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about Pac-man going to be a constant off the field problem when we drafted him last year. And it's well noted on this site that I was adament about drafting Cutler over Young with everyone tearing into to me... stating I didn't know what I was talking about, but could someone please explain to me or make me feel better about the Young pick before I lose my mind. I'm not wanting a argument... I seriously want a perspective that maybe I'm not thinking about... other than " He's just starting ", " He'll eventualy be accurate ".. ect.
Young has more potential than any other player in the draft. It's not about how good the player is today. It's all about how good they are going to be 3 years from now. 5 years from now. 10 years from now.
Starkiller said:
Young has more potential than any other player in the draft. It's not about how good the player is today. It's all about how good they are going to be 3 years from now. 5 years from now. 10 years from now.
Fair enough. I want Young to succeed... I really do, but watching Cutler at the Pro level so far is literally making me sick to my stomach.
I heard this talk locally in Knoxville this morning... "Cutler is so much better than Young. The Titans were such idiots to draft Young." Kind of funny how local writers/talkers/goobers read something in the paper and then it automatically becomes their own opinion.

The timing is too coincidental. Who spread this crap nationally?
TitanJeff said:
Pro Bowl? Even he admits he's looking at second-team vanilla defenses.
I agree, but so isn't Young. That being said... he dominated our first team defense... which I would have to contribute to a dominating running game and a defense with a'lot of 1st, 2nd year players.
Titanpride said:
I agree, but so isn't Young.
I think we'd all love to see Young lighting up second-team vanilla but I don't think that would mean he'd do the same against starters scheming to stop him.
Still can't believe there are people out there who take preseason even remotely seriously...

He ain't even played a game yet! Give the man a break.
KamikaZ said:
Still can't believe there are people out there who take preseason even remotely seriously...

He ain't even played a game yet! Give the man a break.

I agree, absolutely pointless in even discussing this now.
KamikaZ said:
Still can't believe there are people out there who take preseason even remotely seriously...

He ain't even played a game yet! Give the man a break.
Pre-season or not... Young is not accurate and the regular season isn't going to change that. When everything is said and done... I hope Young was the right pick and I was wrong.
Gunny said:
I agree, absolutely pointless in even discussing this now.
You let me know what we can and cannot discuss on the board refernece the Titans'... I'm assuming pre-season was for evaluating talent, depth, rookie..ect. I understand there's a lot of elements that is taken into consideration... I just wanted a perspective that maybe I wasn't thinking about.
Gunny said:
4/11 - 56 yards
11/19 - 125 yards
6/10 - 96 yards

He isn't exactly innaccurate except for the first game.
And don't forget several dropped passes, including the 60(?) yarder in game one.

I do really want to see Young play the whole first half with the starting defense in this last preseason game though.
No difference... I just would have liked to see him make that read and throw from the pocket. I'm hoping we see more of a down field attack in tomorrows game
This thread is insane. Name me the last rookie QB who was good his first year. Anyone who names Roethlisberger gets 20 lashes because they obviously didnt actually watch him play.

Palmer? Didnt play.
Manning? Sucked.
Brady? Didnt play.
Aikman? Horrible doesn't begin to describe it.

Seriously, who? You cannot possibly evaluate a rookie QB on his first entire season, let alone his first couple preseason games. That is ludicrous. What you have to evaluate is this:

College performance.
Observation of intangibles.

College performance? He quickly progressed from a raw, virtually uncoached athlete to one of the nation's top passers, statistically. His win-loss record speaks for itself.

Intangibles? Best leader I have ever seen. He is already winning over the Titans. His teammates would run through brick walls for him.

Upside? See above comment about his coaching. He got zero before he came to college. His high school's uniforms looked homemade; Houston Madison never goes anywhere, and he took them within a breath of the state finals. At Texas, the QB coaching is average and nothing more. He shot up the learning curve and quickly began looking like he did in HS: like he is playing ice hockey and he is the only one with skates. I expect a similar period of adjustment to the NFL.

You know how Tedford's QBs always bomb in the NFL? They are very well-coached and, as it turns out, had largely reached their upside when drafted. That is hard to tell. They look great against college competition, but how much will they improve? I think VY has not reached his potential by a long shot. Everyone points out how he is raw. He faced the same disadvantages in college.

My opinion is the Titans will suck this year. I know that is not revolutionary. They lack players in a big way. But VY will learn quickly and it will soon become "his" team.

I dont know much about Cutler, admittedly. He certainly has all the measurables. But I do know this: i have never seen a QB dominate like VY does. It is literally in all phases of the game. No need to take my word for it. It will become obvious to everyone, or I will publicly admit to knowing nothing about football. I have never believed in a player so strongly coming into the league, and I have seen some great ones.
Titanpride said:
No difference... I just would have liked to see him make that read and throw from the pocket. I'm hoping we see more of a down field attack in tomorrows game

I hope so as well. But based on the other 3 games it seems unlikely.
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