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Starkiller said:
Not in the NFL he hasn't...

He played well enough in college to be the third overall pick. Once he was made the 3rd overall pick, then he "deserves" to get paid fair market value for his draft slot. If the Titans didn't want to pay it, they didn't have to draft him. Vince has better odds than most of being actually worth that kind of money though.
They'll pay him. I'm just saying that he hasn't proven anything yet. Lots of college stars don't do squat in the NFL. Let's just hope Vince doesn't become one of them...
quite a conundrum... he can't prove anything until he is signed and yet he has to prove something to be signed? He's been nothing but a winner his whole life. I say he's a pretty darn good risk.

I hope this doesn't turn into one of those circular logic chess matches again.

So explain to me how Vince Young doesn't know how to win?
no. not it's not.

notice SK here is always the one that throws the ruin train into overdrive,
i.e. - with his condoning comments about
Len Dale White and what not
Yeah, it was my fault. Is it offensive if you call me a ruiner if I am a ruiner? :ha:

As for Vince, I never said he doesn't know how to win. I just said it's one thing to do it in college and another to do it in the NFL. Didn't Ryan Leaf know how to win? Rick Mirer? Heath Shuler? We'll just have to wait and see whether or not he will become a winner in the NFL as well...
ya, but u gotta look on the brightside of things, mcnair was the same type of qb that vince is, but he is already better than mcnair is from what some of the players say, like one dude said that he fits the ball in tighter spaces than mcnair ever has, and hes got speed, and hes cool
I've noticed that in my short time here, I've had an amazing (amazing to me anyway) ability to end threads... I say stuff and nobody ever responds.This one sure needs it....THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT.
I've noticed that in my short time here, I've had an amazing (amazing to me anyway) ability to end threads... I say stuff and nobody ever responds.This one sure needs it....THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT.

maybe no one likes you? :ha:

or maybe you just say things so well it just doesnt require any further discussion? :brow:
I think some fans are setting themselves up for major disappointment this season as to what Young will do. But it happens every season. The top rookies are already Pro Bowl future HOFers before training camp.

I like the optimism but I think we need to be much more realistic. The BEST thing which can happen is Volek plays so well that Young sits the bench all season.
TitanJeff said:
I think some fans are setting themselves up for major disappointment this season as to what Young will do. But it happens every season. The top rookies are already Pro Bowl future HOFers before training camp.

I like the optimism but I think we need to be much more realistic. The BEST thing which can happen is Volek plays so well that Young sits the bench all season.

well Reynaldo is on his way to the Pro Bowl and the Hall of Fame. He is on target. :brow:
From now on Bamaron will probably never ruin a thread again. People will always be careful to respond to him.

Anyway, Smith's contract last year is just a starting point. It may be that Young's agents goes for (Mario) Williams's money, on the basis that Young is a QB.
Does anyone think that Smith will be any good? The guy never had a TD pass until week 17 against the Texans. Somehow they managed to beat St. Louis twice, though. Their 2004 year was total crap. 2-14. I have such a hard time imagining Vince playing and what it will be like. Now we have this Billy Volek tenure thing to deal with.

I try to picture it working out real good. I think great long ball td passes to Bennett. It's not hard to imagine. I've seen it before. The difference is we win them and he doesn't get hurt. He's just got to play his heart out. I mean, this is pretty much it for Billy. This is the culmination of everything he has worked for; the personal heartbreak of standing in week after week only to not play.

Honestly, I have a hard time imagining Billy getting alot of wins. Anything more than seven is reaching and reaching far at that. Maybe his survival insticts will come into play and he will take care not to injur himself for he will no longer be a back up to anyone. Poor Billy. Let's get that Vince Young fella over there $50+ million dollars there Bud.
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