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it seemed pretty pointless in the end, what is it bridging together? is it just introducing spider man? what was the point.. all the others basically led somewhere.. for the most part

I feel like the break up of the Avengers was a pretty big deal. Directors have already said that the results of the movie will have an effect on the whole MCU for the next few years. Remember we have a Spider-Man movie and Black Panther movie both coming up within the next two years. Dr. Strange shouldn't touch on the events and Thor/GotG 2 are not on Earth.

As for deaths. I thought someone would kick the bucket as well but the Civil War comic arc only saw one D-list hero die. Cap was killed right after the arc ended. Two years ago I would say they would have killed Cap but Chris Evans has been expressing more interest lately in staying in the MCU.
The Big Short was absolutely excellent. Best movie I've seen in a long time and right up there with HBO's Too Big To Fail regarding movies covering the 2008 housing collapse. Has some pretty good humor in it as well.

No superheroes though.
Fantastic Four. I honestly didn't think it was nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be. Not great by any means, but entertaining enough for what it is.
The Big Short was absolutely excellent. Best movie I've seen in a long time and right up there with HBO's Too Big To Fail regarding movies covering the 2008 housing collapse. Has some pretty good humor in it as well.

No superheroes though.

Enjoyed it a lot more than Spotlight.

Took a headline event and made it entertaining. Spotlight was like watching people work. Just boring.
TIL that Leslie Jones, token black woman on SNL and new Ghostbusters, is 48 years old. Good lord. I thought she was in her 30's.
Yeah I found that out a few months ago. I find her so completely unbearable. She only has the I'M A LOUD ANGRY BLACK WOMAN schtick and it isn't even remotely funny.
Yeah that was a much better movie than I was expecting.

Opposite for me.

Very "meh". I loved the concept. And for about 20 minutes I loved where they were going with it. Then.... nothing. Writers got lazy. There was like a 40 minute gap of nothing happening. No jokes, nothing interesting... just nothing. Can't imagine how boring it'd be for a kid.

When they put sadness in a circle I was like "OHHHH.... yeah. I see where this is going. Nice!" thinking it'll help kids understand feelings and repressing them, etc etc etc.... but no. It was like "Hey we had a good idea, but it'd take work to execute. So nahh... here's an annoying imaginary friend instead".

Wish they would have focused more on the different heads like in the preview (Dinner table scene). That was good. But they do it once, and then never again.

Lacked all the charm Pixar flicks usually have.

had anyone else made it- would have been fine. But I expected a lot more. It was a dud in every aspect.
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