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MsTitan said:
Over the years when they redid he contract to free up money for other players. He could have kept the same contract and been happy. He could have been paid then but no he was trying to be team player.

He was paid THEN. He NEVER took a pay cut.

Think of it this way. Your boss is due to pay you five million dollars next year. He comes to you and says "we need to wiggle the books, how about if we give you four million now and then the other million next year." You're still getting the whole 5 million, you're just getting four mil of it now instead of next year. Are you going to say no?

Yeah, neither did Steve.
Banshee2 said:
Questionable milk can not come to you and insist that it's fresh. It may be drinkable, but I'm not going to pay $3.49 a gallon for it... :rotfl:
:rotfl: I know man... :lol3: I'm a riot, am I not? :ha:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
...I read your other posts about loyality and honor and how we should say the pledge of allegience and all that. I like your ideals. Your ideas are the way things should be... more utopian I suppose... but that is not the world of sports agents, general managers and professional talent.

I couldn't agree more with both of you. I love steve, he is a part of my family "MY TITAN FAMILY" It's going to hurt like hell when he's gone for sure :(
And it's going to be even more painful seeing him on the Raven's side of the field
I'm still trying to figure out what to name my first born child, since Eddie's gone...

Maybe I'll name him "Compensation Draft Choice"...I'm not sure who'll get cut next. Heck, I haven't bought a jersey since Wychek's final season (it was on sale)
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
It's also like a gallon of milk... it can spoil. Like a gallon of milk, you can throw it out... Questionable milk can not come to you and insist that it's fresh. It may be drinkable, but I'm not going to pay $3.49 a gallon for it...

BP, sometimes you speak with such clarity... and sometimes you just ramble, but this was a gem :ha:
I could be totally naive about this, but if we figure we'll need McNair at least another year after this one (I guess the FO isn't for sure), why not guarantee something for next year. Do a 3-year, with the last one voidable.
Banshee2 said:
I'm still trying to figure out what to name my first born child, since Eddie's gone...

Maybe I'll name him "Compensation Draft Choice"...I'm not sure who'll get cut next. Heck, I haven't bought a jersey since Wychek's final season (it was on sale)

Reynaldology requires all first borns, whether they be male or female, to be named 'Reynaldo'
Thanks guys...I shall take all advice (and religious context) into account...Of course, I still have to meet and marry player-to-be-named-later's mom
Banshee2 said:
Thanks guys...I shall take all advice (and religious context) into account while seeking out an appropriate title for my offspring.:winker: Of course, I still have to marry and knock up Player-to-be-named-later's mom:hmm:
say that again? I didn't catch it the first time. Heresey Gunny? Or should we give him a second chance?
GLinks said:
I could be totally naive about this, but if we figure we'll need McNair at least another year after this one (I guess the FO isn't for sure), why not guarantee something for next year. Do a 3-year, with the last one voidable.

The FO, for better or worse doesn't really want Mac around after this year because they don't want to carry that much CAP money at one position. They know whoever they draft will be the guy in year 2.

That is why they have given Mac a figure they can live with which will reduce the CAP this year and not be too much of a burden in years 2 and 3. If Mac insists on getting his 20 mil over 2 years he is gone.
The best case scenario for the organization is for Mac to reduce his salary this year and let this year be his last. One last shot at the playoffs with the FO using the CAP savings to bolster the team some more. That is why the FO is not going to be too upset if they have to go with Volek this year while the rookie waits his turn because they can use the 10 mil to fill some mmore holes for a run if not this year 2 or 3 years down the road.
flamehead2 said:
It seems to me that that aurgument doesn't really hold water because then they would never let steve practice in the past. So what is different about this year vs past years? The only appearent thing is they're not willing to pay him that number so they won't risk it.

Remember when TO had the "phantom" injuries in an effort to gain leverage? Locking Steve out is an insurance policy against Cook and him making such a move.

Bottom line is the Titans are holding the cards in this deal. TJ's scenario (earlier post) is "spot on". McNair's market value goes down each day and especially past the draft.
Soxcat said:
The FO, for better or worse doesn't really want Mac around after this year because they don't want to carry that much CAP money at one position. They know whoever they draft will be the guy in year 2.

That is why they have given Mac a figure they can live with which will reduce the CAP this year and not be too much of a burden in years 2 and 3. If Mac insists on getting his 20 mil over 2 years he is gone.
The best case scenario for the organization is for Mac to reduce his salary this year and let this year be his last. One last shot at the playoffs with the FO using the CAP savings to bolster the team some more. That is why the FO is not going to be too upset if they have to go with Volek this year while the rookie waits his turn because they can use the 10 mil to fill some mmore holes for a run if not this year 2 or 3 years down the road.
That is very sound logic and I agree 100%.
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