CAP allows. Thinking Schfino here but toss in Calmus ect.

Next Titan to try and knock a guy down instead of wraping up and TACKLING should be cut on the spot and excorted off the property during the game. OK I kid but this D is total marshmellow and their lack of effort in tackling is the ultimate reflection of the finesse D imposed by SGWB Schwartz

Back on point: Titans should be very selective about who gets a second contract. The guys they want should not be allowed to make it into their FA/RFA year. Instead they should be locked up for the prime of their career before then.

I just think the Titans have been and continue to be too loyal to guys who no longer show the goods on sundays.
Tungtide said:
However, bad form is also bad form, and the way the front office handled this is not professional or respectful of either Steve or the fans they have spent eight years endearing him to. If they want to manipulate each other that is fine, but WE buy the tickets in the Colliseum and pay those fat paychecks that are in dispute.

"WE" you got a mouse in your pocket :brow:

Speak for yourself. It doesn't bother me at all they did what they did. It isn't like McNair hasn't gotten paid. The NFL is a business. It happens in all types of business
GoT said:
Titans should be MORE BRUTAL with their players IMHO.

guys that cannot stay healthy should be cut when the CAP allows. Thinking Schfino here but toss in Calmus ect.

Next Titan to try and knock a guy down instead of wraping up and TACKLING should be cut on the spot and excorted off the property during the game. OK I kid but this D is total marshmellow and their lack of effort in tackling is the ultimate reflection of the finesse D imposed by SGWB Schwartz

Back on point: Titans should be very selective about who gets a second contract. The guys they want should not be allowed to make it into their FA/RFA year. Instead they should be locked up for the prime of their career before then.

I just think the Titans have been and continue to be too loyal to guys who no longer show the goods on sundays.

The above post is dead on:thumb:
IT'S A JOB! So what if Steve played like a warrior and had to get helped off the bus....etc.

Your boss gonna keep you around when the budget gets cut just because you served beans at the company picnic or worked an extra shift? You get paid your salary (or wages) for the doing the job you're expected to do at the time you're expected to do it.

All this discussion about "loyalty" and "class treatment" is ridiculous. The way things have gone done with Steve is the nature of the business- he's playing the business every bit to his advantage the same way the FO is.

NFL players are payed a lot money (and alot from me as PSL owner) because ITS THEIR JOB! We too often forget that fact because we live vicariously and idealistically through them.
I'm a company man

Laserjock said:
Pretty brutal critique of the post there BP. Didn't see it as whiny at all...
I don't think so... I think it was a pretty brutal indictment of our front office... Yeah, I was calling for Buds head like RollTide was... until Brian talked some sense into me... If you can't have faith in the FO, then you might as well go root for another team. I'm ready to forget the past 2 years and focus on '07 and beyond... If Steve McNair is too good for the Titans... then I have no use for him. I'm going with the FO... even if they make me mad I'll come around...
Tungtide said:
But regardless I was always proud to be a Titans fan. I don't know if I can say that anymore. It boggles my mind that Adam Jones can get away with the crap he has and our league MVP gets treated like an old pair of sneakers. I will continue to support the team, but it won't be the same. Then again after Steve is gone it won't be the same team.
our league MVP gets treated like an old pair of sneakers?
It's a "what have you done for me lately" business. :cry:
Ewker said:
The above post is dead on:thumb:
I'm with Ewker.
BTW...if you eat up almost half a meg of server space every time your "video signature" is posted then I hope you are kicking in some $$ to TJ.
I so did not want to touch this...:rolleyes: but I'm a head case... so I can't help it... I'll remind you that TJ sets the parameters for what a signiture can be... also... that signiture is not "yours" as you put it...(mine, whatever)
That signiture was painstakenly authored by Gunny for public use on this forum for support of VY... that is how I treat it and I claim no ownership to it... It is free to those who join the "Vince Young Movement" ... which I can't take credit for at all really... because Kami came up with the Witherspoon Movement... I honestly couldn't think of anything better so I ripped it off because it was just a good name.
I seem to remember people complaining that the Titans FO showed too much loyalty to Bruce Matthews... overpaid him at the end, and kept him when his skills were clearly in decline. Now everyone is screaming about how they are treating McNair. You cant have it both ways Titans fans.
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