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Slipjack said:
WU, I'm changing the subject, but why did Andre chose Oklahoma. I was born and raised in Virginia and I find it strange he would end up in Oklahoma.

Ha, Slipjack, guess what, neither one of us is from VA. I am here because I am in the Navy (nearly 17 years so far). Both Me and Andre were born and raised in Denver Colorado. Andre went to OU because neither CU or CSU thought he was big enough coming out of high school at 6'1", 177, despite a stellar high school career with 176 tackles over 3 years and 11 ints in his senior year alone (7 in one game). Per my sister, Barry Switzer (still helps OU recruit) came to their house to recruit Andre (which was the same house I had grown up in - my mother gave it to my sister when I graduated from high school - TJ the same one Andre graduated from years later). He was redshirted his first year (4-7 record), played the second year as his freshmen year and the team was 7-4. Started at receiver and played nickel and dime corner (caught winning TD in Big12 Championship)(12-0 National Champs). Junior year started at corner, played backup receiver (Cotton Bowl winners). Senior year started Corner (no receiver) (Rose Bowl winners).......... Hmmm, somebody said something about making plays and winning games..... I'd say he was really used to that and thus his high self expectations.... Despite what anyone on this board says, Andre as always expected a lot of himself. That has always been his approach. Even when he does well, he always critiques himself and never in a boastful manner. He works hard and that is why I won't accept people who don't really know him at all sit around bashing his work ethic.... He flat out busts his behind....If it were B-Ball, he'd be the type of competitor Dennis Rodman was.....WU
click Homer for the link

I stumbled into the TOMB today. Someone mentioned Reynaldology in there. It was in a google search result. I posted the Reynaldo links in the Hill thread. I decided to take a look at the Woolfolk thread while I was there... Sure enough Woolfolks Uncle came a huffin and puffin' and blew the door in. I haven't read the entire thread yet, (but I will) I just laughed so hard at the countdown I just had to share my find with you here. 3. 2. 1...:ha:

click Homer for the link :thumb:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I stumbled into the TOMB today. Someone mentioned Reynaldology in there. It was in a google search result. I posted the Reynaldo links in the Hill thread. I decided to take a look at the Woolfolk thread while I was there... Sure enough Woolfolks Uncle came a huffin and puffin' and blew the door in. I haven't read the entire thread yet, (but I will) I just laughed so hard at the countdown I just had to share my find with you here. 3. 2. 1...:ha:

click Homer for the link :thumb:
Heh, I like the comment about naming the ratbirds Titans East.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I stumbled into the TOMB today. Someone mentioned Reynaldology in there. It was in a google search result. I posted the Reynaldo links in the Hill thread. I decided to take a look at the Woolfolk thread while I was there... Sure enough Woolfolks Uncle came a huffin and puffin' and blew the door in. I haven't read the entire thread yet, (but I will) I just laughed so hard at the countdown I just had to share my find with you here. 3. 2. 1...:ha:

click Homer for the link :thumb:

Hey just like Andre is fighting back over and over and has the spirit to never quit.... I am the same way, can't back down from a fight baby!!! They did the countdown and You know the deal BP:
Riverman said:
Vuh vuh vuh vuh vuh vuh vuh vuh vuh

I can't take any more.

Don't take any more, just go to a different thread......... Me..... I keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going and goooooooiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg!!!!!!!!!


You know the Bunny has got to be confident to be the Cool "Man" uhh hem "Bunny" that he is - to be pink and cool without regret or shame.... Nobody stops him... Nobody
GoTitans3801 said:
Do you mean peon?

no i meant a semistable meson produced either in a neutral form with a mass 264 times that of an electron and a mean lifetime of 8.4 × 10-17 seconds or in a positively or negatively charged form with a mass 273 times that of an electron and a mean lifetime of 2.6 × 10-8 seconds....ok yes I meant peon.
The Titans WANT Fuller to be as good or better than Woolfolk because they are looking to '07 and beyond.

It's a shame that injuries have hampered his opportunities but Woolfolk will have to be much better than Fuller to regain the nickel and dramatically outplay Hill for a shot at the #2 outside spot.
TitanJeff said:
The Titans WANT Fuller to be as good or better than Woolfolk because they are looking to '07 and beyond.

It's a shame that injuries have hampered his opportunities but Woolfolk will have to be much better than Fuller to regain the nickel and dramatically outplay Hill for a shot at the #2 outside spot.

Only time and camp will tell. I wish them all well. When everyone does well it bodes well for everyone, meaning if Andre doesn't regain the spot, he will have regained notoriety and signability if he has put up a strong fight. While it is no secret that I hope Andre can outplay Hill, even in dramatic fashion as you've stated, I do not hope Hill plays bad. I would like to see everyone perform well and let the chips fall as they may.....

GoTitans3801 said:
Gunny, sometimes you worry me a little...

I understood him perfectly.

Pions have zero spin and are composed of first-generation quarks. In the quark model, an up and an anti-down quark compose a π+, while a down and an anti-up quark compose the π−, its antiparticle. The neutral combinations of up with anti-up and down with anti-down have identical quantum numbers, so they are only found in superpositions. The lowest-energy superposition is the π0, which is its own antiparticle. Together, the pions form a triplet of isospin; each pion has isospin-1 (I = 1) and third-component isospin equal to its charge (Iz = +1, 0 or −1).

The \pi^\pm mesons have a mass of 139.6 MeV/c2 and a mean life of 2.6×10−8 seconds. They decay due to weak processes. The main decay mode (99.9877%) is into a muon and its neutrino:


The second largest decay mode (0.0123%) is into an electron and the corresponding neutrino:

\pi^+\to e^++\nu_e,~~~\pi^-\to e^-+\bar{\nu}_e.

The π0 meson has as slightly smaller mass of 135.0 MeV/c2 and a much shorter mean life of 8.4×10−17 seconds. It decays due to electromagnetic force. The main decay mode (98.798%) is into two photons:


Its second largest decay mode (1.198%) is the so-called Dalitz decay into a photon and an electron-positron pair:

\pi^0\to\gamma e^+e^-.

The rate at which pions decay features prominently in many subfields of particle physics such as chiral perturbation theory. This rate is parametrized by the pion decay constant (fπ), which is about 90 MeV.

A pion being an unstable quark.

Quarks being the smallest partial known to man. Each electron is made up of 3 quarks. The quark is such a small partial that it is designated by a direction of spin (ie up or down). The quark is the only thing known to man to move faster then the speed of light. This is because each photon of light is made of quarks and that in a stream of light the quarks can move in a straight line where as the photons moves in a wave (like the wavelength of a light). Explaining how a quark is able to break the light speed barrier will be the next step required for humans to realistically travel past our solar system and to other inhabitable planets. One thing that Stephen Hawking has lectured recently as being a crucial even that needs to be addressed. "It is important to the human race to spread out into space for the survival of the species." Hawking told a group of students in China.

So the term pion, in a future our children might be lucky enough to experience, maybe a very crucial name in the survival of the human race.
Ok i'm convinced...

The loud hater BS combined with the BIG BOLD WORDS have convinced me that andre is potentially a great player.

In the arena league!
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