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RollTide said:
Break down your arguments and you get something like this. Volek sucked. Collins is better. Stats don't matter and fisher's decision is always right even though he hasn't announced who will start yet. Not very analytical jeff.
You again find a way to twist words to suit your own needs. It's really pathetic and now obvious to everyone who reads anything you post here. Any valid comments you make get totally overshadowed.

I would love to see you point to anything I said which stated "Volek sucked". I never said Collins was better. I did say PRESEASON stats don't matter and, if you've read anything I've posted on Fisher for a while, you know I don't think Fisher's decisions are always right.

What a waste of time responding to you has become.
Starkiller said:
Is that supposed to be some kind of argument that Volek is the better QB?

No, it's an argument that Collins hasn't done anything that makes him a better quarterback for the Titans at this moment.
If nothing else, his leadership skills and over a decade of NFL experience is what makes him the better QB. Collins isn't a great QB, but he certainly is more of a sure thing than Volek.

Personally I think Volek is a poor man's Kerry Collins. If that's true, they why not just use the real thing?
His leadership?

I am not sure where you get that but his leadership has been questioned by team mates and coaches on every team he has been on.

Who ever made the argument that collin's stats are good and that they are better than mcnair's? Where does that come from? A quality nfl QB will regularly have a passing rating in the mid 80s range. Collins' career passing rating is 73.

People bash micheal vick for not being an effective passer(rightfully so) but vick is more effective than collins.

Collins' stats are bench material! He's not an effective passer and he sure in the hell can't do anything else.

Career passing ratings
Billy volek--87
Brian griese-84
John kitna--75
Tim rattay--82
charlie batch--77
Patrick ramsey-75
Kerry collins--73.7

Are you getting it now? Is it finally sinking in? That's not a hall of fame list i'm comparing him to there. They are bench warmers, bums! And all have higher rating than loser collins. Mcnair has a career passing rating 10 points hisger than collins and he was a great runner.

Someone needs to get a clue! Brian griese is a pro bowler compared to this piece of crap!

RED ALERT___RED ALERT someone save this football team from ruin now! I can't take another 5-11 season.
Collins' leadership!

8 losing seasons in 11 years!

Kerry collins is a poor mans tim rattay? John kitna?

Starkiller asks why wouldn't we want the real thing. Because the real thing sucks and loses!

RED ALERT kerry collins might be our starting QB. Nooooooooo!!! Mayday mayday someone send out an SOS, call 911 for a real coach!
Starkiller said:
Personally I think Volek is a poor man's Kerry Collins.

Volek hasn't even been a starter for a full season. Collins on the other hand has been the starter for plenty of losing seasons. Volek is a six year veteran, so the argument that Collins brings experience is pointless in my opinion - sure, he went to a SB, so what? He is washed up now. Should we bring Kurt Warner too?
Starkiller said:
First off, you should check out Collins' numbers from when Moss was actually healthy (he played seriously hurt in a number of games). Much better than his season totals. Secondly, Collins isn't the one calling the plays. He has to play the scheme the coaches (since fired) want to run.

The first TD by Collins to Moss was a tipped ball that only because Moss came back on the play tipped it to himself and then had the ability to catch a terrible pass that in all rights should have been picked. His numbers were bolstered by Moss. And Collins was the reason Moss got hurt in the first place. I posted the article in anther thread.

He does not call the plays but he decide which person he is going to throw to on which route. He always looks for the deep route never the middle guys that can get first downs. Then his first check down is always the back. He is not mobile enough to keep plays alive so its either a sack or a dump off. He was taken down 39 times in 15 game and had 13 fumbles, what do you think is going to happen with our O-line? I am guessing more sacks, more fumbles and more INTs.

In preseason when he threw that pass to LW near the goal line the one that was behind him? That is just typical KC. Does not lead the guy enough or put the pass where only his guy can get it. I know it is only one play but it just seemed to me anyways to represent everything I have ever seen that guy do.

Sure it did, like when Moss actually played versus when he didn't. Just look and Culpepper's stats last year post-Moss. Having Moss makes any QB better. But if your best argument that Collins is a waste is that he couldn't turn a receiving corps starring Amani Toomer and Ike Hilliard into an elite passing attack, then you are woefully misguided...

Amani Toomer and Ike have both been behind some poor QBs. Just look at there history. Dave Brown 54.6%, Danny Kannell 51.4%, Collins 55.6%, Manning 51.6%. I went to high school with Amani Toomer, he is awesome. You put him under a good QB who can get a pass to his WR and he would put up some amazing numbers. Ike is a decent #2 and has been his entire career. He is not great but does his job.
RollTide said:
8 losing seasons in 11 years!

Kerry collins is a poor mans tim rattay? John kitna?

Starkiller asks why wouldn't we want the real thing. Because the real thing sucks and loses!
And You would rather have Volek who sucks more and has never won. Smart decision. :gag: Hard to believe you are waisting this much time defending a guy who has failed every chance he's been given to start. I don't think anyone on here believes that Collins is, by any means, the answer to all of our prayers but he's the best we've got and your the only one that can't figure it out.
All this bickering back & forth about Billy vs. Kerry. Neither one is good enough to be our man long term. I still think Vince gives us the best shot at winning right now. Trade or cut Billy and let him move on. Collins is only a one-year deal anyway. If he can be Vince’s “Neil O’Donnell” keep him around as a #2 for a couple of years. Start Vince day one and let him learn on the go.
TitanJeff said:
I think Fisher is doing whatever he can to save his job and the only way that happens is if he wins. Though I see this move as one of the more desperate ones since the team has been in Nashville, I think it points to how unhappy they must have been with Volek. Maybe one of these days we'll know the total story.

Notice no one is beating the doors down to trade for Volek?

Desperate? Absolutely.
Maybe going out and getting some OL help might be the answer. Pinning the pathetic showing by this team offensively on Volek is ridiculous. Heck, they paid a ton of money on a WR we haven't even seen on the field yet.

As far as nobody beating down the doors to trade for Volek did you ever consider that Collins could have been had for nothing in trade and now a "desperate" coach decides at the 11th hour to bring him in. What other teams were beating down Collin's door? Besides, the way this coaching staff screwed Volek how can you expect any team to want to trade for him. I'm sure Denver would like him if they had not drafted Cutler.

There is one good thing about Collins. He is proven. He has proven to be far worse than average as an NFL QB. The jury is still out on Volek IMO.
rcarie said:
And You would rather have Volek who sucks more and has never won. Smart decision. :gag: Hard to believe you are waisting this much time defending a guy who has failed every chance he's been given to start.

After reading several of your posts, I do realize that you don't like Volek, but what you're saying doesn't make any sense.

Volek sucks based on what exactly? He has a better career PCT and rating than Collins, yet he sucks more?

And how exactly he has failed every chance he's been given to start? Isn't he the same guy that put up back to back 400 pass yard games?
Now IMO that post by B Arrow was a great post:wink2:

BlazingArrow#9 said:
The first TD by Collins to Moss was a tipped ball that only because Moss came back on the play tipped it to himself and then had the ability to catch a terrible pass that in all rights should have been picked. His numbers were bolstered by Moss. And Collins was the reason Moss got hurt in the first place. I posted the article in anther thread.

I can remember reading the same thing on either the ESPN or SI site sometime last season.
Look, I'm willing to concede that Volek is no ProBowler.

But the bashing that he's been taking here and the yanking that he's been getting from the coaches is absolutely unacceptable.

Star, can anything great be done under the Chow system? I don't recall any great McNair plays since then...who knows, I may have been in the kitchen at the time. Maybe he had to run for his life a few times?

Remember the great Chow offensive strategy? "Endzone? What endzone?" Play after play after play ad infinitum inside the red for nothing.

What Volek has done a great job of is following orders, and his commander sucks. After all the huffing and puffing about how McNair was so much better (which he was), he was completely disarmed when Chow arrived.

I remember that I used to be the lone voice defending Volek in the past. It's been nice to see that several others have since realised that Volek himself is not the problem.

The worst thing about this whole situation is that the coaches have surgically removed the heart of a guy who has been very patient in waiting for his chance to gel with a team. And you supposed "fans" actually expected this team to go out and light it up in the preseason? It didn't work, and so you react by throwing a loyal teammate under the bus because his name isn't McNair.

Most teams don't even start to get their act together until week 8, and you won't even allow week 1 if it were up to you. That's about as Chicken Little as it gets. I'm not even sure if Kyle Boller has taken the amount of abuse that this board has given Volek.
Toly said:
After reading several of your posts, I do realize that you don't like Volek, but what you're saying doesn't make any sense.

Volek sucks based on what exactly? He has a better career PCT and rating than Collins, yet he sucks more?

And how exactly he has failed every chance he's been given to start? Isn't he the same guy that put up back to back 400 pass yard games?

If i'm not mistaking I don't believe the Titans have ever won a game that Billy has started. There's one reason why I think he sucks. There's more to it than just PCT. It's not hard to have a high PCT when you don't play that much. Billy has a higher PCT than lots of Hall of Famers too, does that make him better than them? I doubt it. I think Billy sucks because I've watched every professional snap that he's taken with the Titans and he's never done anything to help the team win. Oh yeah, except for one game in 2002 when he had a good half. He chokes under preasure everytime. Other than having a good PCT, which is basically useless, what has he done? Without looking at meaningless stats and trying to candy coat everything name one thing that he's ever done in a game to help this team win???? I've already mentioned the Flacons game in 2002 so come up with something better than that.
Week 14 & 15 2004

918 yards passing 8 TDs 1 INT what else can the guy do for us? If we can not win with Manning-esk numbers me thinks the finger should be pointed at poor D not poor O.

2004 He beat Detroit

2004 week 8 against the Bungles 27-20 W

Considering he has worked second team his entire career he has put up decent numbers. I would like to see what happens with him knowing it is his team in a real game personally. Allot more then drowning with Collins at the helm.
What difference does it make if he thinks its his team or not? All the sudden he's going to play better? I don't think so. If he doesn't have the nards to step when he's called upon then why would he now. Plus, we've gotten a pretty good look at what he can do when it's his team. One TD against first string players while looking even worse... Hopefuly, this conversation will not mean much soon. Hopefully we'll be talking about how gald we are that VY is starting and neihter of those guys are playing...
rcarie said:
What difference does it make if he thinks its his team or not? All the sudden he's going to play better? I don't think so.

It's called confidence, which if I were a perennial bench warmer who though they finally had there shot and the team brings in a guy a week and a half before the season, I would have none. Come on now if you do not think that confidence for your QB is important I do not really know what to tell you but it is HUGE.
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