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bulluck4dMVP said:
rumor has it floyd offered 3 years/10mil and well you can see what happened as a result of it....

honestly like jeff said he has almost none to little leverage @ all....

That would have been a generous offer given his production thus far -- more than Travis Henry has been earning as of late. Brown should have taken it, if true, then outperformed and asked for a new contract or a trade. That's how I would have approached it, at least. I'd figure Cheese was going to play himself out, and it should occur to him that LenDale spelling him could make Brown more productive in the long run.

I'm kind of disappointed in this development. I really think Brown is going to have a decent season and put a lot of elements of his game together. I want to keep my Reservoir Dogs -- Mr. Brown and Mr. White -- on the same squad for a while.
I don't know that you can blame Fisher, however what killed Brown the last couple of years is what killed Eddie's last couple of years, Henry's first year and to an extent McNair's last couple of year: crappy blocking on the offensive line.

You can blame Brown all you want, but when Henry (former probowler) doesn't do any better and Nash and Payton barely see the field, something tells me the problem lies somewhere else. And then when you watch film of our offence it becomes all too clear where the problem was.
I would not like to see Brown go to a division rival. I can already see an 06 commercial getting constant airplay: "Who's Chris Brown? He's Chris Brown. Brown torched the Titans twice for...."

No thanks.

If he were worth it, we could wait til the end of the season and tag him. I forget, under the new CBA, is the transition tag taken out, or is that it's proven to be ineffective with the crazy clauses added in those Vikings/Seahawks brouhahas from the offseason? Don't know if I'd franchise him and risk paying him that much, but then again, if Brown has a 1500 yard season, while LenDale is relatively inexpensive, maybe I'd do it after all.
TitanJeff said:
Houston would need to give up a two and I don't see it happening unless Davis went down.

Apparently Davis has not gotten back up from his knee problem, and that has the team worried. Antoine Smith and Vernand Morency are the backups.

I wouldn't let him go inside the division for even a two, I'm afraid. A two isn't going to run for me this season, and without Brown I find myself less confident in Henry and White.
LazyManJackson said:
I distinctly remember Jeff Fisher saying that Brown was our guy, and he was the starting RB going into next season. He s saying that Brown will start in 06.

That's commitment, so now Brown has to prove he can get 25-30 carries a game, without breaking donw so inconsistently.

IMO there is way too much infactuation with a guy having to get 30 carries a game to be a good RB. I would take two Chris Browns over one Eddie George his last 4 years any day. Willis McGahee had 325 carries with a 3.8 YPC average last year. Would that make our running game any better than Brown and Henry last year who combined had similar stats (actually Brown and Henry had better stats catching the ball which means they were more productive overall). Yet fans would salivate to get a guy who could grind out 4 yards per carry and stay healthy. Heck we put up with 3 yards per carry for 1/2 a decade. Not only would fans salivate to get a guy who could carry the rock 300+ times but they would be all for paying the guy big bucks. They would say "we have finally found our RB, our go to guy". Fisher would be saying how wonderful he felt now that he had a guy he could depend on. Bottom line that is possibly what White is going to be. He is the answer, our savior. In the end I would rather have Brown and White, pay them 1/2 of what an Eddie George would make and use them where their strengths are as opposed to having one guy.

By the way, if our OL actually decides to block someone Brown's YPC would blow away that 4.0 YPC that many of these high paid guys get. If Brown could stay healthy, and I agree that is his worst issue by far he would be a Tiki Barber quality back.
Chris brown is not a failure!

It really makes me mad when we talk about this guy like he has been some huge disappointment. He has not been. Brown was a very late third rd pick and one of the reasons he lasted that long were concerns about durability because of his body type and running style. Well?

Despite all that brown has averaged 950 yards the last 2 seasons with a solid average per carry. He has been a good football player. He is an accurate pass blocker better in protection than eddie george. He can catch the football and gave us 327 yards receiving last year. He has outproduced jamal lewis the last 2 seasons and has started as many games the last 2 seasons as dominick davis.

Certainly brown has been a better player than the two players taken ahead of him in 2003. A much better player than our top choice to be sure.:neener:

Chris brown has been a solid citizen, a solid teammate. Did he complain at all when we traded for travis henry? Did he complain when we drafted white? This is a contract year for him and the titans backfield is crowded. He wants to go somewhere he can put up better numbers. Who can blame him?
Yeah, Brown has been a good teammate. Even if he doesn't get his trade wish, I don't see him being disruptive in the locker room at all. I think he'll just put his head back down and play. The guy smiles too much and seems easy going. I think he can grin and bear it another season here. He'll know he's auditioning all season long.
Can I just say that trading Brown to Indy is absolutely INSANE. The one chink in their armor now is their running game. I hardly think we should be the ones to plug their one hole. Unless they want to plug all of ours of course. I mean I'd take a Brown for Freeney, Tarik Glenn, Nick Harper, Cato June and Bob Sanders trade. We might have to throw in Kinney and a fourth but I'd be okay with that. :brow:
RollTide said:
It really makes me mad when we talk about this guy like he has been some huge disappointment. He has not been.
That depends. Though I don't totally blame Brown for the lack of a rushing game when he doesn't get the touches, he's not of the caliber to start demanding a new contract or trade me based on his career so far. He's not been on the field enough. He fumbles too often. He doesn't get the short yardage pickup for a big back.

Bottom line, he needs to put together a total season if he wants a long-term deal.
I'd agree with the blocking hampering our run game.

I think the trade issue doesn't hurt us. If brown wants to be scouting a trade, that's fine, we don't have to take anything we don't really want. Give us a good corner or at least an acceptable one and another player and I'll toss you Brown.
He's not a failure. He's also not a star. I'm not offended by him asking to be traded, but it shows that he doesn't want to be here. Maybe you can't blame him for that, but a player that doesn't want to be here is less valuable.
I just wonder about the timing and the intelligence of this move for Brown. Why now? Why didn't he ask to be traded in April? What's changed for the team since the draft? Brown is still the starting back against the Jets for us if he just doesn't make a stink.
He should pull a Peter Sirmon and accept his role on this team. If he puts it all together this year he will get the money he wants, and the playing time as well.
MadAboutMcNair said:
I just wonder about the timing and the intelligence of this move for Brown. Why now? Why didn't he ask to be traded in April?
Because the Titans hadn't drafted White yet and, probably more likely, Reese wasn't going to deal with any vet contracts until the McNair issue was dealt with and the rookies signed. I'm actually surprised anything was discussed before all the rookie deals were completed.

Once Reese let them know what kind of deal he was willing to offer (which is probably nothing close what the final deal would be), the next move is for Brown to announce he wants to be traded.

And the game begins.
The 9ers are actually very happy with Barlow. They mainly blame the O-line or that’s what the papers around here always talk about.

Brown to the Colts or Houston? No way we are supposed to be rebuilding and we give a solid weapon to a team we have to play 2 times a year for as long as this young guy is on the team. Sports writers and announcers would have a field day if he were productive. Even with his injury problems Brown has shown spirts of greatness.

Out producing Jamal Lewis over the last two season is not all that great. He barely broke 1000 one year and did not the second year, those are not numbers that show domination or even better the mediocre.

I like Brown but I can not see him as a primary back in most systems and be able to get the 25 carries a game he needs without getting injured. I think he would be great with White in a split carry role but his lack of productivity in the 3rd and short situations has killed us over the last couple of years. I have heard people bring up Henry like he is at the same caliber he was in Buffalo. He is not even close. He has lost a step in speed and Buffalo knew it. Hell he has to know it to go from a 1300 yard back to a backup, to McGahee basically railroaded him out of Buffalo, to being traded to backup a young Brown. His answer to all that was to get suspended for four games on another drug violation? That just shows a lack of commitment.

I think we got White on a silver platter. Brown never complained because there was nothing to complain about until the draft. Even then the remark before the draft about White probably did not make him to scared that his position was in jeopardy. Now White is getting hype at what a steal in the draft he was and now Brown in nervous. He knows that if he does not perform well with his injuries he could fall to the #3 back and see all but no carries. Heck he could get turf toe again sit out a game or two the run game could pick up for us while he is gone and he could fine himself riding the bench the rest of the season. If that happens he would be lucky to pick up a backup position on most teams. I think that is weighing pretty heavy on him and the fact that our blocking has been less then stellar over the last couple of years he is probably worried that he could get knocked out pretty easily.

My thoughts anyways.
SOP for Reese. Let a player test the market and then match it if suits our needs.

Hindsight being 20/20, we stepped in it when we traded for Henry. I can only recall 2 or 3 plays that he looked like he was worth it. Henry's future is not guaranteed either if I remember the details of his recent contract. The main reason we inked him is because he came at a "damaged goods" price. He has every bit as much (or more) to prove this year than does Brown. And Brown doesn't have any substance abuse strikes against him. In the end, I think Brown will have a better year than Henry and he'll get his extension at the year's end. (unless somebody steps up with an offer too good to refuse.)

Personally, I'd like to see Brown and White as our tandem.
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