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Jeff leave the stats to the!

Bragging that collin's finsihed 20th in passer rating about says it all doesn't it? There are only 32 teams, 32 starting QBs which puts collins in the bottom 37% or below average!. The fact he threw a lot of passes doesn't mean a thing.

If collins had put up a passer rating equal to his career number he would have finished 25th or in the bottom 21%. That isn't good jeff.

In 2004 collins was 27th in passer rating.:eek:

In 2003 collins was 26th in passer rating.:eek:

When john kitna, charlie batch and patrick ramsey have better career efficiency that doesn't say much. Add tim couch, kelly holcombe and gus freotte to the list of those QBs with better career passer ratings.. Ouch!

A better question is whether collins is an average backup or not.:irked:
#9 makes a great point...

Collins is 2nd only to daunte culpepper in fumbles over the last 5 seasons. His 13 fumbles last season is right around average for him.

Is that vet leadership putting the ball on the ground an average of once a game?

Fumbles is not a strong point of volek's game either but with a little arithmetic i came up with these numbers from 2001-2005.

Volek one fumble every 57 pass attempts.

Collins one fumble every 43 pass attempts.

For comparison purposes mcnair had one fumble for every 52 passes but like culpepper mcnair is doing more than standing in one place. How about comparing collins to another pure pocket passer like oh, p manning? Manning has one fumble for every 102 pass attempts.

You guys getting excited about collins starting on sunday? :gag:
RollTide said:
Bragging that collin's finsihed 20th in passer rating about says it all doesn't it? There are only 32 teams, 32 starting QBs which puts collins in the bottom 37% or below average!. The fact he threw a lot of passes doesn't mean a thing.
Is passer rating everything to you? He didn't just "throw a lot of passes" but was in the top 10 in total yards and TDs. But that apparently doesn't mean anything to you. You'd rather have those three-year completions to the TE that inflated McNair's passer rating last year?

When a player has the combined numbers Collins had last year, he isn't "far below average" no matter how you want to twist it.
the what? bunny just keeps going and going and going and going

RollTide said:
Very much like gunny i'm afraid to say.
Thanks, but trying to suck up to me with compliments will get you nowhere with me. I hate brown noseing.

RollTide said:
If hiding behind titan jeff or starkiller is the best you can do i feel sorry for you.
If hiding behind lies and slinging mud on people is the best you can do, I feel sorrier for you.

RollTide said:
i simply took up a cause for volek over collins.
By launching a smear campaign and personal attacks, typical Tide tatics.

RollTide said:
I'm the one with the opinion that is deeper than fisher is always right.
If that made any kind of sense, I might could reply, or not. ?

RollTide said:
I'm the one with stats on my side.

That's just too laughable.

RollTide said:
You want to take me on be my guest but do it directly not the sissy man way. This isn't the elementary school playground.
Then stop acting like you're still on a playground and calling me a "sissy". Are you going to kick sand in my face next big guy? :whoop:
You might not have been told, but personal attacks like this whole thread directed at me are against forum rules at
Ewker said:
SEC, I mention earlier that it is fairly split on who wants Volek or Collins to start. You can tell it too.
yeah, the results of that poll indicate that almost half think Fisher will start Volek and the other almost half think that fisher will start Collins. As I stated earlier, the premise of that poll was what was going to happen, not what one would do if it were up to them. What you want does not factor. Vince Young should not have been an option at all IMO. That choice must be an idiot litmus test... Vince Young has no business starting at this point.

I feel like I have clarity on the issiue. I expect Collins to start and I am mentally preparing myself for that harsh reality. I believe he will do better than Volek wil but that's not saying much considering that Volek is very sub par as a starter. I stand by my Vince Young angle which I've touched on in numerous threads. Volek won't get out of the way for Young the way the Titans want him to. It's becoming more and more obvious that Billy threw a hissie in Fisher's office and now he's in the doghouse and maybe he's going to be cut. I don't think he'll get cut. Volek has become the proverbial insurance policy.

ps-who wants Volek or Collins to start??? No, the poll is what will Fisher decide. I think he decided a day or two ago.
Hell be back when Volek picks up that cardboard box with his shower gel and hand cream in it from in front of BSP sunday morning.
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