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The gunman who ambushed and murdered two NYPD officers as they sat in their squad car Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn vowed to kill police in a number of social media posts that vowed retaliation for the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, authorities said.

The suspect

Police identified the shooter as Ismaaiyl Brinsley.

He arrived in New York from Baltimore, but had a residence in the Atlanta suburb of Union City, Georgia. Bratton said that Brinsley was somehow connected to Brooklyn, but would not discuss that information.
Police were investigating posts Brinsley allegedly made on social media.
There was at least one post threatening to kill police on an Instagram account in his name, connected to the threat with the poster's anger at the high-profile deaths of African-Americans Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

In my opinion these deaths lay squarely in the hands of AL Sharpton, and his ilk. I also figure that Ultra liberal Mayor DeBlasio can take a part of it.

This is not going to end well, either the cops will crack down hard or they will totally pull out of the "high crime" areas of the city. Either way it is not going to be good.
In my opinion these deaths lay squarely in the hands of AL Sharpton, and his ilk. I also figure that Ultra liberal Mayor DeBlasio can take a part of it.

This is not going to end well, either the cops will crack down hard or they will totally pull out of the "high crime" areas of the city. Either way it is not going to be good.

I agree with this.

I saw this and felt absolutely disgusted.

I was on the way to work tonight and listening to talk radio. Today I managed to find one directed towards urban blacks, and the mindset certain people have is unbelievable. The subject was how blacks have been ingrained for 'hundreds of years' to not trust police officers. While I agree with *SOME* of that, you cannot try to pin a social justice movement with people who have been killed while committing crimes.

Maybe you have heard about the police raid where a SWAT team burnt up a baby with a flash bang. Kid has some serious burns and will end up with millions of dollars in health care bills. This was because of a no knock raid for drugs, and they got bad intel. It is barely even being talked about. The county is refusing to pay because of some obscure law.

Point being, is that race relations, especially between law enforcement, is so fucked now. I 100% blame the Sharpton's and Jackson's, chasing a paycheck under the guise of justice.
This is not going to end well, either the cops will crack down hard or they will totally pull out of the "high crime" areas of the city. Either way it is not going to be good.
I don't think this will happen. I think for the most part cops are professionals and will go about their business. It still wouldn't surprise me if there are a few to seek revenge, but the majority will not. Death is an outcome every police officer accepts when they put on the badge.
I don't think this will happen. I think for the most part cops are professionals and will go about their business. It still wouldn't surprise me if there are a few to seek revenge, but the majority will not. Death is an outcome every police officer accepts when they put on the badge.
There was already a lot of tension between the "activists", the mayor and the cops. I think I would find a way not to be in the "high crime" areas if I were a cop in NYC. Wild, wild west here it comes.
There was already a lot of tension between the "activists", the mayor and the cops. I think I would find a way not to be in the "high crime" areas if I were a cop in NYC. Wild, wild west here it comes.
Nope. They won't back down and if they do, they shouldn't be cops.
I will even go one further with my predictions....some will try to paint the thug that killed the cops as a hero, they will say he just couldn't stand it anymore and did what needed to be done. They will also say that he didn't kill himself but the cops did it. Mark my words.
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This is the guy that did it. He also shot his gf that morning in Baltimore before going up to New York

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He posted this picture on his IG account I think a week before the shooting. It says speak to cops in a language they understand.

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He posted this hours before shooting the officers

View attachment 6100I believe this was his last post before he took his life. Also there is blood on his pants.
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This is the guy that did it. He also shot his gf that morning in Baltimore before going up to New York

View attachment 6098

He posted this picture on his IG account I think a week before the shooting. It says speak to cops in a language they understand.

View attachment 6099

He posted this hours before shooting the officers

View attachment 6100I believe this was his last post before he took his life. Also there is blood on his pants.
Gawddam. 460 likes.
Some woman on TV yesterday was protesting, and was asked basically asked, specifically, what she was protesting against.

Her response? It didn't matter what she was protesting, because God was the only one that needed the reason.
I can't say I blame cops really. Many are trigger happy and overly aggressive but there is a different class of people with a completely different mentality and idea of right and wrong that they are dealing with.

I think many of the social justice morons that are laying in the streets have little to no idea what your police force deals with in cities like Montgomery, Atlanta, New York, Memphis, St. Louis and Birmingham on a daily basis.

They go to work and patrol neighborhoods that are like to entering a warzone. The police are the enemy, they are targeted and they understand that they might never make it home.

Every car they pull over, every door they knock on and every call they respond to could be their last.

If I was a cop, this is one reason I backed out of it, I'd never take the chance that I'm not making it home to my wife and kids.

I know if I felt threatened, the gun would come out.

Am I going to let some punk or crazy asshole take my wife's husband or son's father away from them? Hell no. They'll die before I will.
These are the types of people who do not deserve a trial.

Take this f*ck out to a field and execute him... in fact, just shoot him in the knee caps and leave him there to die.

Not that I like Saudi Arabia, but at these they chop your hand off if you steal... no one steals because they realize the consequences are harsh.
These are the types of people who do not deserve a trial.

Take this f*ck out to a field and execute him... in fact, just shoot him in the knee caps and leave him there to die.

Not that I like Saudi Arabia, but at these they chop your hand off if you steal... no one steals because they realize the consequences are harsh.

He knew he was going to die that day.
He knew he was going to die that day.

Did the cops take his punk ass down?

Like I said, I want f*cks like this to suffer for a long, long time. Our justice system is weak as hell, and if we want crimes like this to stop happening, we can't give a f*ck about what's humane and what's inhumane.

These punks lose all their rights when they go out and do this type of sh*t... they deserve the worst, most painful death possible. Gotta make examples out of people like this.
This guy is obviously has a mental health problem.

We can't execute the mentally handicapped.

We have a mental health problem in this country.
Mental health is just an excuse... If you're that messed up in the head, you should be dead.

It's a favor to the public and the individual.
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