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Puck said:
I live on a cul-de-sac dead end street with about 12 houses
5 of those houses have kids under the age of 10, the youngest being 4 or so
all have Gamecubes
2 of them also have Wii's
most of those Cubes are still used weekly
my daughter uses hers almost daily

most of these kids have the option of playing a PS2 a 360 or a Ps3
most of those kids are still playing Cubes

I'd suspect that if you polled family's with 10 year old kids or younger that most either had Cubes at some point or still do

Oh well there you go Gloat. 5 kids have a gamecube so that translates to it still being used.
Puck said:
I live on a cul-de-sac dead end street with about 12 houses
5 of those houses have kids under the age of 10, the youngest being 4 or so
all have Gamecubes
2 of them also have Wii's
most of those Cubes are still used weekly
my daughter uses hers almost daily

most of these kids have the option of playing a PS2 a 360 or a Ps3
most of those kids are still playing Cubes

I'd suspect that if you polled family's with 10 year old kids or younger that most either had Cubes at some point or still do
I laugh at everyone with a gamecube! HA! The wii will be the same way. They'll be in closets here in a year or 2 and we'll wonder why people ever bought them when 2 other consoles were way better.
Gloat, two of my former roommates have gamecubes and still use them. They've had them for at least 5 or six years. I know several other people who have them and got a LOT of use out of them. Just because you don't doesn't mean that "no one" does. I don't really know where or how to look up how many gamecubes sold over it's run, or how many gamecube games are still being sold, but I'm certainly not going to make broad general statements about what everyone does/has doesn't have.

Gunny, did you really type that last post above? It's a complete 180 from the rest of your arguments with me. This entire thread was you saying that nintendo was suckering consumers into buying accessories, and that that was a reason why you don't like it. Now you make a direct comparison to a PS3 game bundled with an accessory and argue that they're the same? Wait, what was your point again? I think you've gotten turned around...
The game and accessory are the same concept. In other words they both come with a game and a peripheral. They both cost a little more than a normal PS3/Wii game.

The point I was making was to Puck who said the WiiGun and game was brilliant but the GunCon and Time Crisis 4 was crappy despite being the same thing.
Gunny said:
The game and accessory are the same concept. In other words they both come with a game and a peripheral. They both cost a little more than a normal PS3/Wii game.

The point I was making was to Puck who said the WiiGun and game was brilliant but the GunCon and Time Crisis 4 was crappy despite being the same thing.

I get the point that you were making with Puck. The problem is that that point (that they are the same), contradicts your earlier arguments that Wii was the company ripping people off.
How does it? It's completely irrelevant to cost.

I'm not referring to either of them being rip offs, I was talking about the concept of it. How can one be great, and the other suck?
GoTitans3801 said:
Gloat, two of my former roommates have gamecubes and still use them. They've had them for at least 5 or six years. I know several other people who have them and got a LOT of use out of them. Just because you don't doesn't mean that "no one" does. I don't really know where or how to look up how many gamecubes sold over it's run, or how many gamecube games are still being sold, but I'm certainly not going to make broad general statements about what everyone does/has doesn't have.
Sweet. Hey, tell them I have a BetaMax player and some 8-Tracks for sale if they're looking for some high tech fun!
Feel free to move on to another point, but quit making assumptions about things just because of your own personal feelings.

If you can't recognize the value of a gaming system that can keep the interest of people even after "better" systems come out, that's fine. Just don't try to argue that "no one" does it.
Gunny said:
How does it? It's completely irrelevant to cost.

I'm not referring to either of them being rip offs, I was talking about the concept of it. How can one be great, and the other suck?

Oh Gunny, you actually started all this by referring to the Wii peripherals as suckering in consumers...

"Nintendo have really suckered in consumers. Extra peripherals makes it just as expensive as the 360/PS3"

If that means something different than you considering the peripherals to be rip offs, then you need to be clearer.

The responses that everyone has made have shown that peripherals exist for all three systems. Now you're saying that they're the same. That's fine, but it completely derails your original point. People aren't being suckered in any more by Nintendo than by the other two, and the Wii is still far cheaper than the 360 or PS3.
We are on two totally separate points. I am only referring to a point Puck made.

I generally think that the Wii has way to many peripherals, there are what? 7 or so. Granted you don't have to purchase them but none the less they are there 'to make the experience better', like the GunCon is for Time Crisis 4, you can still use a controller but it just isn't the same.
Only talking about a specific argument that puck made?

It doesn't matter that you've spun yourself around to abandon your original point?
No, the fact that both system have separate peripherals and accessories renders your original point moot. Just having controller additions is not the only form of accessory. Go back and look at the links to the accessories of the three systems. It's not any different, and Wii is still a cheaper system by a wide margin.
Originally Posted by Gunny
How does it? It's completely irrelevant to cost.

I'm not referring to either of them being rip offs, I was talking about the concept of it. How can one be great, and the other suck?

here's my answer ...... which one did I say was great ?
The Gloat said:
I laugh at everyone with a gamecube! HA! The wii will be the same way. They'll be in closets here in a year or 2 and we'll wonder why people ever bought them when 2 other consoles were way better.

I'll tell you why people bought GameCubes

Zelda : Ocarina of Time ; Master Quest
Zelda : Wind Waker
Zelda : Twilight Princess

Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Residnet Evil remakes (every single RE game is on gamecube)
Resident Evil 4 (a GC exclusive for nearly a year)

Viewtiful Joe / Pikmin / Animal Crossing / Starfox / Super Monkey Ball

Mario / Donkey Kong

Baten Kaitos / Fire Emblem /Tales of Symphonia

Metal Gear Solid : Twin Snakes (an exclusive remake)

Eternal Darkness {Silikon Knights very underrated thriller}

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron

we've done this before
look at the top 10 games of all time (according to Game Rankings)
5 of them are Nintendo properties

what's more laughable was the parents trying to force their kids to play ps2's, while they all ran away to their friends houses to play Cubes

the GameCube ironically was also the first console to have an M rated game
Puck said:
here's my answer ...... which one did I say was great ?

Right here:
My personal favorite is the shotgun / pistol cradles
awesome that you can turn the wiimote into a shotgun with a $10 shell
for contrast, there's the Ps3's Time Crisis 4 where you pay like $80 for a crappy game and a crappy gun
GoTitans3801 said:
No, the fact that both system have separate peripherals and accessories renders your original point moot. Just having controller additions is not the only form of accessory. Go back and look at the links to the accessories of the three systems. It's not any different

No, it is very much different and very much my point.

the PS3 and 360 do not have 7 controllers variations, nor really any other peripherals.
What other peripherals do they have? Cables don't count either.
Puck said:
what's more laughable was the parents trying to force their kids to play ps2's, while they all ran away to their friends houses to play Cubes
i remember it being the other way around.

my buddy bought a gamecube so he could play the RE series and MGS. that thing collected so much after a month or so of playing it.
Gunny said:
It's not available for every system. That is my point.

There is one PS3 controller and one 360 controller.

Not a nunchuck, a zapper, a wheel, a lightsabre, a remote and whatever else the Wii has. Whether or not it is optional, I am sure Nintendo don't advertise that fact, and to the casual gamer (and let's face it, a lot of Wii people are casual) it will seem necessary.
It is how business works.

Wii Nintendo controllers (NOT shells, not 3rd Party):1 Wiimote, 2 Nunchuck, 3 Balance Board, 4 Classic Controller
That is 1,2,3,4 , let me count them again. Yes, 4.

PS3 Sony controllers(Not Shells, not 3rd party): 1 Sixaxis, 2 DualShock3, 3 Blu-Ray Remote controller.
That is 1,2,3 let me count them again. yes, 3.

Wow, amazing difference.

Gunny answering my post said:
Learn to read.

Good advice. Thanks for it.

But Gunny you should also check your mother tongue reading comprehension, since you keep on counting shells as controllers, if it is so, why dont you also include the silicon protection rubbers too... :rolleyes: I think the difference is quite clear... i will never count a plastic bat for the Eyetoy as a "controller".

Gunny said:
Michi said:
wii is expensive compared to ps3 (good one i never expected that argument)
Yeah...never said that. Learn to read.

Sorry... AS expensive.
Better now?

Gunny said:
Nintendo have really suckered in consumers. Extra peripherals makes it just as expensive as the 360/PS3.

Still... good one. I never expected that argument. :rolleyes:

There are 74 controllers listed in amazon for ps3 and 125 for wii... no matter how casual gamers are:

  • no one buys them all.Most dont buy any.
  • casual gamers dont spend as much money as usual gamers, and less in accesories, expecially shells. People are not stupid. If it is in the game and is worth the same as the other games is a gift. If it does not come with the game, it will need whatever one of the oficial controllers that come in the back of the game box.
  • Lets face it. Casual gamers can read too.
Gee you are really struggling if you count a Blu-Ray remote as a gaming controller. Consider that PS3 is more than just a gaming uni, of course it is going to have a remote controller.

And the Dual Shock/SixAxis is the same thing. Same controller where one rumbles and the only reason for the recent release of that was because of legal reasons.

They do not have a Fit board, a retro controller, a lightsabre, a steering wheel or whatever else.
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