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skitch said:
So much for Ewker's comment about Fisher making excuses for him.:banned:

I will wait and see if he defends/protects him tomorrow night. I hope Fisher has gotten tired of doing that :ha:
Ewker said:
he brings it on himself. He made a nice play on defending the pass. The wr got in his face and grab Jones by his jersey (that was smart)..Jones reacted by grabbing the wr's face mask (that was dumb) then he goes and gets into it with the ref (dumb #2) :sad2:

Good thing Fisher took him out or he might have been ejected from the game since he was out of control.

He hasn't done jack **** to deserve heavy critiscm lately. Our LB corps is a bunch of *******. Where's a thread on that? Our two starting safeties are playing like fairies. Thread? Of course not. Instead, we have a thread complaining because Jones commits a stupid play and gets a timeout by Fisher, in a game where we were getting our asses kicked. Like I said, a scapegoat is always fun.:sad2:
KamikaZ said:
Where's a thread on that? Our two starting safeties are playing like fairies. Thread? Of course not.
If you don't start a thread on that, don't complain about what someone else starts one on.
KamikaZ said:
He hasn't done jack **** to deserve heavy critiscm lately. Our LB corps is a bunch of *******. Where's a thread on that? Our two starting safeties are playing like fairies. Thread? Of course not. Instead, we have a thread complaining because Jones commits a stupid play and gets a timeout by Fisher, in a game where we were getting our asses kicked. Like I said, a scapegoat is always fun.:sad2:

Why don't you start those threads cause I could not have been the only one who noticed that LT was backpeddling during running plays. pathetic.

LB's look like they took qualudes before kickoff. S l o w

still dosen't make Adam Jones nearly back to back post whistle incidents any better.
Hoffa said:
If Fisher's not even defending him, anyone who does is just being stubborn for some reason, or in denial.

In denial about what? It was a bad decision on his part. No one is saying he's an angel, or that his character needs improvement. But I for one am willing to defend a player who actually acts like he gives a crap (I'll use a better word here) if the opposing player gets in the endzone or not.
KamikaZ said:
But I for one am willing to defend a player who actually acts like he gives a crap (I'll use a better word here) if the opposing player gets in the endzone or not.
Look closer.
Pac was not fired up because the opposing player was going to get in the endzone, he threw another temper tantrum because the opposing player got in his face, and his huge ego can't let that go. Even if it cost the team points (doesn't matter that the score isin't close), Pac can't act like the smarter player and let the other player draw the flag. He can't grasp that a real man makes his statement between the snap and the whistle, not after.
I said it was a stupid decision on his part. I didn't get the urge to crucify him when I watched it either. That's my point.
KamikaZ said:
I didn't get the urge to crucify him when I watched it either. That's my point.
I don't want to do that to him either.
And if it were just today, that's OK.
But he has shown no improvement in controlling his temper and playing smart.
Enough is enough.

p.s. When you find Albert Haynesworth in your face telling you to grow up, YOU'D BETTER LOOK AT YOURSELF. Albert Haynesworth...?
A little hypocritical to say the least. But Albert was very similar to Jones around this time. To be far, he has grown into a leadership role. Still though...:sad2:
KamikaZ said:
I find it funny how there are more threads on Jones (negitive for the most part):

Part of it it our fault because we actually expected a rookie to come fill the shoes of Samari Rolle, and we're somehow disappointed that it didn't happen.

Now he teeters between being a great playmaker and being a great moron (boy, it's hard to type clean). It's gonna be hard for us fans to meet in the middle.

Jeff says he doesn't see how anyone can defend Pacman right now? That one's's only because everyone else is playing so much worse. In an average D, Pacman would be benched.
Well Pac Man did say on a tv interview that you get the real money on your 2nd deal... and thats what he is looking for too... for him and his crew
I don't know about benched. If he didn't have so many mental lapses AFTER the damn play, he'd be playing pretty well for a rookie IMO.
Pacman has shown to be a good open field tackler. He has covered pretty good for a rookie who missed camp.

He looked like a great return man, however, over the last few games teams seem to have fiqured him out and he has gotten leveled after catching and trying to make something.

If he can go the offseason without being arrested, makes camp, and gets some anger management,
then he can make a difference next year.
pacmanplayer said:
Well Pac Man did say on a tv interview that you get the real money on your 2nd deal... and thats what he is looking for too... for him and his crew

that is a stupid thing to say. (if true)
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