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this kit is like $39
has several of the more popular attachments
and there's freaking 6 of them
making them all less than $7 each
not too shabby
noone getting taken advantage of that I can see


DreamGear Action Pack-Wireless Wii

6 in 1 Action Pack for Nintendo Wii Soft Sports Kit, Gameblaster, Gamegrip and Microracing Wheel


1 Baseball Bat extension
1 Tennis racket extension
1 Golf club extension
1 Remote cradle
1 GameBlaster - for left or right handed players
1 GameGrip
1 microRacing wheel
6 game enhancing wireless remote extensions
Child-safe soft foam
Extensions for safe realistic gameplay
Michi40 said:
Gunny, its ok if you like the ps3 more than the wii, but dont try to bring it down making things up.

It's irrelevant what I think of the Wii. The extra accessories make it expensive. It's fact and I proved it above.

it obvious wii is winning that battle.

What battle? The current gen in which no one considers it next-gen since the graphics are vaguely better than last gen?

Mario is a) Fun b) A quality seal c) A whore... like any other videogame popular character... for example, homer simpson.

There are like 7 Simpson games. There's about 70 Mario games.
Gunny said:

There's an extra $100+ plus on gaming peripherals alone without the other stuff, the Wheel and without WiiFit (which is $160 plus board).

Puts it over $500 if you include the WiiFit.

Most of those things are things that most people don't buy. You can add on tons of random stuff for any system. Isn't it the 360 that you can buy in simpsons yellow? Most people don't get those peripherals, and they ones that are more popular aren't expensive.

Yes, if you buy every available add on, plus all of the extra games, you're going to spend over $500. But if you buy all of the games and accessories for a PS3 or 360, you're going to spend even more money.

And quit mentioning the wheel, it comes free with the game.
GoTitans3801 said:
Most of those things are things that most people don't buy. You can add on tons of random stuff for any system. Isn't it the 360 that you can buy in simpsons yellow? Most people don't get those peripherals, and they ones that are more popular aren't expensive.

The Simpsons Yellow is an actual 360 machine. Not another remote.

But if you buy all of the games and accessories for a PS3 or 360, you're going to spend even more money.

Like what? The only extra peripheral the PS3 has (memory here) is the EyeToy.

360 has a lot more extra stuff than the PS3.

None of it comes close to 7 controllers the Wii has.

And quit mentioning the wheel, it comes free with the game.

Then substitute that for the WiiZappr or whatever.

Well Gunny, here's an extra $150 you can spend on accessories. It's the same thing as the wii. Some people will buy them, some won't. I'm sure most people don't want to pay an extra $110 for a special controller and docking station, but that's the same as all of the crazy accessories for the wii.

The point is, it's not "suckering in" people any more than the other systems do. And my point still stands that if it's worth it to the people, then they aren't being suckered.

At least on there, 360 has fewer accessories.

Few people go out and buy all of those things. Puck pointed out that if someone wanted to, they could get that bundle cheaply. But the same thing exists for 360 and PS3. If you want a crazy extra controller, you have to buy it, no matter which system you have. Wii gives you some of the extras (Wheel comes with kart, extra controller comes with sports mini games, etc...)
Ignoring the same thing sold in different colours, or cables that already come with the console, it doesn't come close to what the Wii sells.

360 and PS3 don't have extra crazy controllers either.
The point is that all of it is window dressing, you don't need any of the extra junk, but it's available for every system.

You can play the wii with just the controller and nunchuk, you don't have to buy any of the extra stuff. If you want to buy a particular extra, you can, but that's an individual choice and individuals will choose to buy what's worth it to them.
It's not available for every system. That is my point.

There is one PS3 controller and one 360 controller.

Not a nunchuck, a zapper, a wheel, a lightsabre, a remote and whatever else the Wii has. Whether or not it is optional, I am sure Nintendo don't advertise that fact, and to the casual gamer (and let's face it, a lot of Wii people are casual) it will seem necessary.
It is how business works.
What battle?

The one you are always fighting and bringing up.... the wii vs ps3 battle... the mario is a whore, etc... wii is expensive compared to ps3 (good one :lol: i never expected that argument)

What battle is PS3 losing... the sales battle. Plain and simple.
The people are chosing to buy wii in 2007 and 08 more than ps3 battle for game system.

There are like 7 Simpson games. There's about 70 Mario games.

Just because you use one character by the game system company (like Mario, Sonic and so) is just a way of 1) label quality 2)Trademark and identity of the company.

Mario can almost only be played in nintendo platforms (except for ocasional and rare pc games)

The Simpsons games are playable in all consoles, pcs and even cell phones... whos the real whore?...

btw The 2007 was HORRIBLE (got it in Wii) but yet a top seller. I got it because I though I would get a good game because of the name, yet got ripped through boredom and ugly translation of the game.

And is more like 23 The Simpsons games overall...

Mario appears in 200, but if i see Mario Tennis Series, or Mario Karts series people know exactly what game it is and what quality it has, just like if it says GTA or Quake or Tetris

Wiifit is not 160 plus board... is wiifit+ board what it is 160$

And no need for memory, there are way more PS3 accesories than one... as needed to play as the wii ones for any game but the new balance board or the eye toy for the ps3:
ps3 accesories

Yo can use 180$ (according to your website) to buy a couple of PS3 wireless remote controlers and I´ll se if I spent (if I want to) my 90 € in spain to buy the game plus board. You can balance later who is getting ripped.

3rd party companies can make whatever accesories they want.... but to play 99.9% of games today are not needed.
In the future there may be a new wave of balance board games... still, is just 90€ if I want to play them, ill try it this weekend since my sisters got it.

And yes... Wii has not got the same graphics/processing speed than PS3... still, there is a lot of people who just don´t care about those specs... they care about fun, which is really what the thing is for. People try it and buy it, simple as that. After a year I don´t regret I bought it.
None of it comes close to 7 controllers the Wii has.

Wii has 2 controllers... the wiimote and the balance board. The rest are shells and TOTALLY UNNECESARIES... just like i think the ones than once where sold for the eye toy. And and kit with all shells costs like 40€, which is half what a wireless ps3 controller costs.

One of the reasons I like the wii is because of the wiimote (obvious), the closest thing you can get to a pc mouse in precision on a game system is the wiimote. Great for shooting games, sports and other so games in which movement of the control takes the game to a new dimension
Gunny said:
It's not available for every system. That is my point.

There is one PS3 controller and one 360 controller.

Not a nunchuck, a zapper, a wheel, a lightsabre, a remote and whatever else the Wii has. Whether or not it is optional, I am sure Nintendo don't advertise that fact, and to the casual gamer (and let's face it, a lot of Wii people are casual) it will seem necessary.
It is how business works.

All of the things that you listed are just optional accessories for the 1 controller that Wii has. They attach to it. The casual gamer doesn't mean the stupid gamer. I'm a VERY casual gamer and I know that you don't have to buy all of that junk.

The PS3 has one controller, but has many variations on it. Yes, most of them are colors or slightly different shapes, but the point is that you can buy extra controllers that are different or "better" if you want them. Same thing as the Wii.

If nothing else, nintendo could be praised for their marketing of the accessories.
GoTitans3801 said:
The point is that all of it is window dressing, you don't need any of the extra junk, but it's available for every system.

You can play the wii with just the controller and nunchuk, you don't have to buy any of the extra stuff. If you want to buy a particular extra, you can, but that's an individual choice and individuals will choose to buy what's worth it to them.

another note (or actually re-iteration)

one of the coolest things about the newer games for the Wii is that you can use several controllers from other consoles
not only that but there are several ways to actually play the games with the different controller

for example : BRawl:
wiimote only (sideways)
wiimote + nunchuck
Wii "classic" controller
GameCube controllers including the Wavebird

so I think what Nintendo is doing is exactly opposite of what some are suggesting

if Nintendo was trying to make money off of you by selling peripherals, they wouldn't allow options in games that support controllers from past systems

Nintendo is the good guy here

there is not a single accessory that you MUST purchase in order to play any particular game (Wii Fit does not count since it is only available as a bundle with the Board)
and the stock controller can be implemented into about a dozen casings for different usage

My personal favorite is the shotgun / pistol cradles
awesome that you can turn the wiimote into a shotgun with a $10 shell
for contrast, there's the Ps3's Time Crisis 4 where you pay like $80 for a crappy game and a crappy gun ... you couldn't even use the guns you had for Time Crisis 3 from what I hear
Michi40 said:
The one you are always fighting and bringing up.... the wii vs ps3 battle...

Never done that. Wii isn't next gen quality so I don't bring it up. It's a gimmick system.
In fact I have barely mentioned the PS3 (or 360) at all in this discussion.

the mario is a whore, etc...

It was a joke.

wii is expensive compared to ps3 (good one :lol: i never expected that argument)

Yeah...never said that. Learn to read.

What battle is PS3 losing... the sales battle. Plain and simple.
The people are chosing to buy wii in 2007 and 08 more than ps3 battle for game system.

And again, the Wii is a cheap gimmick console with last gen quality graphics.

Just because you use one character by the game system company (like Mario, Sonic and so) is just a way of 1) label quality 2)Trademark and identity of the company.

Mario can almost only be played in nintendo platforms (except for ocasional and rare pc games)

The Simpsons games are playable in all consoles, pcs and even cell phones... whos the real whore?...

Cross platform aside which is common for most games, there are still more Mario games than Simpson games.

btw The 2007 was HORRIBLE (got it in Wii) but yet a top seller. I got it because I though I would get a good game because of the name, yet got ripped through boredom and ugly translation of the game.

I don't particularly care why you got it. I'm not talking about the Wii as a console. I'm not even degrading its games.
It is irrelevant.

And is more like 23 The Simpsons games overall...

Mario appears in 200, but if i see Mario Tennis Series, or Mario Karts series people know exactly what game it is and what quality it has, just like if it says GTA or Quake or Tetris


Wiifit is not 160 plus board... is wiifit+ board what it is 160$

I know, that's what I said.

And no need for memory, there are way more PS3 accesories than one... as needed to play as the wii ones for any game but the new balance board or the eye toy for the ps3:
ps3 accesories

No there aren't.

Yo can use 180$ (according to your website) to buy a couple of PS3 wireless remote controlers and I´ll se if I spent (if I want to) my 90 € in spain to buy the game plus board. You can balance later who is getting ripped.

Except you get a controller with the PS3, it's not an added accessory. It wasn't released after the console game out (except Dual Shock with was a legal thing).

[quote[3rd party companies can make whatever accesories they want.... but to play 99.9% of games today are not needed. [/quote]

Good for 3rd party companies. Except the Wii[insert name here] are made by Nintendo.

And yes... Wii has not got the same graphics/processing speed than PS3... still, there is a lot of people who just don´t care about those specs... they care about fun, which is really what the thing is for. People try it and buy it, simple as that. After a year I don´t regret I bought it.

And again, I am not debating the quality of the Wii. I am talking accessories.
Puck said:
My personal favorite is the shotgun / pistol cradles
awesome that you can turn the wiimote into a shotgun with a $10 shell
for contrast, there's the Ps3's Time Crisis 4 where you pay like $80 for a crappy game and a crappy gun ... you couldn't even use the guns you had for Time Crisis 3 from what I hear

urr hang on? It's totally awesome you get WiiFit plus board for whatever it costs more than the cost of a normal Wii game but it's crappy you get a Gun and Game for a little more?

Right...the same concept on both consoles except one is awesome and one is crappy. That makes sense. Bravo on your neutral perspective. :rolleyes:
what are you talking about ?
your argument that both are crappy concepts and crappy games at crappy prices ? yeah, that may be so

that's not the comparison, nor is it what you quoted

here's the point
the "gun" concept for the Ps3 requires the purchase of a game/Guncon bundle .... and is it even supported by other shooters ? it's also WIRED and utilizes 2 USB ports to use

to achieve the gun concept for the Wii requires a $15 (at most) cradle ..... nothing to wire ..... nothing to plug into the console itself

don't take a comparison of the Wii gun cradle and Time Crisis4 and turn it into a GunCon / Balance Board discussion
The Gloat said:
but who in the world has a gamecube, let alone controllers for one???

I live on a cul-de-sac dead end street with about 12 houses
5 of those houses have kids under the age of 10, the youngest being 4 or so
all have Gamecubes
2 of them also have Wii's
most of those Cubes are still used weekly
my daughter uses hers almost daily

most of these kids have the option of playing a PS2 a 360 or a Ps3
most of those kids are still playing Cubes

I'd suspect that if you polled family's with 10 year old kids or younger that most either had Cubes at some point or still do
Puck said:
what are you talking about ?
your argument that both are crappy concepts and crappy games at crappy prices ? yeah, that may be so

I never said either are crappy.

Jesus Christ, can any of you people read?

here's the point
the "gun" concept for the Ps3 requires the purchase of a game/Guncon bundle .... and is it even supported by other shooters ? it's also WIRED and utilizes 2 USB ports to use

to achieve the gun concept for the Wii requires a $15 (at most) cradle ..... nothing to wire ..... nothing to plug into the console itself

don't take a comparison of the Wii gun cradle and Time Crisis4 and turn it into a GunCon / Balance Board discussion


Here is the simple explanation.

Time Crisis 4/GunCon bundle = more cost than a normal PS3 game
WiiFit/Board bundle = more cost than a normal Wii game.

Yet you call one brilliant and one crappy.

Here's the little secret. THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME DAMN CONCEPT. It is a game and a peripheral.
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