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TitanJeff said:
6. Reese keeps on poker face as he is off scouting draft picks.
The impending draft is what told me this whole snafu was all about Bud being a buttinski with his timing. Maybe he shouldn't mix metamucil and prune juice in the early morning hours.
Starkiller said:
But Cook wants to get McNair a contract with more guaranteed money that is likely to last longer.

Cook has one more chance to milk his best producing cows before they go dry. You better believe he is driving alot of the "mo money" discussion with McNair and "mo play" with Farve.
GoTitans3801 said:
TJ, just curious comparing this scenario to your citing of Climbers article, which concludes McNair is gone. Which do you agree with more? I think this scenario (above, where it gets worked out after the draft) is still more likely...
I still think it gets worked out.
Yvette said:
The impending draft is what told me this whole snafu was all about Bud being a buttinski with his timing. Maybe he shouldn't mix metamucil and prune juice in the early morning hours.
But where does Bud get this kind of advice? I don't see him waking up and just calling down to BSP. This had to originate with Underwood who talked to Bud or made it happen with his blessing.

I wonder if we'll ever know.
TitanJeff said:
But where does Bud get this kind of advice? I don't see him waking up and just calling down to BSP. This had to originate with Underwood who talked to Bud or made it happen with his blessing.

I wonder if we'll ever know.

Jeff, Bud's done stuff like this dating back to the '70's. Firing Bum Phillips is one of his "seat of your pants" moves. He doesn't get advice. He doesn't think sometimes, he just reacts.

Chances are, if Fisher and Reese were in town, it would've have been the media circus it's become (Bus Cook is as much to blame for that though) if it would've even happened the way it did.
danny said:
Chances are, if Fisher and Reese were in town, it would've have been the media circus it's become
Chances are Bus had Steve wait until they were out of town before going to BSP, so to create what it is now. Bus Wreck was told about it in late March.
Hoffa said:
Chances are Bus had Steve wait until they were out of town before going to BSP, so to create what it is now. Bus Wreck was told about it in late March.

The reason it went down yesterday is because thats when the offseason conditioning program started. People need to give the conspiracy theories that anyone waited until Fisher and Reese were out of town a rest.
nigel said:
The reason is went down yesterday is because thats when the offseason conditioning program started. People need to give the conspiracy theories that anyone waited until Fisher and Reese were out of town a rest.

I'm not looking for the guy on the grassy knoll, I'm just saying it would've been handled better if someone had control over the situation other than Bud.
It's getting like Fisher and Reese can't both go somewhere because you never know when Bud might set fire to the house trying to cook.

One thing is clear, this kind of stuff didn't happen when Diamond was around.
Diamond has been gone for a few years and it's not like we saw it happen all the time since then. This is a fairly unique situation...
I think a lot of titans fans are deluded right now.
It is VERY unlikely this thing gets worked out. This whole thing really means only one thing. The Titans are not willing to compromise! By doing this The titans are making that issue clear. The only way it gets worked out is Mcnair renegotiates. It seems to me that the Titans felt cook was not taking their position seriously and that forced the titans hand. Adams and reese for that matter are not idiots (contrary to popular belief) Losing Mcnair is sad, very sad. It's the end of an era. Just like when Montana left the 49ers their fan base was devistated. It's like a close relative has died. But it's a natural part of football life. The only way things like this won't happen in the NFL is if players retire when they're on top. And we all know that almost never happens. Think of all the greats who tried to play longer than their bodies allowed. The only player i can think of that retired on top was Elway and even he was on the decline.
flamehead2 said:
I It seems to me that the Titans felt cook was not taking their position seriously and that forced the titans hand.
Or it could just be for the reason they stated; i.e. they didn't want to risk Steve getting injured at BSP and be screwed.
flamehead2 said:
I think a lot of titans fans are deluded right now.
It is VERY unlikely this thing gets worked out. This whole thing really means only one thing. The Titans are not willing to compromise!

Compromise what? They have already agreed to pay him. They are trying to get him to change the terms. He is the one who has to compromise. I think he has compromised enough. Over the years when they redid he contract to free up money for other players. He could have kept the same contract and been happy. He could have been paid then but no he was trying to be team player.
I don't think an extension is that much of a compromise. At the moment, he gets big money next year and then has NO contract. If he extends with the Titans, he'll get the same money this year and a contract for the next year or two. His value should deteriorate, so he shouldn't be looking for that much more money...
MsTitan said:
Compromise what? They have already agreed to pay him. They are trying to get him to change the terms. He is the one who has to compromise. I think he has compromised enough. Over the years when they redid he contract to free up money for other players. He could have kept the same contract and been happy. He could have been paid then but no he was trying to be team player.

The Titans are NOT trying to change the terms of the contract. The contract terms give them the right to release him and be free of the contract. It's right there in the contract. If it wasn't they couldn't even release him. They would be stuck with no option but to pay and play steve. They are merely saying to steve "we are going to exersise that option in the contract unless you renegotiate" So by Releasing steve they would be honoring the contract and so would steve.
MsTitan said:
Compromise what? They have already agreed to pay him. They are trying to get him to change the terms. He is the one who has to compromise. I think he has compromised enough. Over the years when they redid he contract to free up money for other players. He could have kept the same contract and been happy. He could have been paid then but no he was trying to be team player.
MsTitan, I never have addressed you before so I'm going to be as polite as I know how to be... Has anyone ever told you that men are lying dogs? There is a degree to truth to that but the point in this case is that those contracts are BS... The user agreement at Blockbuster Video has more actual recourse than a football contract. A football contract is only good for generating a game check. That's all it enables it's holder to garner. Football players aren't stupid but the contracts are full of so much legal ease (sp?) that they need to hire a guy to read it over for them because it's hoopla. It's also like a gallon of milk... it can spoil. Like a gallon of milk, you can throw it out... Questionable milk can not come to you and insist that it's fresh. It may be drinkable, but I'm not going to pay $3.49 a gallon for it... It's just that a read your other posts about loyality and honor and how we should say the pledge of allegience and all that. I like your ideals. Your ideas are the way things should be... more utopian I suppose... but that is not the world of sports agents, general managers and professional talent.
Hoffa said:
Or it could just be for the reason they stated; i.e. they didn't want to risk Steve getting injured at BSP and be screwed.
It seems to me that that aurgument doesn't really hold water because then they would never let steve practice in the past. So what is different about this year vs past years? The only appearent thing is they're not willing to pay him that number so they won't risk it.
flamehead2 said:
It seems to me that that aurgument doesn't really hold water because then they would never let steve practice in the past. So what is different about this year vs past years? The only appearent thing is they're not willing to pay him that number so they won't risk it.
difference? can you give me the fractional proportion of Steves cap# vs. the cap allowance for the entire team? This year it is 1/4...
what has it been in previous years? That's why the argument holds water... there is no way they are going to carry 24 million or whatever... NO WAY... until the cap# is managed, they don't even want Steve to look at BSP.
Questionable milk can not come to you and insist that it's fresh. It may be drinkable, but I'm not going to pay $3.49 a gallon for it... :rotfl:
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