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Riverman said:
IT'S A JOB! So what if Steve played like a warrior and had to get helped off the bus....etc.
Is it part of the job for players to be leaders on the team? How about these volunteer workouts? How about visiting hospitals and schools to better the community? How about playing hurt on gameday? How about wanting to win?

That stuff cuts both ways.

No business I know of survives for a long time without doing good business. Sure, cuts are made during tough times but how that is handled can go a long way towards how those still working for you perform.
Part of my issue is also with how McNair and Buss have handled this. Until now Steve has always been willing to adjust his contract for the team. This argument is about who is our future QB. In the grand scheme even Steve must know he is in the twilight of his career. Two, maybe three years left. But if he truly thinks he still has it then he should deal again and prove it with the team come training camp. Until now this has been his team to lose.
My issue has been that the Titans handled this situation as poorly as how they handled Eddy George. Now I agree that Eddy wasn't setting the world on fire but neither has Brown or Henry- and what we lost in Eddy George as a leader on this squad may be much greater than the yardage he might have gained. A real dialog between Floyd, Steve and Buss could've made this process easier for all and perhaps the "bad form" I mentioned earlier could have been avoided.
Let me clarify for those that might have misunderstood me- I admit that as a fan I have some growing to do to get used to a process that fans in other pro sports cities have already learned.
Tungtide said:
That was the innitial point of my message. We have been spoiled here, and part of why I am frustrated is, in truth, the nature of business in the NFL. Business is business and everyone- Floyd, Buss, Steve, Jeff- are aware of this. However, bad form is also bad form, and the way the front office handled this is not professional or respectful of either Steve or the fans they have spent eight years endearing him to. If they want to manipulate each other that is fine, but WE buy the tickets in the Coliseum and pay those fat paychecks that are in dispute.
This I can get on board with.
TitanJeff said:

No business I know of survives for a long time without doing good business. Sure, cuts are made during tough times but how that is handled can go a long way towards how those still working for you perform.

Agreed. However, overpaying an underperforming player can also be divisive and detrimental to morale in the same line of argument. Allowing the "tail to wag the dog" is not good business. Paying McNair for all the games he didn't start or finish, the practices he didn't attend or the bonehead mistakes he made in the past is the counter to all the dedication and hard work he did give. McNair has received generously from the Titans for his "intangible" contributions.

Personally, I would have preferred a more direct line of communication with Steve. Truth is, none of us will ever know if this did or didn't occur or know what the context of any (if any) dialogue that occurred. I do know that if he wants to be Titan he'll need to take a pay cut and even that won't guarantee him a locker next year.
Excellent observation...

TitanJeff said:
Is it part of the job for players to be leaders on the team? How about these volunteer workouts? How about visiting hospitals and schools to better the community? How about playing hurt on gameday? How about wanting to win?

That stuff cuts both ways.

No business I know of survives for a long time without doing good business. Sure, cuts are made during tough times but how that is handled can go a long way towards how those still working for you perform.

I could not agree more. Very well said.

I think the fans just believe anything that is shoved in their faces. Anyone with some common sense can see that the Titans organization has made some bonehead moves, with this McNair thing being another chapter.

Now, the true test will be how the "new" class of free agents are handled after the grades on their performance are out...

If they are mishandled or treated poorly, well, that in of itself will send a clear message out to any other free agent looking to come to Tennessee......

Only time will tell:hmm:

Its already bad enough with them attempting to get it together to draft the right guys for this franchise....because if they screw this draft up, it will set this franchise back a few years.. and I dont feel ole Floyd has had some good drafts in a while...The jury is STILL out on all the draft classes from 2003 until present..

Just ask the Bengals organization what can happen if you are doing BAD business..:sad2:

Riverman said:
I'm assuming you're including yourself since you appear to be a fan.

Whatever dude...Obviously you took some offense to it...And if it did not offend you, you would not have tried to include me in my own statement...I mean really, your sarcasm is childish

I am not pointing fingers at anyone, but if you want to clump yourself into my statement, knock yourself out...:ha:

And yes sonny, I have been a Titans fan since the team moved to Tenn. That is what this site is for, the opinions of the FAN...Hello?

And Lastly...
You should Never assume only make a buffoon of yourself trying to defend something that is only conjecture since no one on this site is the owners of the Titans or any other NFL team..

You need to lighten up dude...
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Ratt1118 said:
Whatever dude...Obviously you took some offense to it...And if it did not offend you, you would not have tried to include me in my own statement...I mean really, your sarcasm is childish

I am not pointing fingers at anyone, but if you want to clump yourself into my statement, knock yourself out...:ha:

And yes sonny, I have been a Titans fan since the team moved to Tenn. That is what this site is for, the opinions of the FAN...Hello?

And Lastly...
You should Never assume only make a buffoon of yourself trying to defend something that is only conjecture since no one on this site is the owners of the Titans or any other NFL team..

You need to lighten up dude...

I'm not offended by your opinion, only the thought process demonstrated by your statement. It is egocentric to state "I think the fans just believe anything that is shoved in their faces" without realizing you yourself are subject to the same biases as anyone else.
Riverman said:
Agreed. However, overpaying an underperforming player can also be divisive and detrimental to morale in the same line of argument. Allowing the "tail to wag the dog" is not good business.
I agree. But the Titans are sending mixed messages here.

They ask for a commitment from McNair as far as participating in practices, building the timing with the young guys, etc. Then they lock him out and prevent him from doing just that. McNair's not even allowed to sit in a film room with the receivers. Could there not be some sort of waiver presented here?

Then they follow that up by being critical to Bulluck for missing a voluntary workout.

I'm sure this kind of thing happens all over the NFL. But with back-to-back pitiful seasons and the other things which points to a team lacking discipline and leadership, you have to wonder what is going on in the heads of Titans management. At what point do the players and fans lose faith that they can produce a winner?
Riverman said:
IT'S A JOB! So what if Steve played like a warrior and had to get helped off the bus....etc.

Your boss gonna keep you around when the budget gets cut just because you served beans at the company picnic or worked an extra shift?

No, but if you jump off a building for the company, they probanly will. That's what Steve has done for this team over the years.

Now it isn't my place to say they shouldn't lock McNair out, but I will say that it should've been done with more class. A personal visit, a phone call, heck, even writing a letter would've been better than letting the trainer do the dirty work.

I do hope they work this out with McNair. I'd still like to see him play another year or two with us.
TitanJeff said:

I'm sure this kind of thing happens all over the NFL. But with back-to-back pitiful seasons and the other things which points to a team lacking discipline and leadership, you have to wonder what is going on in the heads of Titans management. At what point do the players and fans lose faith that they can produce a winner?

I think this is the crux and impetus of the current situation. Both players and management are part of the team required to produce a winner. The team/organization is the only perennial facet.

The Titans have been losing games and will soon lose their economic base if something isn't done QUICK to turn it around. McNair isn't playing like he used to and he's eating a huge portion of the resources the management needs to fix the losing situation. Obviously, it has to change. The needs of the organization to get some more wins supercedes any form of etiquette, even for a dedicated champion like McNair. The organization just can't risk losing their ability to sign rookies and/or get free agents. The status quo isn't working.

It's a nasty business, but players don't seem to mind signing when they get their guaranteed money.
The Mcnair decision was all about liability. If Mcnair hurts himself and has back "spasms" preventing him from playing, the Titans have to pay out the butt, cant sign who else they want, and will have to release a possible valuable player to sign our draft picks. Can you say CAP SUICIDE?

This is a negotiations game, its going to depend on how rough both side decide to play. Mcnair brought all this on his self talking all the retirement talk in 2004, hell we didnt know who was going to be the starter this time last year. Now all the sudden he's got 3-4 more years left.

This is a chess game, and IMHO Reese is winning it right now.
Riverman said:
The Titans have been losing games and will soon lose their economic base if something isn't done QUICK to turn it around.
Nothing cures more ailments than winning. A lot will be forgiven once the Titans start looking like a playoff team again.

But until then, both sides needs to do a better job pandering to the fan base. If I'm not going to see a winner when I go to the Coliseum, I at least want to see a group of guys playing with heart and working to improve individually and as a team. I need to have some faith that management has the best interest of the fan in mind.

Want to lose more of your fan base than 9-23 the last two seasons does? How about booting the most popular player on the team out the door? That isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for wanting to put a winner on the field in '06.
TitanJeff said:
Nothing cures more ailments than winning. A lot will be forgiven once the Titans start looking like a playoff team again.

But until then, both sides needs to do a better job pandering to the fan base. If I'm not going to see a winner when I go to the Coliseum, I at least want to see a group of guys playing with heart and working to improve individually and as a team. I need to have some faith that management has the best interest of the fan in mind.

Want to lose more of your fan base than 9-23 the last two seasons does? How about booting the most popular player on the team out the door? That isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for wanting to put a winner on the field in '06.
:hmm: true and it makes me sad:hmm:
TitanJeff said:
Nothing cures more ailments than winning. A lot will be forgiven once the Titans start looking like a playoff team again.

But until then, both sides needs to do a better job pandering to the fan base. If I'm not going to see a winner when I go to the Coliseum, I at least want to see a group of guys playing with heart and working to improve individually and as a team. I need to have some faith that management has the best interest of the fan in mind.

Want to lose more of your fan base than 9-23 the last two seasons does? How about booting the most popular player on the team out the door? That isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for wanting to put a winner on the field in '06.

I agree with everything you're saying. I'm sure the FO would love to keep McNair around at a price the organization can afford. But let's face it, the 99-03 core (McNair, George, Wychek, Kearse, Rolle, Mason, etc) didn't get us back. We gambled with the cap- nobody was complaining then- to keep them together. We've been paying the price the past 2 years. Now that we are "re-building" a team to get back, it isn't in the organization's best interest to keep McNair at his present cap price. (I realize you know this.)

Honestly, it will be incredibly hard for me to swallow if Steve isn't a Titan. And it won't feel as good as it could if the Titans start winining again without him around. My proudest moments as a Titans fan were during the '02 run when McNair was giving defenses fits "tucking and running" and throwing darts to Mason and McCareins.

Imagine the roar during the pre-game introduction if McNair re-structures and remains a Titan.
Want to lose more of your fan base than 9-23 the last two seasons does? How about booting the most popular player on the team out the door? That isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for wanting to put a winner on the field in '06.[/QUOTE]

THAT'S the point I was getting at. Right on Jeff!!

Great name by the way (Tungtide aka also a Jeff) :))
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