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pacmanplayer said:
Well Pac Man did say on a tv interview that you get the real money on your 2nd deal... and thats what he is looking for too... for him and his crew

Everyone is voiceing their opinions about Pacman and what he supposedly said here. Now, I could be wrong. But, I am sure there are other people here who read most if not all of the newspaper articles and if you live in the Nashville area probably watch most if not all of the local media coverage. And this is the first I have heard of this comment. So, someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Now, as far as Pacman's actions in the last game. Here's my opinion. I think it was the best thing that could possibly happen to the Pacman. It's kind of like if you have ever had someone close to you that kept screwing up in life (drugs, fast women, gambling, crime, what have you) and you stood firm by their side. But, that time finally came when you had enough of their ****. And you told them not to count on you being there for them in the future. You know, Tough Love! Sometimes that is enough to get through to some people. Other times, it takes a trip to the slammer. Then, there are the other people who never learn and end up in prison or dead. I think Fisher took that initial step with Pacman and showed that Tough Love.
Woody81 said:
Thats what I'm saying. Atleast he was pissed. The D looked scared to tackle at times. We used to have a gang tackle, fast, smash mouth D. They couldn't be farther from that style right now. Pac fits in the "ideal" D much better than someone like LT. If they don't have any fire let'em go or let'em be back ups.

I say pull a Harvey Williams on Thompson and Williams

What is a Harvey Williams. When the Raiders acquired Harvey "Whirlpool" Williams from the Chiefs he proved to be "Injury prone" so granny Al Davis switched him to TE and he eventually retired.

I say move Thompson and Williams to C and just let Haynesworth beat the everlovin' crap of of them till they quit - which will be before the first pratice cause they have both proved to be gutless girly men.
CriticalTheory said:
Taking care of yourself should be the 1st thing on your mind.

You take care of yourself make sure you have a place to sleep then worry about the team.

Making sure you're set and your family is set is 10x more important than the team you are on. A team can trade you, cut you and do what ever basically destablizing your life for a period of time.

So Pacman has me on this one now if it's for some homies who are just there then yes don't worry about a 2nd contract. If it's for some homies who are Ride or Die then worry about that second contract.

let him do it in another town for another team then. NO TITAN should have this "Lord of the Flies" mentality and if any do they should be CUT IMMEDIATLY.
GoT, I agree and what you have been preechin' all this time has turned out to be correct...That's too bad because I know you are disapointed too...let's just hope Pacman, Bulluck, Fisher can get it turned around. You don't punt on 2nd or 3rd down and you don't give up on a Pacman just like that. Live and learn but for goodness sakes let's fix the kid.

Hoffa, btw, :hot: ??? sorry 'bout that... just confused me...
I was making more of a metaphor than a joke but I see what you mean.
I compared him to a zit cause it's apparent whereas the other was more serious and hidden...a gland is unable to be seen with the eye and I just didn't get it. (but it was the fans gland, hence Pacman is a pain in the a$$. :ha:) For a guy who makes so many jokes you would think I'd look at it for what it was but to be honest with you after a good old fashioned BR at the hands of the Jags...nevermind. I see now.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
GoT, I agree and what you have been preechin' all this time has turned out to be correct...That's too bad because I know you are disapointed too...let's just hope Pacman, Bulluck, Fisher can get it turned around. You don't punt on 2nd or 3rd down and you don't give up on a Pacman just like that. Live and learn but for goodness sakes let's fix the kid.

Hoffa, btw, :hot: ??? sorry 'bout that... just confused me...
I was making more of a metaphor than a joke but I see what you mean.
I compared him to a zit cause it's apparent whereas the other was more serious and hidden...a gland is unable to be seen with the eye and I just didn't get it. (but it was the fans gland, hence Pacman is a pain in the a$$. :ha:) For a guy who makes so many jokes you would think I'd look at it for what it was but to be honest with you after a good old fashioned BR at the hands of the Jags...nevermind. I see now.

sad thing is Adam Jones could be part of the solution. That is what he was drafted to do. As a side benefit to that he got $13 million - notice he was not drafted so the Titans could give him $13 million.

at this point I, like all Titan fans, hope he spends his the off season doing all the right things and being a productive member of society.
PacMan has issues but they are nothing compared to the issues surrounding our defense. If PacMan doesn't get the two penalties what do you think the outcome of the game would have been? Would we have won? What would the outcome had been if he didn't play at all? This thread is dancing around the real issues which is our the poor play of our defense as a WHOLE. Winning cures a alot woes, if the Titans were winning PacMan would not be so angry. Put PacMan on a defense that plays well and I would bet you would not have as much negatitivity.

Just my two cents.

MsTitan or in this instant Ms PacMan:))
KobeChaz said:
Other times, it takes a trip to the slammer. Then, there are the other people who never learn and end up in prison or dead. I think Fisher took that initial step with Pacman and showed that Tough Love.

That's called finding the bottom. Or in Fisher's case, things getting worse faster than he can lower his standards.
What's this $hit about pac and his money. He's out there earning it on each play which is more than we can say for the rest of the D. His production at his position is better than most of the vets. He's doing more than just showing up for his check.

His mental lapses WILL continue to get better. That's more than I can say for our lame MLB's, safeties and defensive coordinator. Their sorry a$$ performances are not likely to improve.
Pac has hurt us a lot, and helped too. Bang for buck, I wouldn't say he's playing above and beyond all the guys around him. The money topic here wasn't about that anyway.
CriticalTheory said:
Taking care of yourself should be the 1st thing on your mind.

You take care of yourself make sure you have a place to sleep then worry about the team.

Making sure you're set and your family is set is 10x more important than the team you are on. A team can trade you, cut you and do what ever basically destablizing your life for a period of time.

So Pacman has me on this one now if it's for some homies who are just there then yes don't worry about a 2nd contract. If it's for some homies who are Ride or Die then worry about that second contract.

This makes no sense at all. Tell us how acting like a 3 year old is going to help Pacman get a big 2nd contract? The first penalty was almost excusable because a player got in his face and Pacman over reacted. The second penalty only showed his complete lack of maturity, self control and selfishness which are not high on the list of qualities NFL teams are looking for in a player. Apparently Pacman goes into some kind of mental zone when these things happen and the guy acts almost insane. Not having any more self control than that will result in not having a 2nd contract at all if he keeps it up.
Ewker said:
don't worry about Jones!! Fisher will come to his rescue and tell us how Jones was the victim

again :ha:

looks like I was wrong about Fisher making an excuse for Jones. I was wrong to assume Fisher would keep defending him in front of everyone
(fans, media and players).
As horrible as our team looked on Sunday, I can't believe that PacMan has a 75 posts and counting thread criticizing him. There are other more important concerns here.
GoT has the right idea....calling him ADAM.

Just how did he rate getting "P Jones" on his friggin' jersey? Why is he listed as "Pacman Jones" on the friggin' roster?
Does Jerome Bettis have "TB Bettis" on his jersey? Did "Refridgerator" Perry have "R Perry" on his?

Whether you like him or hate him, doesn't this seem arrogant to you?
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