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Vigsted said:
No, my point is if they knew already then that Volek wasn't the answer for this year, why not bring in a QB at that point?
I don't know about all the details, but there has been talk about bringing in a vet QB for months. For all we know, Collins has had a Titans playbook since McNair was traded.

Vigsted said:
And I doubt that we're going to have a winning season just because we replaced Volek with Collins.
There's a significantly better chance of it. It's a new team with new vet leadership - players who know what Collins has accomplished. Football players who respect that regardless of being tossed out of NY for Eli Manning, and the circus in Oakland.
The Don said:
so, if the article is right, as of today his $1M salary is officially on the books. Is that correct?

What about the dead money now if we trade or release?

I heard Wychek on the radio this week say that we shouldn't read too much into the guaranteed money, that if we traded him the team he was traded to absorbs some of the cost. Now if he was cut, it would be all dead money then.
I'm suprised Rolltide is so against the Collins move. He's cheap. He's got a strong arm. He's seen a lot of coverages. What's the downside? How is he going to hurt the teams chances of success this year?
MadAboutMcNair said:
I'm suprised Rolltide is so against the Collins move. He's cheap. He's got a strong arm. He's seen a lot of coverages. What's the downside? How is he going to hurt the teams chances of success this year?

Bad accuracy, lead feet, unfamiliarity with the playbook and the players around him. RollTide can probably think of a couple more.

He's probably not going to hurt the team, but he's just not an upgrade over Volek. And from all account there hasn't been a fair competition to prove or disprove this. If they brought in Collins and had a fair and open competition as to who would be the starter, I wouldn't mind it, but Collins apparently given the keys to the offence without proving anything.
Vigsted, are you open to the possibility that Volek blew up and threw a fit at the notion of Collins coming in? Maybe Volek has hurt himself with Fisher... maybe Volek was unhappy that Vince Young was even drafted and was vocal about it at one point. Could be the case that Volek is on Fisher's $#!* list. Also, Volek isn't known to be durable. I'm sorry to bust that but there are plenty of people here that have expressed serious doubts about Volek's ability to stay on the field. Collins has at least shown he can start. Someone provided some stats somewhere here that illustrated that Collins was a more reliable starter than even McNair.

Now, going into a season with two qb's with approximately equal skills, wouldn't you want the cocky, arrogant jerk a-hole that is Collins who you know can start 13+ games for you and has led a team to a championship or Mr. Whiney fuss boy that wants the job handed to him because he feels it's his birthright when he has never even been a starter? A guy who refers to himself "just another wheel" or "a cog in the machine" or whatever lame kiss *** metaphor he is using this week? I've seen posts from people here that suggest that the team doesn't even respect Billy like they feel like a starting qb in this league should be respected. It comes across to me as if they have more regard for Young, who as much as I would LOVE to see play has no business starting at this point.

Bottom line is, Volek hasn't really done much and he's done even less in Chow's system. Chow strikes me as a guy that doesn't have much patience for horsehocky and that is precisely what it sounds like Volek is hawking. Plus, Volek needs some pocket precence... Yeah, I know our line isn't all pro but Volek was sacked 3 times in the same series. In the New Orleans game there were some throws that really made me scratch my head. Maybe he could get a little help from the other ten guys out there but it is so evident that he is not going to cut it. Collins on the other hand has decent stats over a period of years. In fact, the argument has been made that Collins stats are better than McNairs, and we all would agree to start McNair over Volek (except for Ewker and Mr. E) ... so that just goes to show how meaningless the stats are here.

I'm not really pleased with this situation at all. It is worth it to me to have a 50 million dollar qb on the backburner. I'd rather be where we are now than have McNair, less d-fewer FA's... +D'Brickshaw Fergueson. Collins might not be that bad. If we can get Brown very involved in the screen game and some things come together we might gain some measure of respectability. I am looking for the Titans to trade Volek away once a need presents itself somewhere in the league. If not we have the best #3 qb in the business. Either way I buy into Billy losing face with Fisher/Chow, etc... If I was in Voleks shoes I'd be so irate they would cut me. Then again I'm just an cocky, arrogant, jerk a-hole.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Could be the case that Volek is on Fisher's $#!* list.

Were you trying to say Volek is on Fisher's Special High Itensity Training list? :))

I like your point about the O-Line. The lines, O and D, are really where it's won or lost, huh?
I wonder if Fisher had anything to do with it. His hands may have been tied by the new guy (forgot his name). If Fisher had something to do with it then Yes he has lost his mind.

If the coaching staff after watching Volek for 6 yrs knew he wasn't a #1 why wait until the 1-2 weeks before the season begins to bring in Collins or anyone else. If you look at the preseason games Volek played less this yr than in the previous yrs!!!

If you look at the poll on who will start it is pretty much divided between Volek and Collins as to who we think it will be. Didn't the Tennessean run a poll about it also. I seem to remember one of the reporters going nuts because so many wanted Volek to start.
TitanJeff said:
Do those of you who think Collins isn't an upgrade think Fisher has lost his mind?

Bring in a washed up vet QB 10 days before the start of the season and let him start? What do you think? The only salvation for this decision is Collins might be adequate enough to get us a win if we can run the ball and play defense. Still, Volek could have done that. The main edge Collins brings is he isn't as likely to get hurt.
Soxcat said:
Bring in a washed up vet QB 10 days before the start of the season and let him start? What do you think? The only salvation for this decision is Collins might be adequate enough to get us a win if we can run the ball and play defense. Still, Volek could have done that. The main edge Collins brings is he isn't as likely to get hurt.

My thoughts exactly. I've liked everything Fisher has done ever since he became the coach, but this move got me scratching my head.

Oh fisher announced that collins will be starting? Why isn't on gotitans page one? As a news item not a so called staff report. You said He prefers collins over volek. I'm amazed that fisher has allowed you and starkiller access to their personal conversations you guys seem to know everything.

And since fisher is god like in all his decisions who are we to disagree right even though we have a forum here to give OUR opinions.

Volek's preseason performance matters because people are assuming he has sucked. This is a board full of sheep who just flock together and assume things, vague theories and generalities. What is wrong with breaking down his ACTUAL PERFORMANCE in games to determine whether he sucked or not? Where you at every practice taking notes on volek?

As far as vanilla defense is concerned we are also playing a vanilla offense. Every QB plays against vanilla defenses jeff not just billy volek.

Break down your arguments and you get something like this. Volek sucked. Collins is better. Stats don't matter and fisher's decision is always right even though he hasn't announced who will start yet. Not very analytical jeff.

I've liked everything Fisher has done ever since he became the coach

What about schwartz?

Jeff fisher is one of the gretest coaches in franchise history along with wally lemm and bum phillips. He has willed this team to victory with very little talent 4 times in 11.375 seasons. How dare you to even question anything he has done even if he hasn't done it yet!

Starkiller and titan jeff have been to all the meetings, practices and even the bedrooms of fisher and chow. They know the scoop and you and i are just ignorant fans.

Got that! Good!
Soxcat said:
Bring in a washed up vet QB 10 days before the start of the season and let him start? What do you think?
I think Fisher is doing whatever he can to save his job and the only way that happens is if he wins. Though I see this move as one of the more desperate ones since the team has been in Nashville, I think it points to how unhappy they must have been with Volek. Maybe one of these days we'll know the total story.

Notice no one is beating the doors down to trade for Volek?
TitanJeff said:
Notice no one is beating the doors down to trade for Volek?

Because no one in their right mind waits until a week or 2 before the season kicksoff to sign a starting quarterback, or at least as competition for the starting spot.
Vigsted said:
What has Collins done well other than throw a "nice" deep ball (something that is no longer a big part of our offense)?
Is that supposed to be some kind of argument that Volek is the better QB?
RollTide said:
What about schwartz?

While I agree that Schwartz has been an average DC at best, I refuse to blame him for all of the Titans' defensive struggles like a lot of people seem to do in these forums. The fact is that there have been plenty of defensive players under performing in almost every game for the last couple of years. When "professional" football players can't accomplish simple basic things like tackling for one, there's not much you can do as a coach, other than maybe enter the game and do it yourself.
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