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If defenses are too focused on getting that big hit on this guy he is going to run wild. It's hard to get a big hit on VY, in that long TD against michigan in the 2005 rose bowl he actually put a move on a guy who was behind him. The guy had an angle for vince's legs and vince faked him out and you wonder how vince even saw him.

The other issue is that vince has no problem running out of bounds. In the highlight videos he will angle out of bounds a lot. Of course that is after he has gained 15-25-30 yards! He is a very economical runner who isn't going to take a lot of big hits.
Titans2008 said:
The difference is that running backs expect to be hit at all time and don't get blindsided. Additionally, you can afford to not have a running back in the game for an extended period of time in most cases, but that's usually not the case with your qb. Defenses know this as well and are always looking for a knockout hit on a qb whereas they are just trying to get a hb on the ground, most times.

some people just won't and don't believe that.
Vince10 said:
The next guy that gets a kill shot in on Vince will be the first. Ever. He just does not take direct hits.

that's right he is invinceable..nothing can happen to him... he is a football God :barf:
Ewker said:
that's right he is invinceable..nothing can happen to him... he is a football God :barf:

I know your being sarcastic here, and Vince may not be a football god, but what you have to realize is that he's the closest thing to it you'll ever see.
Nice dodge. It is a fact that what I said is true. You can try to mock that however you choose, but you cannot deny it. It could happen tomorrow, but it would be the first time. Ever.
so I am suppose to take what you say as gospel :sad2:
oh thats right you are a follower on the football God and he is invinceable:ha:
there is only one Football God here people. And we all know it isn't Vince Young.

But I (strangely) agree with Ewker, a lot of people here have Vince Young down as some untouchable, unstoppable and unbeatable player.

As good as Vince Young can be, there are a lot of questions mark with him and he is just as likely to flop as he is to succeed.

Painting him up on the Sistine Chapel is a bit premature.
Alas, impugning my credibility does precisely nothing to refute the point. You have no evidence that what I say is incorrect. I, on the other hand, have a mountain of evidence to support what I say, having watched every single game he played in college.

Surely if i am full of ****, you can find one, single instance of Vince getting laid out. I mean, come one. One. :ha:
Vince10 said:
Alas, impugning my credibility does precisely nothing to refute the point. You have no evidence that what I say is incorrect. I, on the other hand, have a mountain of evidence to support what I say, having watched every single game he played in college.

Surely if i am full of ****, you can find one, single instance of Vince getting laid out. I mean, come one. One. :ha:
but the problem with that is, he cant hahaha
As much as I like Young we all have to admit that this is not college anymore and we have seen plenty of supposed great players flop in the NFL. Now I don't think he will flop but it is still a possibility.
Titans2008 said:
The difference is that running backs expect to be hit at all time and don't get blindsided. Additionally, you can afford to not have a running back in the game for an extended period of time in most cases, but that's usually not the case with your qb. Defenses know this as well and are always looking for a knockout hit on a qb whereas they are just trying to get a hb on the ground, most times.

Ewker said:
some people just won't and don't believe that.

Blindsided, huh?

Yeah, I’ve seen that a hundred times. A right-handed quarterback drops back, looking right and never sees the defensive end or safety blitz flying in from his left.

But you know what, Titans2008 and Ewker, sacks are going to happen whether you have a “running” quarterback or not. Now I know you fellows may have your agendas or your axes to grind, but I tend to think both of you are bright, intelligent human beings.

So please, just stop and think about it for a minute.

Exactly who is more likely to get blindsided? Your classic drop back passer or a much more mobile quarterback? Hmmm….

In case you’re wondering, here’s something to chew on: over the last three seasons, Matt Leinart was sacked 56 times, Jay Cutler was sacked 57 times and Vince Young was sacked only 31 times.
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