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Really. I can't. It was a complete disaster from top to bottom.

But I'm not really interested in discussing anything Munch-related with you anymore as you can't avoid going off on wild tangents and completely ignoring entire paragraphs/posts I make.
Really. I can't. It was a complete disaster from top to bottom.

But I'm not really interested in discussing anything Munch-related with you anymore as you can't avoid going off on wild tangents and completely ignoring entire paragraphs/posts I make.

Yeah I'm not really interested in discussing it with you since all you do is run away and make false statements that I can't grasp your posts :rolleyes:

So Kendall Wright a leading rookie WR is not a positive? The 2nd year and rookie OLBs are not positives? J. Casey is not a positive?

You're the one that directly quoted me and asked me a question. Yet you're "not really interested in discussing it" with me?

You are such a troll.
Care to try to back up that "tight ass owner" comment? Was he a tight ass owner when he offered Peyton more than any other team?

He threw money at Peyton for one reason, more money for him. He knows that people in Tennessee worship Peyton, ticket and jersey sales would have sky rocketed. I doubt he would have gone after qbs such as Rodgers or Brady.
You're the one that directly quoted me and asked me a question. Yet you're "not really interested in discussing it" with me?

You are such a troll.

Look, if you can't back up your statements, or in this case obviously admit you were wrong/exaggerating then so be it. Keep crying in your water over last season. To act like there was not one good thing from last season is just dumb. I guess it's time I start skimming or skipping your posts. Like I did TitansWillWin2 above.
He threw money at Peyton for one reason, more money for him. He knows that people in Tennessee worship Peyton, ticket and jersey sales would have sky rocketed. I doubt he would have gone after qbs such as Rodgers or Brady.

Well we signed high dollar DE free agent last year and have been active recently in free agency so the premise that bud is cheap is proven false.

But I realize the butthurt need to hurl blame and insults anywhere regardless of whether they are real or made up.
I guess it's time I start skimming or skipping your posts. Like I did TitansWillWin2 above.
Didn't you specifically say one of the biggest problems with the Titans is they do the "same ole, same ole" over and over?

And if so, one of your solutions is to bring back a former coach? Isn't that doing the same ole same ole?

Where to begin?

Umm- no Alex I didn't "specifically say one of the biggest problems with the Titans is they do the 'same ole, same ole' over and over?" I'm not sure where your coming from with that but this is most likely another example of your recent behavior of rationalizing statements out of context to suit your own argument.

And to address your second question (which, btw is also out of context to suit your point) regarding "my solution" to bring back a former coach: I'm very clear in my prior posts about why I think it is a win-win to bring Williams in as an assistant. Read it if you like.

Really- Alex- I don't mind having a DIALOGUE with you or anyone for that matter. But it appears lately you aren't interested in dialogue and exchanging ideas, but rather you are more interesting in discrediting/attacking others that have an opinion different from your own. It has become quite trite because my prior exchanges with you were more on a level of dialogue and much more enjoyable even when we disagreed.
All I can say is the search feature sucks. "Same ole" is apparently too common to search.

Can't remember if you said it or not.

But whoever says the Titans shouldn't hire any prior coaches or promote anyone with ties to this organization, and then says bring back Greg WIlliams- well do I need to post the definition of hypocrite?
And how disingenuous does someone have to be to say they can't find 1 single positive thing to say about last season? I don't mind the criticisms but I don't like the over-the-top ridiculous exaggerations people need to make up in order to bash the organization, coaches, and owner.
And how disingenuous does someone have to be to say they can't find 1 single positive thing to say about last season? I don't mind the criticisms but I don't like the over-the-top ridiculous exaggerations people need to make up in order to bash the organization, coaches, and owner.
Things I liked

Casey proved he's a full-time DT that we should come to love
Ayers is a damn good pass rusher
Brown isn't allergic to tackles (even though he finished week-17 with some whiffs)
Morgan showed why he was a first round pick.
Um thats about it really.

The defensive backfield regressed as a whole, but at least we're finally done with Ryan Mouton. Thats good right?
And how disingenuous does someone have to be to say they can't find 1 single positive thing to say about last season? I don't mind the criticisms but I don't like the over-the-top ridiculous exaggerations people need to make up in order to bash the organization, coaches, and owner.
Well boo hoo. How about you just write me off as an idiot and ignore my posts from now on? I assure you that would be A-OK with me.

Thing is Alex.... You KNOW you disagree with me wholeheartedly on this. You KNOW you disagree with Riverman wholeheartedly on this. And yet you continually follow us around like a child starting the entire conversation all over again every time we post. Why is it so hard to move on? What's wrong with just accepting the fact that we have different opinions than you and letting it be? You seem to just constantly WANT to argue about something.

And I don't know if you have poor reading comprehension skills or you just get all riled up and don't quite process what you're reading... but half of the time you think you're making some great big point by asking a question, the question has already been answered. For whatever reason you simply ignored it or deemed it "not good enough".

E.G. "Why does this organization have lower standards?" Well, I replied and gave examples of why I thought that. You then accused me of not answering the question and also of being unable to. :rolleyes:

Another E.G., "What do you mean Bud is letting his age affect his decision-making?" I replied and gave my take on why I thought that. Same thing. You accuse me of not answering your question and then somehow declare victory. :rolleyes:

Giving an answer that you happen to disagree with is not the same thing as avoiding the question altogether.

At this point, I honestly don't know whether you really are trolling or you're just not very good at following a conversation. But what I do know for a fact is that it's useless to try to debate with you regarding anything we aren't in agreement on. So I'm not interested in doing it anymore. If you want to take that as some kind of victory or your being right and me being wrong, so be it. Congratulations.

And don't take this as me "having something personal" against you or whatever you came up with last time I tried to explain all this to you. Your schtick is just beyond old and I'm tired of it.
All I can say is the search feature sucks. "Same ole" is apparently too common to search.

Can't remember if you said it or not.

But whoever says the Titans shouldn't hire any prior coaches or promote anyone with ties to this organization, and then says bring back Greg WIlliams- well do I need to post the definition of hypocrite?

Here is the problem I'm having Alex. I told you I didn't make that statement. You feel compelled to search it out anyway which suggests you can't take what I say at face value. When your research fails you, then you feel compelled to issue an indirect insult. Furthermore, I never said "the Titans shouldn't hire any prior coaches or promote anyone with ties to this organization" but you post that I did. Another example of you paraphrasing your perception of a statement to suit your argument (aka "taking out of context").

You see- you are more interested in discrediting the person who has a different opinion than your own rather than simply addressing the issue. I was very clear in my prior post to you. Yet- you ignored the points I made and continued on in your charge to malign/insult me personally.

I don't know what's going on with you, but you used to not do that. I'm not sure why it bothers you so bad that others simply are not high on the organization right now. Particularly in a way that you don't agree with. Just accept it as a difference of opinion- which everyone is entitled to have- including you. It certainly doesn't persuade someone to agree with your opinion when you persist in insulting them personally.
You see- you are more interested in discrediting the person who has a different opinion than your own rather than simply addressing the issue. I was very clear in my prior post to you. Yet- you ignored the points I made and continued on in your charge to malign/insult me personally.
Thats' the first thing they teach in law school, discredit the other guy.

Alex knows how to push buttons.
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