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And we are 8 days in. Whether anyone is a Trump supporter, anti-Trump whatever, I think we can all agree this is going to be a long ass 4 years if the first 8 days are any indication.
I guess. And they actually do have camps across Syrian borders for Christians, but obviously harder to get there for them. But they have no clue what they are going to do. We still have no clue how the stupid wall is going to get paid for or what the Republican alternative to Obamacare is. Theyve been bitching about it for 6 years, and still have nothing. But I am supposed to believe that Trump knows how to save Christians in Syria? What a crock of ****.

Exactly.. They're making this shit up as they go along. Cutting without proper alternatives. It's been an interesting week already... 4 years of this is scary.
Yeah, working so well for us, isn't it.

I think you'd probably have a different view if it were your neighborhood those bombs were dropping on.

yes delivering 1000 pound packages of freedom is a fine policy.

And nobody is stopping any country from implementing The Constitution

Well you are pretty real libtarded... of course carpet bombing is always something you do in an away game
The article you posted was written by a lifelong Republican who worked under Reagan and Bush. I didnt say you were partisan, I said consider that the article you wrote probably had some aspect of partisanship.

But secondly, you didnt address my post. How, would you then suggest that the US, UN, whoever, was able to find Christians in a war torn country where they are the vast minority? Most refugees who are vetted come from camps, which Christians rarely went to. So, since it is apparently just discrimination, then what was your plan to find Christians to bring over as refugees?
actually look for them... duh. They are the ones that are not chopping peoples heads off OR better yet. Kill the moslum that showed up at your donktarded camps so that the Christians can take over the donktarded shytholes the stupid commie Democrats created all by themselves under uncle barry
This country has gotten beyond stupid. You even see Conway when she does her media rounds, and literally says the white house has "alternative facts", because this administration is so ****ing stupid they cant even defend their positions. There is no such thing as alternative facts. People can disagree on what the facts are, but alternative facts is essentially code for propaganda.
They're going to show up at camps waving 'Merican flags with the Dons face on them now. They can't wait til Don meets them at the airport for hugs and photo ops.

Or...Christians will continue to not go to the camps and the numbers will remain about the same. Unless they somehow figure out a way to set up Christian only sanctuaries in the region, the numbers will be the same and for the same reasons... They're just not there to get admitted.
I guess. And they actually do have camps across Syrian borders for Christians, but obviously harder to get there for them. But they have no clue what they are going to do. We still have no clue how the stupid wall is going to get paid for or what the Republican alternative to Obamacare is. Theyve been bitching about it for 6 years, and still have nothing. But I am supposed to believe that Trump knows how to save Christians in Syria? What a crock of ****.
And we are 8 days in. Whether anyone is a Trump supporter, anti-Trump whatever, I think we can all agree this is going to be a long ass 4 years if the first 8 days are any indication.
Exactly.. They're making this **** up as they go along. Cutting without proper alternatives. It's been an interesting week already... 4 years of this is scary.
been an amazing 8 days... I am literally swimming in MAGA
**** off dude, you can either have a conversation or you cant. If you cant simply **** off.

this is so totally easy.

Its like playing 3 dimensional chess or Winning with tiger blood or something.

Hey you will still have to buy your socialist medical insurance or Donnys federalies will come looking for you. A bunch of donks made that a law.

Dont fret too much when you are paying for your neighbors to sit on their arse sucking down resources your family could have used cause you can always just feel good. I know you cant eat feeling good, but hey you will always have that - at least in your own mind. But dont fret Donny is gonna fix that also.

Its only been 8 glorious days of salt mining. I have zero doubt more days of mining glory are to come.

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