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adamwinn51 said:
Twoseven, People here agree with you that what he did was wrong and that he should serve whatever punishment he deserves but its your extreme outlook that they don't agree with.
Twoseven, if you'll look back, there were similar discussions when McNair and Tank had DUIs. Read those threads and you'll see the people in this forum didn't approve of their mistakes either, even though McNair was an MVP and Tank was a starter. Finnegan is just a seventh-round draft pick rookie who hasn't done diddlysquat for the Titans yet.

I would also ask this: If you worked for the Titans in some capacity, would you deserve to be fired for being accused of DUI? :brow:
A.D. said:
Twoseven, if you'll look back, there were similar discussions when McNair and Tank had DUIs. Read those threads and you'll see the people in this forum didn't approve of their mistakes either, even though McNair was an MVP and Tank was a starter. Finnegan is just a seventh-round draft pick rookie who hasn't done diddlysquat for the Titans yet.

I would also ask this: If you worked for the Titans in some capacity, would you deserve to be fired for being accused of DUI? :brow:

The players are a little more in the media than the guy who wraps their ankles on game day so it has nothing to do with working for the Titans , its the players im talking about , Fisher said ZERO TOLERANCE and thats what it should be and im confident he will can this kid and should IMO. bottom line is if you get arrested you get cut no matter who you are , the post i wrote about Bulluck , Volek ........ was a joke , they should go too if they get arrested and convicted , buts thats the thing , most will buy their way out of it just like McNair did . I would rather have a team who the community can respect than have team full of jail birds even if it means we wouldnt be as good . But thats just my opinion . I also understand everyone elses point too and you can argue both sides all day long . all im saying is people get tired of turning on the t.v. and seeing a Titans mugshot , Fisher needs to stand behind his policy and show the rest of team he isnt playing .
If a coach or manager draws a firm line in the sand about off the field conduct, I hope Vince or LD don't get in trouble. You guys...
bigtitan53279 said:
i just dont understand why football players should be infallible.

gee i dont know , maybe cause they represent our team , state , community , the N.F.L. then they have the nerve to go to schools and tell our kids how to act , like pacman , i would have been one PO'd parent if he went to my kids school and gave my kids a speech . he's another one who will be in prison before it's all over with , you just wait and watch. thugs ! and the bad part is we have so many great people past and present on this team who are excellent role models. and people who arent from around here and the outside media throw all them in the same boat.
i think it's pretty unrealistic to have the expectation of 1,696 guys never having a lapse in judgment during their pro careers.
twoseven said:
gee i dont know , maybe cause they represent our team , state , community , the N.F.L. then they have the nerve to go to schools and tell our kids how to act , like pacman , i would have been one PO'd parent if he went to my kids school and gave my kids a speech . he's another one who will be in prison before it's all over with , you just wait and watch. thugs ! and the bad part is we have so many great people past and present on this team who are excellent role models. and people who arent from around here and the outside media throw all them in the same boat.


ever occured to you that they are just football players and they don't want to represent all the stuff you said.

As for Pacman being in jail, what do you base this on?
twoseven said:
The players are a little more in the media than the guy who wraps their ankles on game day so it has nothing to do with working for the Titans , its the players im talking about , Fisher said ZERO TOLERANCE and thats what it should be and im confident he will can this kid and should IMO. bottom line is if you get arrested you get cut no matter who you are , the post i wrote about Bulluck , Volek ........ was a joke , they should go too if they get arrested and convicted , buts thats the thing , most will buy their way out of it just like McNair did . I would rather have a team who the community can respect than have team full of jail birds even if it means we wouldnt be as good . But thats just my opinion . I also understand everyone elses point too and you can argue both sides all day long . all im saying is people get tired of turning on the t.v. and seeing a Titans mugshot , Fisher needs to stand behind his policy and show the rest of team he isnt playing .
If Fisher meant that players would be fired for their first offense, I think he would have said that. I took what he said to mean that there will be punishment for wrongdoing and that the level of punishment will be commensurate with the number of infractions and their severity.
i got this off of another site , this is what im talking about . it says it all.

Hey Jeff Fisher, I think its time for the
"Guys please cut this out" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"We have GOT to behave better" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy and THIS TIME I MEAN IT DAMMIT!" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy and THIS TIME I MEAN IT DAMMIT! so here is the Chief of police to help me out" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy and THIS TIME I MEAN IT DAMMIT! so were moving training camp to APSU and i'm gonna bust your balls" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.

Fisher, you have tried everything. Time to pull out the Tazer!!
Sunshine said:
If Fisher meant that players would be fired for their first offense, I think he would have said that. I took what he said to mean that there will be punishment for wrongdoing and that the level of punishment will be commensurate with the number of infractions and their severity.

i guess we disagree then , thats not how i see zero tolerance .
alzarius said:
And yea lol... i know all about Reynaldology, cant wait to see him (along with many others) on the field, think I saw 15 minutes of Titans football all last season.

Must have caught 15mins of the 2000 season review video. Certainly noone saw any Titan football in 2005
twoseven said:
i got this off of another site , this is what im talking about . it says it all.

Hey Jeff Fisher, I think its time for the
"Guys please cut this out" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"We have GOT to behave better" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy and THIS TIME I MEAN IT DAMMIT!" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy and THIS TIME I MEAN IT DAMMIT! so here is the Chief of police to help me out" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.
"Zero tolerence policy and THIS TIME I MEAN IT DAMMIT! so were moving training camp to APSU and i'm gonna bust your balls" meeting, oops tried that, didn't work.

Fisher, you have tried everything. Time to pull out the Tazer!!

Wow i think he heard you.:ha:
I don't know how old you guys are, I don't know what your social habits are, but I'll speak from my experience. I have gone out to bars with my friends, had a few drinks and drove home. Sometimes I've been more enebriated than others. After I get home, and come to the next morning, I realize how lucky I was that I didn't get stopped by the police.

Once, I had failed a very important dosage calculations test in grad school. You had to score a 100, or in other words, you had to get EVERY math problem right. Some other classmates who also failed the test and I, took our misery to O'Charleys and drowned our sorrows in alcoholic beverages. I can't lie, I was drunk. Our waiter didn't want to bring us anymore drinks and we lied and said that we weren't driving. Like an idiot, I drove home, on the back roads. I got to entrance of my neighborhood, it took my what probably was 10 minutes to put in the code to get in and I ran my SUV into the garage! That was my wake up call. I now drink responsible and don't take dumb chances.

When I look back on my drinking nights, I am very lucky that I didn't end up picking up trash on Mack Hatcher Pwky. in a black and white striped jumpsuit! Give this young guy a break and hopefully he learned from his mistake. Tank learned a valuable lesson.:hmm:
Two Seven, once again, you're never responding to what's been said. NO ONE has said that these players are above the law. They will receive whatever LEGAL punishment the law gives them. The team will give them further punishment. Why does it have to be firing them to be enough? These guys ARE held to a higher standard. What's your justification for the line? When a pro football player gets in trouble with the law, not only do they go to jail, pay a fine, or whatever the legal consequences are, but they usually have team discipline, and make a public statement. I know if I made a mistake, I really wouldn't want to have to read an apology at a press conference, that's a humbling experience.
GoTitans3801 said:
Two Seven, once again, you're never responding to what's been said. NO ONE has said that these players are above the law. They will receive whatever LEGAL punishment the law gives them. The team will give them further punishment. Why does it have to be firing them to be enough? These guys ARE held to a higher standard. What's your justification for the line? When a pro football player gets in trouble with the law, not only do they go to jail, pay a fine, or whatever the legal consequences are, but they usually have team discipline, and make a public statement. I know if I made a mistake, I really wouldn't want to have to read an apology at a press conference, that's a humbling experience.
i think i answered it a couple of times , ZERO TOLERANCE ! ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , get it ?
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