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Titanpride said:
Pre-season or not... Young is not accurate and the regular season isn't going to change that. When everything is said and done... I hope Young was the right pick and I was wrong.

IMO The regular season will change that, the game experience at the pro level will change things a lot, this isn't college anymore and Vince and the FO knows there is work to be done.. This reg season will change things drastically as will the experience he's had this pre-season, and next yr will change more... It comes down to time to make the right throw, or run or whatever the situation calls for... Matt hasslebeck was the black sheep of seattle because of INT's and bad throws, he didn't have time to make the throw, now because he's getting the protection in the pocket and making the plays he's getting respect.VY is a rookie and his upside IMHO surpasses anyone else in the draft.. You put Cutler or Leinhart in behind our Oline right now we'd be seeing the same problems... this team needs to protect our QB and let the timing and experience come to the future of this team... Lendale hasn't broken out yet either, but I dont hear people freaking about him, it will come.. This team right now more then anything needs to become a team..and get it together
Titanpride said:
Fair enough. I want Young to succeed... I really do, but watching Cutler at the Pro level so far is literally making me sick to my stomach.
It doesn't hurt that he's on a lot better team. He even knows that.
I know potential has a lot to do with it... but in my opinion Cutler had more pro level potential, and thats whats hard to swollow. Cutler appears to be this good now, with what hes been ask to do... whats he going to be with a year under his belt. Everyone says we'll reap the benifits from Young 3,4 years from now... wheres Cutler going to be in 3,4 years. I agree Cutler will be better and I was adament about drafting him over Young, but we got Young and I'll have to deal with that and try to be positive.
Look, cutler is going to alright/good but saying he is by far the better than VY is well sort of stupid right now. Look at it this way did anyone think cutler was that great when he played for vandy his first 3 years on a team that was beat up on, and beat down nearly every week except of course when they played the blind school. No. Yeah you could see talent but he was never a winner. VY on the other hand had a high rev, talent loaded college team around him and worked in a system that let him be...himself. It is sort of reversed now, cutler is working in a system that makes 1000-1500 running backs out of nearly anyone who gets the ball and that pretty much makes any QB's life much brigther, VY on the other hand is now leading (and I really hate to say this) the NFL equal of vandy, outtalented nearly everyweek with an OL line that is... offensive and not in a good way, a running back (C. brown) that hits a hole like your little sister and whose best WR is a slow white guy(Givens please get healthy) of whom it can be said will drop at least one perfect pass per game.
Cutler stepped behind a very, very good offensive line and has healthy receivers who catch what is thrown to them.

If Cutler was playing for the Titans we would be hearing the same things about him. Fact is our offense is not very good right now and no QB standing in the mini-pocket that Pillar and "will someone get me a cold towel" Olsen provide would be doing any better.

You assume Cutler will be showing logarithmic growth over 3-4 years yet in that magic crystal ball you find no future for Young. Makes no sense.
IMO, VY will never be the pocket passer that Cutler will be. Defensive schemes will be able to shut Cutler down. Cutler will never be able to work the roll-out and provide the mobility that will drive even the best defenses crazy.

Thus far you've seen VY restricted mostly to "pocket passing". That isn't really his strength, but he's done a pretty good job thus far (not as good as Cutler, but pocket passing is not his strength). When games are close, you will see why the Titans drafted Young. He has the combination of mobility and passing ability that will win the close game. Much like McNair, but will actually be better.

Chow/Fisher have kept a leash on VY running the ball to keep him healthy and more importantly to force/accelerate his defensive reads and passing. IMO, they are doing an excellent job of developing him. He is already ahead of the curve.

You'll be less impressed with Cutler as time goes on. I have no doubt.
When did the Titans get the O-line and players that Denver has? As I recall they were 13-3 last season and we were 4-12. If Young had as long as Cutler to pass of the blocking of Denver I think his performance would be allot better. Plus it is preseason.
I agree, Vince does not have the talent surrounding him that Cutler and Leinart do. If you look at all the "busts" at QB over the years, they all have one thing in common-lack of talent surrounding them, and a FO unwilling or incapable of providing talent.

What makes this crop of QB's so unique is that they are all good. All have good arms, good decision making ability, good feet, and all posess the intangibles like poise and leadership ability. The only difference is that Vince has triple A-talent surrounding him.

I would have hoped that we could have put together a team that would be competative this year-now I just hope that the FO will provide quality talent in the future so that Vince will not be labeled as a "bust."

It's going to be a long season...

Dude in 5 yrs this years draft will be shown to have had one of the best QB pools of any decade.

VY was drafted for his potential. Be patient man. He has the potential to change the game to the extent that LT & Reggie White did but at QB.His upside is astounding.:wink2:
The thing about Cutler that's different than both Vince and Leinart is that Cutler has never had to deal with expectations. Every game that Vanderbilt won was icing on the cake--nobody was counting on them (a la preseason games). Really not a big deal either way. If Vince or Leinart lost one of their games (even to teams like OU, ND, OH St), it was armageddon. So anybody that says they have seen Cutler in adverse action is wrong--every big game he won in the SEC was one he entered with absolutely NO pressure. I can tell you this, he'll start feeling some pressure once everybody gets their wish and they put him in the #1 seat. With the talent around him, he will be EXPECTED to win--and that's the type of game tape Vince and Leinart have and he has none.
Please. Fair enough to be a homer, but at least be realistic enough to admit that Cutler and Leinart are both ahead of Young at this stage, regardless of supporting cast. We all knew that before the draft too. The question who is better when looking back at the entire decade that they're (hopefully) likely to play.
dontdraftCutler said:
figures...coming from you. I can't wait till VY proves your sorry butt wrong. I'm be the first to laugh in your face.

at least I don't hide behind a troll name :moon2:

He knows what I am talking about :)
Vigsted said:
Please. Fair enough to be a homer, but at least be realistic enough to admit that Cutler and Leinart are both ahead of Young at this stage, regardless of supporting cast. We all knew that before the draft too. The question who is better when looking back at the entire decade that they're (hopefully) likely to play.
Though I've yet to see Leinart, Cutler is doing what you hope to see at this point. I don't think Young has been disappointing except for a couple of poor reads. Expectations are very high.

But you are 100% correct in that now doesn't matter and that only time will sort this out.
Cutler didn't have to deal with expectations??? Honestly tell me who else in that horrid Vandy team (God Love 'em) was expected to carry the team week to week. Four year starter and captain even on a sellar dwellar carries volumes. Everytime he stepped on that field the defense had one goal and one goal only. To stop Jay Cutler. At Texas it was to shut down the impressive run game and keep Vince off the field. At USC the primary goal was to shut down reggie and Lendale from bulldozing your line down. But not at Vandy, Cutler had a huge Target painted on him and him alone every game. Young will be fine but to sell Cutler short is ridiculous and you are a true homer if you can't realize the sceptics before the draft are doing a complete 360 on their evaluations of Cutler.
Cutler vs Young

I'm a Vandy fan and watched Jay for years and knew he had loads of talent and was a tough, tough kid. I think he will have a very good NFL career. However, Vince Young has so much potential that I agree with the pick over both Jay and Matt. As others have stated it's nonsense to compare them at this point in their brief careers. Pre-season is nothing more than a glorified scrimmage that lines the pockets of the greedy owners. I will admit that Jay is more polished right now than Vince but remember that Jay has an extra year on Vince and was a starter his freshman season. Plus Vandy's offense was more air oriented than Texas. It only makes sense that Jay is ahead of Vince at this point in time.
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