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BlazingArrow#9 said:
It reflects poorly on his decision making abilities. That translates directly to his on the field performance.
That's like me saying that Peyton Manning is a horrible qb because he lays speech turds. If I didn't know any better I would think Overalls has guessed your password. :ha:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
That's like me saying that Peyton Manning is a horrible qb because he lays speech turds. If I didn't know any better I would think Overalls has guessed your password. :ha:


Well MVP QB vs a mediocre QB and alienating part of his team because of race not because of performance. There is a huge difference. Your comment stink of FiloGirl, but you forgot the "Y'all" :neener:
SEC what lie?

Collins was accused of making a racial remark. A remark that a player took offense to and divided a football team. He is an admitted alcoholic and it was dom capers who said he quit the team not me. I don't give a damn what joe paterno says in his defense after the fact.

Sorry but those are facts and you can stick them where the sun don't shine bubba!

How could something true be lies? All that is part of this mans history part of his resume.

You guys act like he's your brother or something. Maybe you won't be kissing his ***** after we lose a few games.
Regardless of those issues, which QB gives us the better chance to win games is what it comes down to. And I think it's Kerry Collins.
SEC is the expert on collins...

Some guy who has never met him


How many times has billy volek admitted to be an alcoholic?

How many racist comments did volek "reportedly" make?

How many fights has volek been in for a "reported" ethnic slur?

How many DUI arrests has volek had?

How many times has an nfl head coach accused volek of quitting the team?

I suppose that billy's high school coach would defend him if accusations were made against him but billy has never had any such thing. Billy volek doesn't need former coaches vouching for his character because he has no known character flaws and billy volek doesn't need a bunch a message board posters to throw a little sissy fit on his behalf. I will defend volek as a player and i don't see many of you defending collins as a player.
Face it the guy's a bumb!

RollTide said:
How could something true be lies? All that is part of this mans history part of his resume.

You guys act like he's your brother or something. Maybe you won't be kissing his ***** after we lose a few games.
Show me an example where I acted like he was my brother? Just more Tide crap thrown out there to muddy the truth.

Show me where I kissed his ***** (I'm not sure what those * add up to, but I didn't kiss anything of his). Show me a quote of mine that says I am kissing his *****. Since you can't, that's just more of your mud and lies. How do you get away with that?

You accuse him of being a racist and dividing a team, yet his former teammates say otherwise. And if you don't care what Paterno says, then I don't care what Capers says.

So what if he is a recovering alcoholic, he hasn't had a drink in 7 years? How does that make him a bad QB for the Titans in 06?

And please don't reply with words I did not say, or name calling or any of your other mud or lies. If that is possible for you.
RollTide said:
Some guy who has never met him


How many times has billy volek admitted to be an alcoholic?

How many racist comments did volek "reportedly" make?

How many fights has volek been in for a "reported" ethnic slur?

How many DUI arrests has volek had?

How many times has an nfl head coach accused volek of quitting the team?

I suppose that billy's high school coach would defend him if accusations were made against him but billy has never had any such thing. Billy volek doesn't need former coaches vouching for his character because he has no known character flaws and billy volek doesn't need a bunch a message board posters to throw a little sissy fit on his behalf. I will defend volek as a player and i don't see many of you defending collins as a player.
Go defend the consecutive sacks he took then. According to you one can take Volek off the bench, have him make one throw for a td and exit the game with a 158.3 passer rating and that makes him god. Volek looked like a sack of feces this preseason. Collins is no MVP himself but I can read between the lines in the news and it's not a reach to come to the conclusion that Volek threw a first class hissie fit at the mention of Collins to come in as competition. That is speculation on my part but it's not an uncommon perception by any means. As for these asinine queries you are throwing out... that is a bunch of horse-kaka. Lendale is spitting. Pac is public drunk... we have wife beaters...road rage, DUI's on both sides of the ball. PA-LEESE! Where are your posts from six months ago riding in with the morality police?
That's a bunch of mud slung bullcrap.

I'd like to remind you of something. I have read this entire thread. It is obvious in your numerous responses that you have not... however... the issue is not what you think Fisher should do... it is what you think Fisher will do. It is not "if I was Head Coach" ...

Also, read your own submissions if you are going to use them as attack devices. I have no problem with you attacking Collins. I really don't have any feelings for the guy. In fact, I started smack on him the moment I heard he was even mentioned... and that was months ago. I've been a big supporter of Volek but THE FACT IS he SUCKED badly this preseason. He's not the guy and I can tell by the way Fisher is handling this that something is "fishy" so to speak.

In regards to "who you think will start" ... I'll tell you that you will be proven incorrect in time, regardless of whether or not you THINK Fisher is making a mistake. Capish?

RollTide said:
Some guy who has never met him


How many times has billy volek admitted to be an alcoholic?

How many racist comments did volek "reportedly" make?

How many fights has volek been in for a "reported" ethnic slur?

How many DUI arrests has volek had?

How many times has an nfl head coach accused volek of quitting the team?

I suppose that billy's high school coach would defend him if accusations were made against him but billy has never had any such thing. Billy volek doesn't need former coaches vouching for his character because he has no known character flaws and billy volek doesn't need a bunch a message board posters to throw a little sissy fit on his behalf. I will defend volek as a player and i don't see many of you defending collins as a player.

Dude, you make no sense. Kerry Collins might be what you say, he might not, but that doesn't make Volek a better Qb than him. Stats don't lie. ANd you mean to tell me because Billy Volek doesn't drink and dui and whatever else you said he is a better qb? Lmao.
Mickey Mantle=alcoholic and Hall of Famer.

According to Tide logic we should bench Pacman and bring back Deron Jenkins, cause Deron was never arrested for Public Intoxication.
RollTide said:
I will defend volek as a player
Only if there's an argument in it for you,

Bear Bryant-From the grave.
RollTide said:
The problem with volek is that he's not getting better. He's not some kid that will get better over the next few years. What you see is what you are ever going to have. Perpetual mediocrity. We really gain nothing by playing him the next 5 weeks unless we honestly have a better chance at winning because steve is too hurt. I don't think dilfer is any better.

Dilfer's situation in balitimore was extreme. Perhaps only three or four teams in the recent modern history of the league could have won with him. 2000 ravens, 85 bears, 2002 bucs, 86 giants maybe. Similarly the titans will probably never win it all with billy volek. we need a top of his game steve mcnair or someone like that.
:moon2: delete that. I don't think I've even seen someone own themselves quite like that. You make me wish Gunnery Sergeant Hartman was here to make you drop and give him 50. Gunny, step out here for a free smack... or at least bring some toilet paper to wipe this mess up. :flush: Here's a bonus for you big guy...

Click Calvin for my Collins smack.

see... that's April... now that I have seen Volek in Chow ball... I'm with SK on this... Collins is gonna start whether we like it or not. I'd rather take my chances with a guy who won a NFC Championship 41-0 than a guy who never won, well, anything, except for your cheatin' heart. No, it's not ironic that the 2000 Ravens are mentioned in your post. That's just a coincidence.

OT: irony is more like Collins and McNair... compare and contrast that.. the superbowls.. the playoffs and the jerseys they wear today... I'm not going to break it down... just study the wiki article and you might get a clue.
As I see it one of three things will happen starting Sunday:

1. Volek starts and plays as well as he can. We lose a few win a few I am thinking 6-10, Young making a few maybe one start towards the end of the season.

2. Collins starts and shows you what a goon he is. By the break the fans are ready to run him out of town. Young starts in Houston we struggle maybe go 4-12.

3. Young starts and who knows .... maybe he picks it up fast and the offense buys into it we push a 9-7 record. ...... maybe he struggles but grows up a little faster. We go 6-10 but we play tough.
You need to come out with multiple outcomes for Collins starting. That would be interesting. I don't really want Collins, I just feel that the coaches think he is their best shot. It is hard to overlook how little time he has been here. There is 10% of me that is uncertain that Collins will start. If I were to bet I would place my wager on Collins. That is what the signs point to for me.
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