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:ha: good plan, but Vince is about three times the size of me and Bipolar combined, he'd just turn around and stare at us and we'd turn to stone.

Yes Vince is Superman.
titansfan9 said:
^^^ okay, so where would the chart start- it will have to base the salaries off of this year- so even so teams are still in the same situations, they just don't have to negoitate, and in the NBA one position is not overly important then the other- it depends on the player, in the NFL a QB has to be paid more because he asked of more.......

Bush will get more money than Young and not as much money as Williams. Postion doesn't really come in to play until players are off their rookie contracts anyway. Everyone gets slotted now, having a chart just eliminates the waiting game and holdouts.

Turn to stone huh?
dude, medusa is a hottie...
It was tough to find a pg-13 image bro.
Gunny said:
:ha: good plan, but Vince is about three times the size of me and Bipolar combined, he'd just turn around and stare at us and we'd turn to stone.

Yes Vince is Superman.
I think if I made eye contact with Vince Young I would turn into a blob of jello. Those of you who remember this time last year when I joined... you may recall the massive man crush I had on Pacman. (and still do, I'm still a big fan even though I rant, yell, and scold him when he screws the pooch) ... well, after this past years NCAA season, the Rose Bowl, the Vince Young Movement, the Draft... it's pretty safe to say that if I met Vince Young I would totally cream my jeans. I did have the pleasure of meeting Jones in an autograph session last year... (Gunny... snap, host and post a pic of that PMJ cap... show them the ink) and to my credit I held my composure quite well... I was able to use consonants in conjunction with vowels to form actual words that were audible and easily understood. I don't know that I could do that with Vince. :ha:
So, basically, I gotta find some other dudes to pull off this heist? Sheesh! BiPolar and Gunny, I had more faith in your ganster! Dude, my family has a maid and I got more thug in my well-manicured pinky finger than the two of you have in your whole body!

BiPolar, hearing how you feel about Vince Young really makes me understand how my older brother feels when I include him in my little world. He used to get all weird on me when I took him to games and stuff.
elfinmagic53 said:
So, basically, I gotta find some other dudes to pull off this heist? Sheesh! BiPolar and Gunny, I had more faith in your ganster! Dude, my family has a maid and I got more thug in my well-manicured pinky finger than the two of you have in your whole body!

I'll check the stash for some kryptonite.

In reality I could take Vince easy, I just don't want to ruin the Titans franchise.

elfinmagic53 said:
you and Gunny are hiding in the closet.....

ok. we're in... we need more man power though.
Maybe these "dudes" can

You are right about the hiking boots sweetie!
Big fashion no-no!
We'll have no problems with the dress code...
that much is for sure...

Gunny, get to the airport...
take the marta to midtown station,
Elf and I will meet you at Atlanta Eagle
for Hairy Navels before we head out.

oh my god shoe shopping, please girlfriend...that would be so. swell.
we can get a manicure and a pedicure and a latte and we can try on so many different things.

oh i'm so excited.
This is another ruined thread production brought to you by G&B productions.

"Ruining threads since 2005"

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Gunny said:
This is another ruined thread production brought to you by G&B productions.

"Ruining threads since 2005"

"Want a thread ruin? Just call 555-RUIN. That's 555-RUIN. Call now and recieve a free t-shirt. Remember that's 555-RUIN"
elfinmagic53 said:
BiPolar, I didn't know you and Gunny were like "that". Wow, I can take you 2 shoe shopping with me.
Let me just say, being the fanboy I am, if you were going to take me to meet some Titans afterword, I will go to "The Chute" with you. I have to do my share of shoe shopping now as I am married and my wife doesn't know one Titan.
After the Dolphins game in 04, I got to go where the Titans come out of the locker room down in the depths of the Coliseum (shoutout to Vette, I still have no way to repay you, maybe I can take you shoe shopping). I think I scared the players, I am older than most of them (I am 32) and I was all like calling them by last names Mr. Shulters, Mr.Carter, Mr. Mason .... I wondered afterword if they were all like "did you guys see that dork?" Also, I am MTSU alum and that was the year we drafted Calico and the last game we had D Hicks (before the Chicago stuff), so I was just gushing on them.
The reason the NBA and NHL can have those kinds of scaled salaries for the first year is that their contracts are guaranteed, so the player's unions agreed to that "controlled" system. NFL contracts are not guaranteed so teh NFLPA (smartly so) would never agree to that sort of system.

Listen, don't act suprised he is getting those types of numbers. He is the #3 pick and the #1 QB taken, of course he is getting that type of contract. That is life in the NFL, the greatest game in the world.
but he also got the maxwell award for the best player in college football, 2nd for the heisman, and his team won the national championship this year, he should be making that kind of money
GhostZ said:
but he also got the maxwell award for the best player in college football, 2nd for the heisman, and his team won the national championship this year, he should be making that kind of money

Exactly. Pay him what he deserves and get on with making him a Titan and winning again.
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