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He didn't even make it to the rookie symposium. :lol: I heard they have skits about that exact thing among others at the symposium. Everybody makes mistakes, hopefully he doesn't make anymore before his rookie year starts!
bigtitan53279 said:
no it wouldnt. if the player who is cut is worth a damn, he'll be picked up by another team. see terrell owens.
Good let him go , so you think cause he is good he should get free passes ?
it's hard for me to imagine some people think these players should be able to get away with anything because they are good . besides i never heard of Owens getting into trouble with the law , being a jackass isnt a crime , lol:ha:
twoseven said:
Good let him go , so you think cause he is good he should get free passes ?
it's hard for me to imagine some people think these players should be able to get away with anything because they are good . besides i never heard of Owens getting into trouble with the law , being a jackass isnt a crime , lol:ha:
you have a reading problem dont you?

i havent said they should get special treatment or a free pass. in fact, i said the COMPLETE opposite of that.

let me ask you this. if you got a DUI, would your boss fire you?
Sukrillux said:
He didn't even make it to the rookie symposium. :lol: I heard they have skits about that exact thing among others at the symposium. Everybody makes mistakes, hopefully he doesn't make anymore before his rookie year starts!
yea we heard the same song and dance with pacman . "everybody makes mistakes " . this is my whole point . we are supposed to give every rookie / vet. a free pass and hope they dont do it again ? to me it's simple , you get arrested you get cut ! ( unless your Bulluck , Young , Volek ............................................... ) . :ha:
bigtitan53279 said:
you know gunny, i've been thinking about the spelling of Reynaldology. shouldn't it be Reynaldoology, like zoology?

wouldn't zoology then be zooology?

zoo - logy

reynaldo - logy

I think Reynaldology is right.
twoseven said:
yea we heard the same song and dance with pacman . "everybody makes mistakes " . this is my whole point . we are supposed to give every rookie / vet. a free pass and hope they dont do it again ? to me it's simple , you get arrested you get cut ! ( unless your Bulluck , Young , Volek ............................................... ) . :ha:

Pacman hasn't ever been found guilty. In fact has any titan ever been found guilty recently?
bigtitan53279 said:
you have a reading problem dont you?

i havent said they should get special treatment or a free pass. in fact, i said the COMPLETE opposite of that.

let me ask you this. if you got a DUI, would your boss fire you?
sorry but my reading is fine . typing sucks though , i said by cutting these players it would stop this kind of stuff and you said it wouldnt because they would sign somewhere else . WHO CARES ! let them go . you also said "dont nail this kid to the wall because of people's mistakes before him. he made a mistake, im sure everyone one of has made a mistake at one point in our lives." the people before him should of been even more of a clue for him not to do it IMO . and yes , i would be fired if i got a DUI.but we arent talking about me or you we are talking about an N.F.L. player. im not goiing to argue with you its just my opinion and its ok to disagree . im just not the type of person who thinks this stuff is ok , and get tired of hearing about it in the news and explaining to kids why these players they look up to are in trouble all the time .
twoseven said:
get tired of hearing about it in the news and explaining to kids why these players they look up to are in trouble all the time .
well, the problem there is kids shouldnt look up to athletes. tell them to look up to the real heroes in this country like fire fighters.
Gunny said:
Pacman hasn't ever been found guilty. In fact has any titan ever been found guilty recently?
give me a break ! are you a lawyer or something ? go ahead and stand behind this kind of stuff if you want to but im not .
bigtitan53279 said:
well, the problem there is kids shouldnt look up to athletes. tell them to look up to the real heroes in this country like fire fighters.
HEY ! i totally agree , wow we agreed on something.:))
Gunny said:
wouldn't zoology then be zooology?

zoo - logy

reynaldo - logy

I think Reynaldology is right.
zo is a variant of zoo, and ology is the studying. so it's zoology. my zoology teacher was very anal about people saying zoo-ology.
In the first place, it is an arrest, not a conviction.

Second, DUI is one of those special little crimes in which we put people in jail and fine them money, and embarass them by making them rake leaves like Boy George, and we do this even when we can't point to a victim.

Any of us might lose our minds, snap and go on a murderous rampage, but that is not a just reason to go ahead and punish us for what might happen. It is punishment for bad things that didn't happen, but might have.

Keeping impaired drivers off the road is a good thing, whether they are impaired by drink, OTC meds, or lack of sleep. Putting people in jail because they were impaired but managed to not hurt anyone is just silly.
twoseven said:
Hey , its just my opinion , you stick up for them all you want to . my point is all these players know we havnt had much luck with the cops the past few years and im sure Fisher has addressed this several times , and if this rookie is so stupid not to take a cab he should be gone . and if Fisher would start cutting these players the crap would stop . you cant keep giving free passes to players who get into trouble . im not just saying the Titans either its the whole N.F.L. do any of you have kids who watch the Titans ? who look up to these guys ?
Fisher ends the OTA with the "stay outta trouble" speech. Less than 24 hours later, dude is in the news.

We'll see is Fisher meant business with his "no tolerance" policy.
twoseven said:
and yes , i would be fired if i got a DUI.

I'm no expert on American labour laws and regulation, but unless you're a chauffeur and got caught DUI'ing in the company car, I would say there's grounds for a wrongful termination suit.

Over here you certainly couldn't fire someone for getting a DUI, speeding, disorderly conduct etc. (unless directly tied to your work).
Vigsted said:
I'm no expert on American labour laws and regulation, but unless you're a chauffeur and got caught DUI'ing in the company car, I would say there's grounds for a wrongful termination suit.
As far as I know, he hasn't signed a contract with the Titans as of yet. But many contracts contain certain conduct which can lead to termination. Also, Tennessee is an "At Will" state (can be terminated at any time, and for any reason).

I doubt there would be any legal issues if the Titans decide to release him.
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