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When we play the Colts, I'm going to push for an investigation of Colts who have skipped jury duty. That is 7 days jail time right there and a possible W. Don't say I didn't do my part.
twoseven said: just not the type of person who thinks this stuff is ok , and get tired of hearing about it in the news and explaining to kids why these players they look up to are in trouble all the time .

You should teach the kids not to judge before due process has been executed

Wow, if we had slightly more depth at CB, he might be in jeopardy of being cut. I don't think they'll do that, but I'm sure they'll do something, should be interesting to see what it is.

Twoseven, you certainly don't have to stand behind him. I'm all for punishing him, and the law certainly will. TN DUI laws are strict, especially if you have more than one. He'll get a fine, probably spend 48 hours in jail, and some community service. On the team, I don't know how they'll punish him, but I'm sure something will happen. You want him fired? Really? He's 22, or something close. I agree with punishing the guy, but firing him this quickly? It's not justified, and it puts the team at competitive disadvantage, we need corners at the moment.
The kid has to have the mental capability of a chimpanzee. He is a late round pick trying to stick on an NFL team where he will make more money in a couple of years than he will see in 10 or more years working in the rest of the world and he is still not smart enough to stay clean atleast until he has a contract and has made the team. Dumb.
Has ANYONE, ANYWHERE on this thread, said ANYTHING close to "to heck with the law"? No one's around the law here. Some said wait until it's proven in court. It sounds like he didn't even blow the breathalizer. He'll take whatever legal punishment the law gives him, but I think almost all the debate on here is the team's private disciplinary action.
bigtitan53279 said:
let me ask you this. if you got a DUI, would your boss fire you?
GoTitans3801 said:
You want him fired? Really? He's 22, or something close. I agree with punishing the guy, but firing him this quickly? It's not justified, and it puts the team at competitive disadvantage, we need corners at the moment.
twoseven said:
to me it's simple , you get arrested you get cut ! ( unless your Bulluck , Young , Volek ............................................... ) . :ha:

So because they are good/important players, they get special treatment?

twoseven said:
im just not the type of person who thinks this stuff is ok , and get tired of hearing about it in the news and explaining to kids why these players they look up to are in trouble all the time .

How do you explain this one to those kids? "its ok, they are important to the team, they get second chances"
Twoseven, People here agree with you that what he did was wrong and that he should serve whatever punishment he deserves but its your extreme outlook that they don't agree with. We really should just cut the guy for getting a DUI? Would you get fired from your job if you got a DUI? Is that how it works in most lines of employment? Yes he is a role model to children and such but have you got to remember that this is also the real world, this is his real job, and any consequences need to be realistic. There is also such a thing as true redemption. This kid may learn his lesson, become a model citizen, and if the Titans get lucky a good professional football player. Then who looks like the *** when he is cut for a relatively minor mistake he made in his youth. I understand you being upset and your passion about the behavior of NFL players but I think you are taking it out on the wrong kid here.
Gunny said:
damn man, where you been? you know about Reynaldology? :brow:

Moved to FL, back in TN now. Dont post a lot because im out of the loop for the most part (not much TN football in FL ;) ) But I still read the site.

And yea lol... i know all about Reynaldology, cant wait to see him (along with many others) on the field, think I saw 15 minutes of Titans football all last season.
When I read this article (and a few times last year after we drafted PJ)...I can't help thinking of that great line from the Jim Carry movie "Liar Liar".........."STOP BREAKING THE LAW ***HOLE!"...

I love it.
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