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"This jail-thingy is just crazy. The way I see it, it's worse to show up drunk in front of an club, than to use illegal, performance enhanment drugs.
It's not okay to show naked people on TV, but it's okay to own a gun and shoot someone in "selfdefense".
And it's okay to pretend to be stupid and claim that you didn't know that cigarettes/junk food/younameit was bad for your healt and sue the concerned companies for billions of dollars.

Let's move the NFL to a country with a decent moral code, where fun is allowed and stupidity is not being encouraged."
The Don said:
it's pretty simple to me that he has some major temper problems. I have the same anger issues, only to have kept them in check for about the last eight years or so.

Don't park near me for tailgating. Don't want no scrapping Rebel Boy....:grrhee:
Smash said:
This jail-thingy is just crazy. The way I see it, it's worse to show up drunk in front of an club, than to use illegal, performance enhanment drugs.
It's not okay to show naked people on TV, but it's okay to own a gun and shoot someone in "selfdefense".
And it's okay to pretend to be stupid and claim that you didn't know that cigarettes/junk food/younameit was bad for your healt and sue the concerned companies for billions of dollars.

Let's move the NFL to a country with a decent moral code, where fun is allowed and stupidity is not being encouraged.

Denmark has a "Moral" code?

Do tell.
skitch said:
He was told to leave and yelled at the PRIVATE SECURITY GUARDS from the car as it was pulling away. That is when a policeman stopped the car and he was arrested. Since when is that an "arrestable" offense?

It's called Disorderly conduct

Doesn't exactly make him a hardened criminal and taken on its own its really not a big deal -- but it is an arrestable offense, depending on the circumstances that led up to it.

I'm not splitting hairs over what he was charged with. To me, the issue is just that he had a chance to control how the situation would end, and he couldn't keep from throwing fuel on the fire when it was almost out.

It's the same thing he did on the field repeatedly last year, getting into it with other players and officials. And in the Gaddy incident. And in the locker room fight with a trainer.
Ewker said:
ok where is Ms Elf to defend Jones.

Maybe she was the woman mentioned. Odd that she is always around when things happen
You are incorrect, man!

I was NOT the woman mentioned. Pac and I ain't cool LIKE that. I'm NOT his ride or die chick. However, after hearing/reading all that went down, I'm supporting Pac on this one. If he wasn't in the vehicle that he was in, he wouldn't have been stopped by the police, nor arrested. In this case, I do believe that he was a victim of his own notoriety. Had it been Keith or another player, I don't think it would have gone this far.

Pac and his entourage were leaving the bar and he was just doing what drunk folks do: running off at the mouth at the Security Guards AS HE WAS LEAVING. He wasn't driving. He was leaving the place. No need to arrest him.

With that said and Pac has been told this, don't be a Mike Tyson. Right now, the block is hot for him and he needs to take a step back and let things cool down. I know as a 22 year old, he wants to be out and about on the town, but it's not a good thing for him. Also, bringing the party to his house is even a worse idea. If he has people over at his place, there's only a matter of time before some chick shows up at the Williamson County Sherriff's Department saying that she was raped while partying and drinking at Pac's house. With Pac's reputation, no matter the facts, people will automatically blame Pac.

He's still my boy and will still get sideways hugs, cause he tries to enjoy the frontal hugs a bit too much.:irked: Look for Pac to be on the sidelines tomorrow night, cheering on his team.:rolleyes:

TO EWKER: Seriously, do you think a girl with an Elf siggy and holding a wine glass in her avatar is a "Pac" kind of girl to date? I mean, if I was holding a 40 ounce and had like, a Baby Phat or RocaWear logo in my siggy, then that would make sense. He ain't ready for me, or maybe I'm not ready for him. I'll stick to my "chosen one" (shout outs to Gunny!) No, Gunny isn't my "chosen one" it's just a joke between us.
Disappointing, but not surprising. How many more shots does Pac get? This was beyond ridiculous a while ago, why doesn't he learn? ...Feeling sad now. I think I need some Reynaldo news (Pac's non-evil twin).
elfinmagic53 said:
TO EWKER: Seriously, do you think a girl with an Elf siggy and holding a wine glass in her avatar is a "Pac" kind of girl to date? I mean, if I was holding a 40 ounce and had like, a Baby Phat or RocaWear logo in my siggy, then that would make sense. He ain't ready for me, or maybe I'm not ready for him. I'll stick to my "chosen one" (shout outs to Gunny!) No, Gunny isn't my "chosen one" it's just a joke between us.

avatar's mean nothing, you can be who you want online doesn't mean you're like that in person

Even ho's can be classy :yes:

Logging on out of town.

This is not really a big deal. Public intoxication is a misdemeanor, I believe. No assault charges, no other offenses.

As far as character issues- this is just Pac being Pac. Getting drunk on his off day and not backing down. We picked him partly for that trait. I think Floyd called it "swagger".

Fisher is holding him out of the game- good move. Fish needs to the Pac-Daddy on this one. Nobody else is. Truth is- nobody but Fish seems to curb Pac's immaturity/self-destructiveness/naivity, etc.

I wish Fish or the FO would hire a personal assistant to party with Pac. Yes- a babysitter, cab-stuffer, mouth-gagger, media relations dude(ette). Someone to be a real friend rather the leeches with whom he associates.

Being benched for the following game is following Fisher's precedent-so let the Fisher bashing subside also. Some will make more out of this like his past "brushes" with the law and this one will die like the rest.

Good article should make Pac-lovers (like me) feel better:
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