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Titanpride said:
I personally think Fisher is getting tired of it... first Reese selected Pac-man after he made it clear he didn't want him, now you have the Owner stepping in and telling Reese to take Young, regardless of the fact Fisher and staff wanted Leinart ( which he is the Owner, so he has that right )... but I personally think it was a last big F.U to Houston before he dies. We need to fire our scouting staff for the Mid-to-late round selections ( With the exception of Jesse Mahelona ). This draft class was a joke considering the talent we left on the board.

Ease up man, for real. To say Jesse is the only decent day 2 selection is far fetched. Have you seen Lowry and Tulloch play? These guys are hungry football players, something we need. I, for one, love the day 2 selections. I'll also bet you Tulloch wins the starting MLB spot and tears it up.
GoTitans3801 said:
For the things I'm hearing, I'd much rather have Young that Leinart now. Leinart has had a ton of publicity, but I will say I question his ability to lead a team at the NFL level. I've heard too many great comments from/about Young and his leadership. He even said he planned on coming in and, while respecting the vets, being a voice in the locker room. I want that guy on my team. He's a risk, but so is Leinart. Leinart's in a better position in AZ, but he's going to keep them at the middle level, never a championship. They'll make the playoffs a few times, but the guy doesn't have what it takes.

Yeah it's not like Leinart was playing in his 3rd National Championship or anything. He's a bum.
I agree with Overalls. If a guy played QB in 3 National Championships and won two of them can't take a team to a Super Bowl, then how can a QB that's never played in a National Championship game(not referring to any specific QB, just in general). Leinart has the leadership it's obvious. I wanted Young over Leinart, but I'd have been just as happy with us taking Leinart.
Worthless? No. But it's certainly no guarantee of success. And since this is a team game, QB's can be avg with awesome surrounding talent. On the other hand, the QB can be the one carrying the team.

Based on the National Championship game, Leinart played well though he was nervous or just off during the first half. In the few games he took shots, he usually was less effective afterwards. But in the NAtional Championship, he had a good second half even though he did get a good pop in that half too.

However, Young dominated the game...PERIOD! If you watch college football, you know when a team like Texas plays a team that is several talent levels below it. Young made USC's D look like that. He looked like a HS football player playing against little leaguers. And when you personally account for 400+ yards of offense, the game winning drive, the game winning play on the biggest stage against the best team in college football....that speaks VOLUMES about how good Young is!!!

So worthless? I think not. But he still has a lot to learn to develop that talent at the next level.

I'm not saying either QB is better than the other. It just appears that some are choosing to tout VY leading Texas to a champiomship as a sign of greatness while at the same time forgetting about ML leading his team to 3 championship games and winning 2. It's a team game so I'm not perticularly worried about either one, but they BOTH deserve respect.
I'd say that you could easily argue that Leinart was just 1 cog in a powerful team while Vince Young was much more important as an individual than Leinart.

That said, that won't hold as much importance in the NFL as it did in the NCAA.
adamwinn51 said:
GhostZ are you crazy? The Texan defense was not good in that NC game. As people have noted you didn't even come close to stopping Bush nor did you come close to stopping the USC offense. They put up over 30 on you. You had a very good and timely stop and basically ended up with the ball last and in the hads of someone USC had no answer for. I agree about the rose colored glasses.

Texas' Defense was pretty good in the first half. We had a key 4th down stop when Leinart tried to QB sneak it, we had a great interception of what easily could have been a TD pass (and likely would have been against most college defenses), and we recovered the bonehead Bush lateral. Second half...they tore us a new one (primarily using White) until the last 4th down stop.

BTW, Vince did not really try a lateral in the way that Bush did. Bush tried to throw it to some scrub way down the field who had NO idea it was coming. Vince pitched it to the trailing RB on an option play who was fully expecting it might come and who is used to receiving the pitch and who was along the sideline instead of the middle of the field. Vince's was not nearly as risky a play as Bush's was.
Hawk said:
Texas' Defense was pretty good in the first half. We had a key 4th down stop when Leinart tried to QB sneak it, we had a great interception of what easily could have been a TD pass (and likely would have been against most college defenses), and we recovered the bonehead Bush lateral. Second half...they tore us a new one (primarily using White) until the last 4th down stop.

Didn't White run for 100 yards and three touchdowns in the first half?
Titanpride said:
I thought having a opinion was the objective of the board. It's funny, the same people that jumped all over me for saying we should have never drafted Pac-man... that his production would never compensate for the problems he was going to create... are now saying " Cut him ", " what were we thinking".. ect. But I didn't know what I was talking about then either.
You didn't. Has anyone in their right mind said we need to cut him? I read just about every post here and I don't recall it. We almost all have concerns with his actions but only a blind man can't see his potential on the football field.

Honestly, do you really feel you know more about our draft picks than Reese based on reading a few bios and a couple of highlight reels?

I'm all for a differing opinion but that was a very broad brush you like to wield.
Hawk said:
Texas' Defense was pretty good in the first half. We had a key 4th down stop when Leinart tried to QB sneak it, we had a great interception of what easily could have been a TD pass (and likely would have been against most college defenses), and we recovered the bonehead Bush lateral. Second half...they tore us a new one (primarily using White) until the last 4th down stop.

BTW, Vince did not really try a lateral in the way that Bush did. Bush tried to throw it to some scrub way down the field who had NO idea it was coming. Vince pitched it to the trailing RB on an option play who was fully expecting it might come and who is used to receiving the pitch and who was along the sideline instead of the middle of the field. Vince's was not nearly as risky a play as Bush's was.

Oh, so you mean the play were Vince's Knee was clearly on the ground before the pitch, but resulted in a TD?
1) I am impressed with how many people responded constructively to my original post. I expected more flame. Here's to ya.

2) Leinart is and will be better than Young. If not for Vick, I'd be on the other side of the fence on this one, but I have seen way too many times how an athletic, unorthodox QB just doesn't cut it in the NFL. Young was basically the perfect college football player. So was Antwaan Randel El, and so was Vick. The NFL doesn't lend itself to that type of quarterbacking. Leinart is a proven winner, a proven leader, and has all the physical and mental abilities to be the next Carson Palmer. Young is too much of a gamble, simply because Leinart was available.

3) Lendale White is a fat slob who cares only about his paycheck. There's a reason why he showed up so fat and sloppy. He already saw dollar signs, and his effort is dwindling with each "$$$$" he sees. Leinart called him lazy. J.J. Redick met him last month and was quoted as saying that he looked like Mike Jones the rapper. I have no questions about White's performance as Reggie Bush's short yardage workhorse in college. I have many questions about his character and his current work ethic.

4) The Titans are slowly and steadily becoming the New York Knicks of football. Abandon your old faithful guys, and sign as many gang bangers as you can find.

5) Thanks for reading. Thanks for welcoming me at your site.
4) The Titans are slowly and steadily becoming the New York Knicks of football. Abandon your old faithful guys, and sign as many gang bangers as you can find.

are you serious?

you are basing this on Pacman and because J.J Redick met an injured LenDale White
TitanJeff said:
You didn't. Has anyone in their right mind said we need to cut him? I read just about every post here and I don't recall it. We almost all have concerns with his actions but only a blind man can't see his potential on the football field.

Honestly, do you really feel you know more about our draft picks than Reese based on reading a few bios and a couple of highlight reels?

I'm all for a differing opinion but that was a very broad brush you like to wield.
Since you read every post, you know that I was totally against the Jones pick... the standard fans were all over me for calling him a thug and that he was going to be a complete pain in the *** off the field for us. As far as Jones potential... his attitude will get worse as he gets better. All I heard was I didn't know what I was talking about. As far as this draft... absolutely I question some of those picks, knowing the talent that was left on the board. Just because I'm a Titan fan I'm not obligated to say " Great draft " when more than once I was looking at the pick with a big ?. Do I think I know more that the Titans' scouting staff... probably not. But with all the time, money and research I invest into the Titans' and football in-general... I'm not far behind.
SwingOnDeezBalz said:
2) Leinart is and will be better than Young. If not for Vick, I'd be on the other side of the fence on this one, but I have seen way too many times how an athletic, unorthodox QB just doesn't cut it in the NFL. Young was basically the perfect college football player. So was Antwaan Randel El, and so was Vick. The NFL doesn't lend itself to that type of quarterbacking. Leinart is a proven winner, a proven leader, and has all the physical and mental abilities to be the next Carson Palmer. Young is too much of a gamble, simply because Leinart was available.
First off, Steve McNair was a similarly athletic, unorthodox QB and all he did was win a league MVP trophy in 2003. Donovan McNabb has done pretty damned well himself, as yet another example. Vince Young is not Mike Vick. We'll just have to wait and see how he'll do.

As for Leinart, he's no Carson Palmer. Even Norm Chow has said as much. Leinart was a great college QB on a great offense. So was Danny Wuerffel. So was Andre Ware. So was David Klingler. I could give you a very long list of pocket passers who had very high hopes upon entering the NFL who never amounted to anything.

3) Lendale White is a fat slob who cares only about his paycheck. There's a reason why he showed up so fat and sloppy. He already saw dollar signs, and his effort is dwindling with each "$$$$" he sees. Leinart called him lazy. J.J. Redick met him last month and was quoted as saying that he looked like Mike Jones the rapper. I have no questions about White's performance as Reggie Bush's short yardage workhorse in college. I have many questions about his character and his current work ethic.
We'll see what you are saying about him when he's toting the rock against your undersized Colts defense over the next few years. Say what you want about his weight, but anyone who saw him play over the last 3 years knows that he's a top RB.
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