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Torch7 said:
The majority of fanbase that is being picked up is not the Texans fans, but the UT fans, and you have no clue how loyal Longhorn fans are to Mr. Young. Think M.J and North Carolina, and you get an inkling of a clue.


Titans2008 said:
Forgive me, but it sounds like you are more a fan of a player than a team. If you don't think it's logical to be a fan of an NFL team based on location (because they might one day move)... how much less logical is it to be the fan of a team because of a player (that might one day be traded/cut)? It seems like the latter case is much more likely to happen...
I guess my point is why come to a Titans board if you are only a Vince Young fan? If he doesn't show any promise in the next four years or so, you'll have to go through the process again with another board.
Yeah, I see your point, 2008.

I was born and bred a Texas Longhorn fan and I've been a Texas Longhorn fan through good years and miserable years and I'll be a Texas Longhorn fan come hell or high water. And, as a longtime Texas fan, I'd be quite amused if some former Texas A&M or LSU fan told me that he was becoming a Texas fan because Texas had just recruited some blue chip whose high school career he had followed.

So yeah... I don't expect to be taken seriously as a Titans fan. You guys have been Titan fans through the ups and downs and you're the real fans.

I'm not trying to be you, nor am I trying to pretend that I'm suddenly equal to you as a Titans fan or that I’ll ever be as dyed in the wool loyal as you are.

I totally respect you guys for what you are and I'm okay with knowing that none of you can probably ever take a guy like me seriously.

But you know what - the NFL, unlike college football team, is a business and it's one that's only as loyal to its coaches, players and fans as long as it can use them. So, enjoy it while you can before they screw you.

As for me, I’m going to enjoy following Vince Young’s career because – as you will soon find out – he is really something special.

So, I’ll try to be a good neighbor to you, but you've got to realize that Vince Young carries with him a legion of loyal fans who will forever be indebted to him and completely awe-struck by him, so if that’s bothersome to any of you, well then, I guess we've just ruined your neighborhood.
I'm glad you're excited about the Titans for whatever reason, I was just curious why you would become a fan of a team because of one player. I'm a fan of many ex-Tennessee players even if I don't root for their NFL teams.
Titans2008 said:
Forgive me, but it sounds like you are more a fan of a player than a team. If you don't think it's logical to be a fan of an NFL team based on location (because they might one day move)... how much less logical is it to be the fan of a team because of a player (that might one day be traded/cut)? It seems like the latter case is much more likely to happen...

So are you just trying to prove the truism that bandwaggon fans attached to a player are not true fans of the team? I don't need a 50 on a wonderlic test to figure that out. Frankly, a 16 or a 6 would suffice ;)

Several of the people joining to support VY are un-committted to an NFL team and will be glad to spend $$$ to help your team. Seems like a 100% good thing (maybe unless you'd rather their be cheap seats available on Sunday's). So why is this upsetting?
I thought your post was real good man, and when you are able to take an even handed tone people can't help but take you seriously, so don't worry about that. 60% of the Indianapolis fanbase is made up of UTK fans. Trust me. I know. I live in freakin' PEYTONville. Welcome aboard. Our bandwagon cleared out a few years ago so theres always room for another opinion. Besides, you've just caught the Titans virus, and it's a lifelong...
Titans2008 said:
I'm glad you're excited about the Titans for whatever reason, I was just curious why you would become a fan of a team because of one player. I'm a fan of many ex-Tennessee players even if I don't root for their NFL teams.

Well, with the likes of Heath Shuler and Choker-boy Manning, I can understand that. :ha:

Heh! Just kidding.

But don’t think for a minute that I give a flip doodle about other Texas exes like Cedric Benson or Chris Simms. Yeah, I hope they do well, but really, I couldn’t care less.

But here’s the thing: Vince Young is really something special. I think you’ll find that out.

Words can’t explain it. I’d feel silly trying. But I’m totally confident that someday you’ll all understand.
Titans2008 said:
I'm glad you're excited about the Titans for whatever reason, I was just curious why you would become a fan of a team because of one player. I'm a fan of many ex-Tennessee players even if I don't root for their NFL teams.
It's the Vince Young Movement. Powerful stuff man.:brow:

btw- Does Mary Jane Travis Henry count? :ha:

Vince Young is a very special player.:winker:
I cheer on a team not a player. I don't go goo goo eyed over players
Me neither, until Vince. Seriously. I got into some intense arguments with people who were putting individual players over the tea. *cough* Major Applewhite *cough* Vince is just different. I have never become a fan of an NFL team because of a Texas player before. I wanted them to do well, sure, but i didnt care for the team. Or the NFL in general, for that matter. No longer. I will be a Vince Young fan until the day I die. You will, too. Just wait.
I'm with Vince all the way... until 2017 when he refuses to negotiate and ends up playing for the Ravens. Then he can kiss my butt. :lol:
Titans2008 said:
Forgive me, but it sounds like you are more a fan of a player than a team. If you don't think it's logical to be a fan of an NFL team based on location (because they might one day move)... how much less logical is it to be the fan of a team because of a player (that might one day be traded/cut)? It seems like the latter case is much more likely to happen...
Fan of a player here! Vince! Woo Hoo! I had the same relationship with the Oilers until Earl Campbell retired. I came to like the whole team, though. I have high hopes for the Titans, as well! I couldn't be more pleased by the fact that they drafted LenDale White, who I was no fan of at all until I watched the 2006 Rose Bowl. That kid was inches short of finishing off my beloved Longhorns. You had to give it up for him. I don't know any of your offensive linemen as yet, but I have to think if they can slow down the defense, those two are gonna move the ball.

One thing to know about us Texas fans. Your haters can't lay a finger on the haters we've lived with on Texas boards in the past.
Eh...the hatin's pretty weak sauce over here. No offense, Ewker, you're just not very...venomous...but we still love ya.

I get your all's drift about Vince -- the air is just electric around him. This is the guy I and many of us wanted, a natural successor and hopefully eventual upgrade to Steve McNair. It couldn't have worked out better...and to get the Rose Bowl MVP and the would-be MVP if it had gone the other way...ridiculous. I'm so excited about destroying some teams in the coming years, I can't wait. Anyway, we know he's special already. So many good things ahead. Young is just what we needed.

Anyhow, welcome new fellas. Glad you're here. Hope you stay awhile.
Ewker said:
don't hold your breath. He was the last QB I wanted. I think he is overhyped and overrated.

Oh, I see now. You’re a non-believer. No wonder you can’t understand.

You have no idea your Savior lives.

But hey, I completely understand. I too once was blind (but now I see) and I too once was lost (but now I’m found).

Just imagine our plight, Ewker. You’re a nine-year fan of a relocated franchise that’s actually been to a Super Bowl in the last 7 years. As Texas fans, we were the sad, jaded, disillusioned lifetime fans of a storied program that hadn’t sniffed an MNC in 35 years.

Then came Vince...

Under Vince Young, I’ve seen Texas down 35 to 7 – and score 49 unanswered points. I’ve seen Vince complete 18 of 21 in one game and 25 of 29 in another. I’ve seen VY scramble for 22 yards on fourth and 18 and ramble for 34 yards on third and thirty. I’ve seen Mr Young drop back, start left, cut right and zip 80 yards down the sideline and cover all that ground with only 24 steps. Just calculate how many feet per stride that comes out to. In VY’s 30 wins in 32 games, I’ve seen Texas score over 30 points 25 times, over 40 points 21 times and over 50 points 12 times. I’ve seen Texas down late in the fourth to Michigan, Ohio State and Southern Cal and I’ve seen Vince Young completely take over to ensure wins. In each of those, I’ve seen all eleven defenders know full well that Vince Young would take the ball into his own hands and still there wasn’t damn thing they could do about it.

Many quarterbacks may impress from time to time, but Vince Young simply astounds game after game, series after series, play after play.

I’ve seen his miracles and I believe.

It may take three years or it may take four, but sooner or later, Vince Young will put the Tennessee Titans on his back and single-handedly win an improbable Super Bowl for them when all hope is lost. When that happens, Ewker, you will be so humbled and awe-inspired by what you’ve just seen that you will stumble in here with teary eyes and trembling hands and type out Hooky, I understand now. I believe! I just didn’t know.

And on that day that Vince Young delivers, if you truly love your Titans, you will love Vince Young all the more for the miracles he performed on behalf of your Titans. And you will always be a loyal supporter of Vince Young no matter where he goes or what he does.

You’ll understand then, because you’ll be a believer – just like us.

So consider yourselves blessed, Titan fans. The future is all yours!
Hooky Hornstein said:
Oh, I see now. You’re a non-believer. No wonder you can’t understand....blah,blah,blah,blahQUOTE]

dang, you must have some good stuff to smoke if you believe what you just posted :whoop:
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