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Well... Alex has a point.
This one had better casting and what could have been a better villain, but...honestly it had almost as bad of an editing problem as Prometheus did.


How did Peter manage to order Oscorp's experimental web juice? Did he use Ben's credit card? Did he steal it?

Why do iguanas and chameleons feel drawn to Connors' sewer lab?

Where did Mr. Rasha(?) go after Peter saved him from a giant lizard attack? Did he manage to deduce that the giant lizard that attacked him might possibly be the herpetologist back at his lab who experiments with DNA splicing?

Is there a secret door into Connors' jail cell?

Where in the hell is Peter's big secret backstory that we were supposed to hear? Given that Peter is probably not the only one to wander into a room full of hundreds of experimental radioactive spiders and thus probably not the only one to get bitten, why is he the only one who turns into a superhero? Does this have something to do with all his dad's drawings?

Who sympathizes with a guy who says things like "(broken promises) are the best kind!"? There's a fine line between wittily sarcastic and being an a-hole, but this Peter Parker stayed well on the side of the latter.

The trailers feature some menacing voice asking Peter if he knows just what he is (or some such revelation), but that scene never happens. There's actually no revelation at all.

These are a few of the many things that bugged me as I was watching it; that and the lack of any real humor.

Extra points to anyone who saw the foreshadowing of Gwen's demise.
********SPOILERS (because I am not writing in eye bleeding light blue)********

There's a big conspiracy on Connors boss and the back story and interference from Sony.

In the trailers before the movie released, there is a scene where his boss confronts him in the sewer. Presumably, Connors kills him.
I think the scene where he appears from the sewers and gets shot is after he kills him. That part seemed disjointed.

The door to the cell is just a teaser and was probably Osborn (though Irfans says it wasn't), there is also lightning which people think it means it's Electro (I don't remember if there was and I doubt he would be it).
Whoever and whatever, I suspect they removed part of the story to make it for Amazing Spider-man 2. The movie would probably push 3 hours if it included all that was missing.

As for the lizards - Excuse plot.
It wasn't perfect but for a Spiderman movie it was good.

Better than the other three.
I caught Spiderman 2 the other day and remembered how good it was. This one was as good if not slightly better than 2. 2 is up there just because of Doc Oct. That was one of the better portrayals of a comic villain ever. The average first film and the disaster third film killed the trilogy for me. Not to mention Spiderman and MJ were horribly cast.

Doctor Octopus is up there with Ledger's Joker, Hiddleston's Loki and Fassbender's Magneto. (McKellen was good too)
The door to the cell is just a teaser and was probably Osborn (though Irfans says it wasn't), there is also lightning which people think it means it's Electro

Well, there's another big hole there besides the door: suddenly they're talkin all this crap about "does the boy know?" It just makes no sense at all with what the movie provided as given information.
I know some forums have a built in code for spoilers with a certain tag. Maybe Maybe we could get someone to look into it since the movie and video game threads are pretty popular.
Well, there's another big hole there besides the door: suddenly they're talkin all this crap about "does the boy know?" It just makes no sense at all with what the movie provided as given information.

Well Peter knew he was on to something (or we knew as the audience). I'm pretty sure Connors mentioned something along those lines at some point.
The Wrestler 8/10

This role was made for Mickey Rourke and he nailed it, also Marisa Tomei has the best mid 40's t*ts, up there with Halle Berry's. All around good movie, great ending scene.

The Divide 7/10

One of the better independent movies I've seen. The only thing that held it back from being great was the lazy writing with the soldiers in white you see in the trailer. You think they'd be a big part of the movie, but they show up for one scene and you never see them again because their only purpose was for the ending to work without any strong ties to the plot.

Project X 4/10

I know it's a movie about a big house party and nothing more, but at least try to make a movie... Characters and dialogue welcome. Superbad and Risky Business had those, Project X did not. An 80 minute montage of people drinking and doing drugs gets quite boring.

The Road 8.5/10
One of the post apocalyptic movies I've seen. No recent post apocalyptic movie is able to give off that true end of the world feeling like this movie was able to.

The Avengers 8/10

A lot of fun from start to finish with just enough acting and writing. Movie did a great job of dividing screen time for each hero and they all had their moment.
Well... Alex has a point.

As much as (i think) you enjoyed that brief Prometheus clip I posted, you should really check out Red Letter Media and their Half-in-the-bag clips. They just did one on this new Spiderman.

My favorite part was when they quoted the director and he said "3d" about 12 times in a 2 paragraph statement about the movie.
Hellz yea.

No Deadpool movie. The game looks sick though.

Guardians of the Galaxy has the potential to be amazing.

Really? I'm hoping Deadpool will at least be in the next X-Men movie. The Wolverine movie sucked, but Ryan Reynolds was the lone bright spot, he was born to play Deadpool.
Read a review of TDK Rises today. As a result my DK rose. I am really hoping that this thing is awesome because I've been disappointed twice in a row by summer blockbusters this year.
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