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Pacman = dogpile here lately...
I can even see that.
The chronic unsportsmanlike conduct stuff is indefensible.

Understand that so many players are so bad.
Pacman is not a cancer.
I know no one has said that but it's heading there.

On the proverbial Titan body Pacman is a giant zit on the nose.
Many of you act as if there are no hemorrhoids. are real.
KamikaZ said:
Everyone loves a scapegoat! :ha:

He's not a scapegoat to me. There's plenty of things that need to be called out (yeah I've been complaining about the LB's, as well as other positions). I haven't talked much about Pac because there was enough already said. But when a guy keeps acting like an ***, he should keep getting called out.

Things like this always draw more attention than say a very good, yet quite player (like a Mason).
Do you notice how nothing is ever Pacman's fault? It's always someone else, never Pacman

Biddle says it all with that quote. That characteristic of Adam's, rips a huge hole in the fabric of the team's chemistry.
KamikaZ said:
In denial about what? It was a bad decision on his part. No one is saying he's an angel, or that his character needs improvement. But I for one am willing to defend a player who actually acts like he gives a crap (I'll use a better word here) if the opposing player gets in the endzone or not.

Especially comapred to LT and Tank who just let players walk in the enzone or push them into the endzone and act if they could care less.
super_titan said:
Especially comapred to LT and Tank who just let players walk in the enzone or push them into the endzone and act if they could care less.
LT was ridiculous yesterday. Tank was no where near as bad but he sucked the majority of the year anyways. I can't wait to see Fuller back there next year. Hopefully we bring someone in to push Tank too.
CriticalTheory said:
I don't see how anyone can just get on PacMan when our entire defense is straight garbage.
Thats what I'm saying. Atleast he was pissed. The D looked scared to tackle at times. We used to have a gang tackle, fast, smash mouth D. They couldn't be farther from that style right now. Pac fits in the "ideal" D much better than someone like LT. If they don't have any fire let'em go or let'em be back ups.
Hoffa said:
I think he's more like an irritated gland.
Who are you hot at? Pacman or me? I don't know where you are coming from but I promise you Hoffa that this is not a personal rebuttle. I've conceded this, that and the other thing in regards to Pacman being a stamp licker, but I'm also inclined to agree with CriticalTheory on this, and P Shiddy and myself don't hardly agree on anything but even he and I both know a garbage defense when we see one.

Sure, Pacman's attitude really sucks at times and he does need to grow up but he plays with some lame gimps. Guys that just fold their tents, lay down and take it like a bunch of pussifests. If anything that makes Pacman angry, and yeah, that is his problem, but look at the play of those around him. People sarcastically say "nothing is Pacman's fault" and to that I say sarcastically, "nothing is anyone's fault but Pacman's."

Once again I'd like to underscore although those words seem angry they are not directed to any one person but just the general attitude of the media, critics, writers, etc... I really don't feel like being thrown under the bus with Pacman today.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Who are you hot at? Pacman or me?
The hot emoticon is suppose to represent an irritated gland, not me. It was a joke in reference to your joke about Pacman being a zit.

But if I am hot, it's at the team. I don't know you or care enough to be mad at you.

And if Pacman got thrown under the bus, he threw himself there. Fisher has stopped making excuses for him, everyone else needs to do so as well for his own good. People need to quit being his enabler for bad behavior.
Gunny said:
it is true, but as a rookie the 2nd contract should be one of the last things on your mind.
Taking care of yourself should be the 1st thing on your mind.

You take care of yourself make sure you have a place to sleep then worry about the team.

Making sure you're set and your family is set is 10x more important than the team you are on. A team can trade you, cut you and do what ever basically destablizing your life for a period of time.

So Pacman has me on this one now if it's for some homies who are just there then yes don't worry about a 2nd contract. If it's for some homies who are Ride or Die then worry about that second contract.
CriticalTheory said:
You take care of yourself make sure you have a place to sleep then worry about the team.
Please, I think Pacman has already made enough to not have to worry about having a place to sleep. His first contract will make him more than the greatest majority of people in this country will make their entire life of working a thankless, unglorified job.
Poor Pac should be thinking about a place to sleep and taking care of his family.

<----- Can anyone see that? Sure you can't. It's me playing the world's smallest violin.
Bobo said:
Poor Pac should be thinking about a place to sleep and taking care of his family.

<----- Can anyone see that? Sure you can't. It's me playing the world's smallest violin.
Maybe we can take up a collection, or have a telethon for poor Pac who doesn't know if he will have a place to sleep or provisions for his "family".
Good idea Hoffa. I'm sure all of his family are incapable of taking care of themselves, he must need lots of help. Don't forget we need a TO collection too.
I hope it's no surprise to you guys that a player is mostly looking out for his. Yeah, of course they want to win, but money is a major issue.
I have no problem with that. I'd get all I could too. But if I was a fan, I wouldn't be saying "I hope he can take care of his family and have a place to sleep". He's making millions. No one in their right mind should fear for these guys making ends meet.
The bottom line:

We expect the team to perform to it's utmost potential. We expect the members of that team to act responsibly. We pay them for that. Don't fool yourselves...the money comes from us. No fans, no team, no paycheck.
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