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Laserjock said: spite of having him...he did get a ring with Dilfer....

Amazing as that still seems....

Damn, you took the words out of my mouth. I was just thinking, "Well, Billick got a SB ring with Dilfer, so there's that".

Look, I think if we build the D up and the QB can at least play "effectively" (i.e he doesn't have to be a superstar), we'll at least be .500. Which I'll take right now...
Dilfer was the perfect QB for that team at that time. He was not relied on to win games. He was just asked to keep from making the mistakes to lose them. Hand off the ball. Make good reads. Conservative offense. And he did a good job with it.

Few teams before or since have had the defense which gave the team the luxery of having a QB who didn't have to make more plays.
Banshee2 said:
Look, I think if we build the D up and the QB can at least play "effectively" (i.e he doesn't have to be a superstar), we'll at least be .500. Which I'll take right now...

We have the personnel for a good defense, I am just wondering if we have the aggressive DC with the smarts on how the use them effectively.
2 games better with mcnair?

That's the difference between playoff and mediocrity. Obviously there has to be a new contract but it bothers me how so many just assume he will be gone and don't really care.
RollTide said:
That's the difference between playoff and mediocrity. Obviously there has to be a new contract but it bothers me how so many just assume he will be gone and don't really care.

gotta move on. Nothing we can do about it.

Except for the 2 free agent signings it is the same defense that finished 29th in scoring defense with the same genius coordinator. I guess there is nothing that will get swartz out of here aside from some team wanting him as head coach.

We will not be drafting defense with our first pick and if we don't in rd 2 we will have no first day draft picks on that side of the ball.

While our defense will be improved is it going to be dominant enough to win with a lame QB?

Remember we don't have a pro bowl RB either.
RollTide said:
That's the difference between playoff and mediocrity. Obviously there has to be a new contract but it bothers me how so many just assume he will be gone and don't really care.
You are making an assumption that a new contract will be worked out.
You are the blind leading the blind.
Nobody knows...
Am i seeing things?

People using the ravens 2000 defense as some example up against this titan defense? What planet am i on?:sad2:
RollTide said:
People using the ravens 2000 defense as some example up against this titan defense? What planet am i on?:sad2:

No one has compared the Ravens defense to the current Titans defense. Just making a point that a good/great defense can take you a long way especially if you are in transition.

That's lame. He only brought up retirement because of frustration over an injury.

What do you care about reliability anyway you want him gone. Why would you complain about him retiring whjen you want him out of here?
RollTide said:
I guess there is nothing that will get swartz out of here aside from some team wanting him as head coach.

Hey, uh, there's an opening at the middle school down the street here. I could make a few phone calls :brow:
Mcnair's not coming back. It's not that people don't care but we don't really have a choice. Unless Steve decides to take a lot less money or something miraculous happens I don't think there's a very good chance of him coming back. Why would they draft a guy a #3 and sit him for two years? Sure, the Chargers have done that with Rivers and where has that taken them? No where. I just don't see it happening. As for no one caring, that's a crazy notion... I think we all care or we wouldn't be waisting so much time on this message board talking about it. How much loyalty should we have for players that don't have any loyalty for the fans?? If a player leaves it's because he's "doing what's best for his family" or "it's time for a change" or what ever. Steve has maid over $50 million with the Titans and I think he's going to be able to feed his family pretty well for the rest of all their lives. So, if money isn't an issue he should sign for what they offer him and stay loyal to the fans that have loved him over the years. He doesn't give a rats ars about being loyal. He's going to go where the money takes him. I wish he would step and take a little less money to stay with the team and fans that have always supported him. Kind of like "The Bus" did. He's not going to though, because we aren't going to pay him what he wants and the Titans aren't going to gaurantee two more years of starting. Where's the loyalty? I say if he wants to go then let him.
RollTide said:
I'm not assuming anything. It bothers me that so many don't care.

I agree with you, I am praying for the contract to be solved, because I believe in Steve and think that we are a better team with him than without him!!
Everubody thinks that with Thornton and Hope we are a better defense and really I don't think so, we are improved but we don't have a shut down defense and that's why we need to keep the offense together to have a push and win more games this season, I hope that Steve really wants to retire a Titan, renegotiate his contract and play for us in the next 2 years.
So can anyone tell me if there's a viable way to live with his cap number for this year only and deal with the contract next offseason? If we cut Sirmon, who else could we cut or restructure to sign the draft class?
RollTide said:
Many don't seem to care about the immediate future of this team. You don't care if we have a third straight losing season? Maybe a 4th? What makes you think this new QB we will be drafting will be ready to play at a top level in his 2nd season?

So many have this moronic idea that orgasmic bliss is sitting out there some time in the future and the hell with 2006 and maybe even 2007. Did we sign these 4 free agents so we can win in 2008? Why can't we be a solid contender now and still have the young guy(young) to take over a well oiled successful machine? Why do we have to sit here in mediocrity waiting? Steve mcnair can still play. Anyone who says he sucked last year is a moron. He can give us 2 good years as we build this damn good team around him so maybe in 2008 vince takes over and we don't miss a beat.

Volek isn't the answer. He'll get hurt by week 4.

I want to win next year also- I feel like I'm throwing good money after bad on my tickets with the past two seasons.

BUT, even if we had McNair another year- I'm betting we're going to see alot more running next year. I'm now OK if McNair is gone and Volek is in charge of a running offense. It's all predicated on a solid O-line, a BETTER defense and not getting behind early in the games like we did last year.

Hard for me to not to see Steve in two-tone blue, but I'm OK with it.
Gunny said:
RollTide putting words in peoples fingers again?

First off, that's freakin' funny. 2nd, there is a strong comparison between the Ravens in 2000 and the Steelers last yr. Good/great defense, strong running game. If we BUILD UP the defense (Ty Law anyone?), we could survive with Volek at the helm for a year or two. As an added bonus, then he becomes strong trade bait again...:greedy:

Now, I'm not even close to comparing the guys we have with Ray-ray and the Ratbirds of '00, but with a couple of decent moves, we could have a D comparable...Not sure about the DC, though...
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