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But there is a Muslim aspect to hit. Syrian Christians and Jews are still allowed (at least Syrian, not sure if that applies to all countries). It says that people of minority faiths are still welcome. I agree, it isnt an outright ban on all Muslims, but it is targeting Muslims from these areas.
yeah about that ....

But there is a Muslim aspect to hit. Syrian Christians and Jews are still allowed (at least Syrian, not sure if that applies to all countries). It says that people of minority faiths are still welcome. I agree, it isnt an outright ban on all Muslims, but it is targeting Muslims from these areas.

Here is the document. In Docs you can search for certain words and phrases if you want.
Also keep in mind guys that he is a member of a liberal party, nicknamed "fiberals" for good reason. There is often a big difference between what they do and what they say.
But there is a Muslim aspect to hit. Syrian Christians and Jews are still allowed (at least Syrian, not sure if that applies to all countries). It says that people of minority faiths are still welcome. I agree, it isnt an outright ban on all Muslims, but it is targeting Muslims from these areas.

The house voted unanimously saying that ISIS was targeting Christians in Syria and that amounted to genocide.

less than 1% of the syrian refugees admitted to the US under Obama were Christian.
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The house voted unanimously saying that ISIS was targeting Christians in Syria and that amounted to genocide.

less than 1% of the syrian refugees admitted to the US under Obama were Christian.

44% of refugees allowed in the US under the Obama administration were Christian. Yes, Syrian Christians were low, but there are reasons for that. One, Syria is a predominantly Muslim nation, so obviously it is going to be mostly Muslims who make up the refugees. Two, many Christians were still in govt controlled areas, and werent fleeing. Three, many that did flee had other countries they could go to.
If you haven't figured it out, that's what they do here.. They talk a bunch of **** for their buddies but when anyone opposing their views speaks up, they basically put their fingers in their ears and stick out their tongues.

It's pointless to try to have a discussion with them. They're only here to try to impress their little group with how obnoxiously Republican they can be.

So you care about the refugees? That's good.

Just remember though, whenever you are hearing about the refugees that Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton helped create the situation they are fleeing. And they did it all so pipeline could be built.
44% of refugees allowed in the US under the Obama administration were Christian. Yes, Syrian Christians were low, but there are reasons for that. One, Syria is a predominantly Muslim nation, so obviously it is going to be mostly Muslims who make up the refugees. Two, many Christians were still in govt controlled areas, and werent fleeing. Three, many that did flee had other countries they could go to.

I was going off of newsweek

But the numbers tell a different story: The United States has accepted 10,801 Syrian refugees, of whom 56 are Christian. Not 56 percent; 56 total, out of 10,801. That is to say, one-half of 1 percent.

Right, but there are reasons for that. Syria is only about 10% Christian. So obviously the vast majority of refugees are going to be Muslim. Plus, as noted, a lot of the Christian population has been in the "safer" parts of Syria, and simply werent leaving. And many that did leave, had other countries they could go to, probably family members and things of that nature they could stay with. Its not like Obama was discriminating again Syrian Christians, but simply that raw #s would dictate that the majority of refugees are Muslim.
So you care about the refugees? That's good.

Just remember though, whenever you are hearing about the refugees that Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton helped create the situation they are fleeing. And they did it all so pipeline could be built.

Why do y'all always bring up Obama? I don't give a fuck about Obama. Ill tell you like I've had to tell GoT a million times... I'm not a party sack rider, I can admit when any party fucks up. I don't go along with whatever one party does just because that's "my party." That's the kind of shit that got Donald fucking Trump elected as president.

If people would use their head instead of riding the cock of a political party, this country would be a lot better off.
Right, but there are reasons for that. Syria is only about 10% Christian. So obviously the vast majority of refugees are going to be Muslim. Plus, as noted, a lot of the Christian population has been in the "safer" parts of Syria, and simply werent leaving. And many that did leave, had other countries they could go to, probably family members and things of that nature they could stay with. Its not like Obama was discriminating again Syrian Christians, but simply that raw #s would dictate that the majority of refugees are Muslim.

That's not at all what Elliot Abrams said in Newsweek. He said:

But when you have been running a refugee program for years, and you have accepted 10,612 Sunni refugees and 56 Christians, and it is obvious why and obvious how to fix it, and nothing is done to fix it—well, the results speak more loudly than speeches, laws, intentions or excuses. In effect, we make it almost impossible for Christian refugees to get here.

So I’ll stick with that heading. And I agree with Shea: “This is de facto discrimination and a gross injustice.”
Why do y'all always bring up Obama? I don't give a **** about Obama. Ill tell you like I've had to tell GoT a million times... I'm not a party sack rider, I can admit when any party ****s up. I don't go along with whatever one party does just because that's "my party." That's the kind of **** that got Donald ****ing Trump elected as president.

If people would use their head instead of riding the cock of a political party, this country would be a lot better off.

I bring him up because he helped create that situation. It is hypocritical to say you care about refugees but not care about what made them refugees in the first place. Especially when it was the US government, at the highest level, that is largely responsible.

So, are you upset about this refugee order or not?
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