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Look at your history. No immigration, no USA as you know it today.

You as a country was built by immigrants. That's your heritage, that's who you are.
The land of the free and opportunities. That's why you attracted people, both common and the best minds in the world. If you want "to make America great again", you have to look at what made America great in the first place. And immigrants is a huge factor in this. Both friends and foes.

I've read that Pollyanna narrative too.

And there is another way to look at it. Learn from the mistakes of the past.

The people who lived in relative comfort for centuries, then the invaders from the east showed up. Those invaders did not come to assimilate with the native Americans. Instead they brought their own way of life with them and imposed it on those already there. Things have been bad for those people ever since
  • Disease epidemics
  • Forced relocations
  • Apartheid policies
  • Gennocide
  • Foreign laws and custom imposed on them
Learn from the past ;)
I've read that Pollyanna narrative too.

And there is another way to look at it. Learn from the mistakes of the past.

The people who lived in relative comfort for centuries, then the invaders from the east showed up. Those invaders did not come to assimilate with the native Americans. Instead they brought their own way of life with them and imposed it on those already there. Things have been bad for those people ever since
  • Disease epidemics
  • Forced relocations
  • Apartheid policies
  • Gennocide
  • Foreign laws and custom imposed on them
Learn from the past ;)
And there you have the original reason for leftist self hatred of their view this Nation was founded immorally and should never have happened. Look for extreme white self hating sjw's to soon start voluntarily giving allowing themselves to be debased in public as atonement for past sins. Liberalism is a mental disease.
And there you have the original reason for leftist self hatred of their view this Nation was founded immorally and should never have happened. Look for extreme white self hating sjw's to soon start voluntarily giving allowing themselves to be debased in public as atonement for past sins. Liberalism is a mental disease.

Can't do anything about the past, can do something about the future ;)
Why do you have so little respect for the capabilities of the American military? I thought they were just sand farmers? Why are all of you the biggest sissies on the fucking planet? Always so scared.
And here you go....

'White privilege' essay contest stirs up controversy in Connecticut town

A Connecticut town's diversity council announced a contest offering cash for the best student essay on "white privilege" -- sparking backlash from people who claimed that it painted the town in a bad light.

The council in Westport introduced this essay topic, with submissions due in late February: "In 1,000 words or less, describe how you understand the term ‘white privilege.’ To what extent do you think this privilege exists? What impact do you think it has had in your life -- whatever your racial or ethnic identity -- and in our society more broadly?"

And of course Big TT nails it ....again...
No, last guy we executed turned out to be innocent so we got rid of it

You can eat a dick on that one --- F that azzhole

I interact with more Muslims in one day than you have in your entire life and I have been to more Muslim countries than you ever will.
Well I can believe that

Can't keep tabs on em the way you do unless you learn everyThing bout em first
It is a lot more than the nothing you know about the Islamic world. All you know is that you are supposed to consider them victims.
All I know is with the same as every type of person there are radical assholes bt That won't make me google "muslims did something bad" every minute and seeing what you can post and retweet like they are smug lil victories
If Obama were still president would he make a speech like thsi:

"In the wake of this horrific event, my thoughts and prayers are with the right-wing troll community, who now must live in fear of a backlash."

I see what you are getting at. So you are saying all Trump supporters must be like this guy?

If that is the case then all Anti-Trump people are like ISIS, since they have joined the anti-Trump movement.
All I know is with the same as every type of person there are radical assholes bt That won't make me google "muslims did something bad" every minute and seeing what you can post and retweet like they are smug lil victories

Keep thinking that; you are happy in your little bubble
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