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Gene the PIG said:
I agree that his pee is tainted thick from a long winter of doing bong hits with his thug buddies.

Not that doing a bong hit is bad, but he's getting paid millions to NOT do that.

If he wants to do bong hits with his thug buddies, he should quit playing football, & get a job working the grill at Chili's.

Pac is a piece of crap human.

you pass judgement on someone you do not know? Thats gutsy
Riverman said:
Pac is Pac. He's not any different from the day we drafted him. We knew what we were getting. Honestly, it's not all that bad. Yes- he associates with the wrong characters and has been immature BUT he has not broken the law.

Unfortunately, we are so emotionally invested in the Titans that we often hold the players to a much higher standard than other members of society. He is only a FOOTBALL player and a pretty good one at that. I could care less what he does off the field- as long as it doesn't have repercussions that affect his on the field (or the team) performance.

So, IMO he needs to stay in shape, show up for OTA's, put up excellent returns, cover well and get a few INTs. That's what I think we paid for. Who am I to judge if his non-professional behavior meets my personal code of morality.

Most intelligent post I've seen in any of this.

I don't remember people getting this upset when Bulluck missed voluntary workouts. Interesting no?:brow:
KamikaZ said:
Most intelligent post I've seen in any of this.

I don't remember people getting this upset when Bulluck missed voluntary workouts. Interesting no?:brow:

You might want to look up some threads on here because I remember lots of people, including myself, saying that Bulluck needed to be at workouts.
KamikaZ said:
I don't remember people getting this upset when Bulluck missed voluntary workouts. Interesting no?:brow:
Here's what Fisher said: said:
LB Keith Bulluck missed some time earlier last month which also received Fisher's attention. Bulluck has been a regular at Baptist Sports Park lately. "He knows where I stand on this, and this is his choice," Fisher said of Jones. "Keith has excelled and performed on the field at a very high level consistently for a number of years, Pac has not. …"
I was upset with Bulluck and I'm upset with Pacman, but Bulluck has more leeway with me because he's been successful for this team for quite some time, and has no off field incidents.

Oh, so the new rule is you have to personally KNOW the person to pass judgement?

OK, my bad. :bonk2:

I'm sure Pacman is a FINE human! :barf:
Gene the PIG said:

Oh, so the new rule is you have to personally KNOW the person to pass judgement?

OK, my bad. :bonk2:

I'm sure Pacman is a FINE human! :barf:

well would you like it if I thought you were a dim witted moron with no clue on life based on the 10 or so posts you have provided?

Would you like it if I attacked you based on those 10 posts even though we live in different places and I wouldn't know you from a bar of soap?

Oh no, another internet message bully. yikes

You go, girl! Flex those message board muscles.

What's next, "your mama" jokes?

Grow up, drop dead ... whatever.
i'm not actually bullying you.

I am just saying that if I said those things it would not be based on anything because I do not know you. Just as you do not know Pacman, but you still say all this crap about him.
I KNOW I don't know him. I was just making a (somewhat weak?) attempt at humor, jeez.

Sorry. I really am.

Do you personally know MJ? Is he really a class act? I'm just sayin'.

I never saw Pac smoke a J. The stories though, man ... the stories. They hound the fella, who BTW, is our first round pick from last year.

I'm just a tad concerned. Don't wanna lose a first rounder to stupidity.
hey Gene , the best thing to do is put Gunny on your IGNORE list

life will ultimately be much simpler and you experience will be much more enjoyable if you don't get into a pissing match with someone who will continuously tell you how wrong you are, no matter how right you are; then turn around later on and make statements that support yours
KamikaZ said:
Most intelligent post I've seen in any of this.

I don't remember people getting this upset when Bulluck missed voluntary workouts. Interesting no?:brow:

Bulluck should have been in the Pro Bowl the last two years. I don't care if he shows up for workouts or not....he has proven himself.

PacMan has proven that people/receivers can get under his skin....that is about it.

By the way, How exactly do we know he is working out? Is is because his agent told us so? He needs to be there so they make sure he is doing the right things. I think he has a chance to be great, but he got behind last year because he wasn't there on time. He has got to show people he has changed, and he can't do that if he is not there.
Gunny said:
i'm not actually bullying you.

I am just saying that if I said those things it would not be based on anything because I do not know you. Just as you do not know Pacman, but you still say all this crap about him.
damn Gunny... I've been watching this and you keep putting it down. Even I have expressed that I am losing hope but this is inspirational... he might need time to clear the pee up. That would make sense. Gunny, for what I have seen here today consider that signiture request granted.
Puck said:
hey Gene , the best thing to do is put Gunny on your IGNORE list

life will ultimately be much simpler and you experience will be much more enjoyable if you don't get into a pissing match with someone who will continuously tell you how wrong you are, no matter how right you are; then turn around later on and make statements that support yours

yes, let hear more genius comments like Puck Facman. :rolleyes:
Hey...lets leave the bashing to Jones here. You don't have to personally know someone to have an opinion on them as a person. How many times have you heard about Bullock being at the site of a shooting at 2am at a freaking quick mart?? I mean...come on. This guy continuously puts himself in bad situations...and doesn't seem to give a rat's a$$ what impact that has on the team.

The guy has an attitude and has done nothing so far to even sniff being deserving of having the attitude he has. Does he have potential? Sure...but do I expect him to be any kind of positive image for the Titans? No. He cares about himself...the team made him an instant millionare and tossed him a vote of confidence by taking him #6 and he has repaid that by acting like a punk, not taking his role as a face of the Titans with any seriousness and frankly is an embarrassment to this team.

When he signed that contract and accepted those millions he gave up some of his right to do whatever the hell he wants to or be whatever loser he wants to be. He owes something to the team and to a degree to the fans of the team. I am sick of hearing people makes excuses for him just because he is no different than any other Joe Public...thats a load of BS. I have no illusions that every player is going to be a beacon of light in the community...but this guy has been anything but.

I take pride in this team and I am tired of hearing people try to make excuses for this guy. You would think he was some teenager that just didn't know any better. The guy is a very rich ADULT...he is accountable and I personally think the FO is already weary of him.
Laserjock said:
Hey...lets leave the bashing to Jones here. You don't have to personally know someone to have an opinion on them as a person. How many times have you heard about Bullock being at the site of a shooting at 2am at a freaking quick mart?? I mean...come on. This guy continuously puts himself in bad situations...and doesn't seem to give a rat's a$$ what impact that has on the team.

I still do not get how being at the site of a shooting is on Pacman? As far as we all know from what has been reported it didn't involve anyone he knew.
So how is Pacman putting himself in a bad situation there?

How many people here have been out partying or whatever and went to the local 7/11 to get something to eat or whatever in the early hours of the morning?
Gunny said:
yes, let hear more genius comments like Puck Facman. :rolleyes:

I have to agree with everybody else here. This guy has done nothing positive since he has been here and is constantly doing things that deserve criticism. You dont have to personally know someone to be critical of them, especially when its time after time that he messes up. Hopefully the people surrounding him arent making excuses for him or else he wont ever pull his head out of his ***.
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