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Anyone ready to start compiling their "Best Of..." lists for 2011?

1. Drive
2. 13 Assassins
3. The Muppets
4. Attack The Block
5. Into The Abyss
6. Elite Squad: The Enemy Within
7. Rango
8. Warrior
9. The Guard
10. Hobo With A Shotgun

Close, but no cigar: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Young Adult, Rubber, Troll Hunter, Hugo, Tinker Tailor Solider Spy, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Midnight In Paris.
Drive was pretty solid, but movie of the year? Hmm... honestly I think the incredible soundtrack made that movie appear better than it really was.
Saw MI4 and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last week.

MI4 was a letdown IMO. I never really cared for the series, but I did like MI3 with Philip Seymour Hoffman as the bad guy. This one was a step back.

I really enjoyed GWTDT. Fincher is one of my favorite directors, so I definitely had to see it, though I admit I had absolutely no idea what the movie was about - other than the fact that a girl with a dragon tattoo would be in it. Rape scene was a bit much IMO, but I'm the one who always says that about rape scenes (and everyone disagrees oddly enough), so what do I know... I began to watch the Swedish version on Netflix the other day, but found reading subtitles and listening to another language to be annoying. I had a severe migraine with a cold at the time, so maybe I'll give it a chance some other time. I hear it's the better film.
Just saw GWTDT last night. Screenplay OK- too much time dedicated to character development. You "got it" after 10 minutes- kept developing for 30-40 minutes- too long. Otherwise suspenseful and entertaining.

I wasn't much for the story. Some serious "man-hate" going on. Only one male in the story portrayed as an honorable person. Maybe that's the fascination/sensation so many have with this movie.
Daniel Craig sort of mailed in his performance for GWTDT. It was the most mediocre thing I've ever seen him do...

Watch the original film, guys. Fincher's adaptation has NOTHING to add to it.
Oh...and my top 5

1) The Tree of Life
2) Melancholia
3) Drive
4) Hugo
5) Hanna

Honorable mentions: Tinker. Tailor. Soldier. Spy., Young Adult, 50/50, Moneyball

Still have to see: The Artist, The Descendents, Shame, A Seperation
Alot of people listed Drive in their top lists.. I just watched it and would agree 100%. Awesome soundtrack, Gosling was fantastic.. wish there were more driving heists, the first at the intro was nice. First half of the movie I thought was slow, but now it seems like it was done perfectly to set up the 2nd half. Wish the death of Nino was a bit more.. brutal. Loved it though.

Black Swan was alright. Nothing special. Way overhyped.

Much like the movie I saw this weekend: The Artist

1 word: Blah.

The movie basically spills everything out in the first 30 minutes and there's nothing left after that than the gimmick of "hey this is in black and white... and it's silent"...

Black Swan was alright. Nothing special. Way overhyped.

Much like the movie I saw this weekend: The Artist

1 word: Blah.

The movie basically spills everything out in the first 30 minutes and there's nothing left after that than the gimmick of "hey this is in black and white... and it's silent"...


1) I agree about Black Swan and Natalie Portman shouldn't have gotten the Oscar.

2) I agree to an extent about 'The Artist'...although gimmicky, it made me appreciate the greatness of Keaton and Chaplin a bit more. I think silent films hold a great importance in film history and it was nice to see actors carry a film for a change.
I liked the acting and other aspects of it. But the story was just so bland and never got out of neutral. If this were made in the era of silent movies, it wouldn't have survived 'til today- even for silent film buffs.

I saw Red Tails last week. It was pretty good. Some of the acting was painful. Neyo was funny though.
Dumb question, is Red Tails the George Lucas film?

I saw Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows.
Really liked it (and really love the music in those films), 8/10
he is the executive producer

Being an aviation buff, I am staying away from this piece of trash.

It looks like it borders on a blaxploitation film meets Pearl Harbor. Nothing like unrealistic action with a modern day twist on a historic group of people to rake in some cash.

I really dislike the entire concept of the film.
he is the executive producer

Being an aviation buff, I am staying away from this piece of trash.

It looks like it borders on a blaxploitation film meets Pearl Harbor. Nothing like unrealistic action with a modern day twist on a historic group of people to rake in some cash.

I really dislike the entire concept of the film.


You say the same about that one?
I honestly never even heard of it until this new one came out. I have heard nothing be good things about it so I will probably get around to watching it sometime.
Project NIM
Very good, heartbreaking doc.
Thank god for Dead Head Bob.

[ame=""]Project Nim - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
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