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^exactly. If I'm gonna have a wheel, i want it connected to something anyway. More mario for the wii though. Because the world hasn't had enough mario...
bigtitan53279 said:
give me a good old fashioned d-pad.

for those of you who might've missed it
Kart (just like Brawl) is playable with several different controllers
the Wiimote - with or without the wheel
the Gamcube controller (including Wavebirds)
and the Nintendo classic controller

I'm probably going to end up using the Camecube controls for this
Finally got this... they did a great job of making it a whole new game. They reuse some boards from old systems as a bonus, giving you twice as many tracks as any earlier game. I think trying to drive with the wheel is pretty darn fun. Finally, a challenge when playing mario kart!
I'm liking the wheel more now that I've played with it a bit. It definitely changes the game by changing the way you play it. But I think in the long run I like it.
GoTitans3801 said:
You aren't a sucker if you enjoy it enough for it to be worth your money.

No, of course not. But this cheapest gaming system stuff is ridiculous. They are releasing a Wii-sabre for Star Wars - Force Unleashed I believe.
I own both a 360 and Wii and I can say that peripherals have become a pain in the royal keister - i feel like buying that crap is the next closest thing to burning your hard earned money

however, I can proudly say the only thing I've bought is a headset for the 360
Gunny said:
Nintendo have really suckered in consumers. Extra peripherals makes it just as expensive as the 360/PS3.

the Wii wheel (or the WiiL) comes with the game
nobody got suckered into buying a free included peripheral

fwiw, the wheel is not necessary
all one has to do is hold the WiiMote sideways for the same effect
I was surprised, but it actually is easier to play with the wheel as opposed to just holding the controller without it. I think it's because you can more naturally tell how hard you're turning. I'm still adjusting to the new control, but I've been surprised to discover that I like the wheel.
I also have mario kart.

The only money I have spent on the wii is

a) an extra wiimote (20€)
b) money for games

I have quite a few games, and still havent reached ps3 price level... and I still play a lot with a LOT of people...

And still dont feel the need of a blueray player...

Gunny, its ok if you like the ps3 more than the wii, but dont try to bring it down making things up.

I bought it because I played at someones house and found it fun and participative.

I used to own a master system 1st, a megadrive 2nd, a psone, I never got the n64 but liked it nor the gamecube.

A year before, someone bought me a PS2, which I found couldn´t do nothing my pc already could with two usb game pads... so I turned it back at the store. Same feeling with the PS3. Nothing a PC with a great graphic card can´t do.

it obvious wii is winning that battle.

Mario is a) Fun b) A quality seal c) A whore... like any other videogame popular character... for example, homer simpson.

This *******s squeeze well their oranges for juice, but is up to us wheter or not to buy it.
Xbox - big clunky controller at launch / s-controller releases later

360- separate $100 add on for wireless / $200 hd-dvd add on / stock wirelss controllers non-rechargeable - 120gbHDD a ridiculous $179

Sony is about to get consumers with the DualShock3 for like $50 a pop, when it should have been the launch controller instead of the SixAxis (which I haven't liked for any games that use it (Lair / Folklore / Motorstorm)

I'm going to hand it to Sony for assisting the masses though
- PSN is a free service / wireless b/g is built in
(Xbox Live requires an annual fee and either a hard-wired connection or optional wireless extender)
-the Ps3 is updated quite regularly, and the latest BluRay updates available to owners makes it a better unit than Sony's stand alone players
+1 for wireless LAN BluRay firmware updates
+1 for support of aftermarket HDD

Nintendo's peripherals are really nothing but shells
the tennis rackt/golf club/baseball bat/wheel/shotgun cradle/crossbow/etc... are just holder for the WiiMote ..... then again, they're not very expensive (the Crossbow is like $15 and comes with a game) and the Wheel is included with KArt
where they're gonna get people is on the Balance Board, but even at $90, you're getting the unit plus the software, and there are games that are already scheduled for release that will use the Board, so it'll get more use with other games (skate/ ski/ dance)
same thing goes for the wheel, it can be used with driving/ flight/ wave/ etc.. titles
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