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Well boo hoo. How about you just write me off as an idiot and ignore my posts from now on? I assure you that would be A-OK with me.

Thing is Alex.... You KNOW you disagree with me wholeheartedly on this. You KNOW you disagree with Riverman wholeheartedly on this. And yet you continually follow us around like a child starting the entire conversation all over again every time we post. Why is it so hard to move on? What's wrong with just accepting the fact that we have different opinions than you and letting it be? You seem to just constantly WANT to argue about something.

And I don't know if you have poor reading comprehension skills or you just get all riled up and don't quite process what you're reading... but half of the time you think you're making some great big point by asking a question, the question has already been answered. For whatever reason you simply ignored it or deemed it "not good enough".

E.G. "Why does this organization have lower standards?" Well, I replied and gave examples of why I thought that. You then accused me of not answering the question and also of being unable to. :rolleyes:

Another E.G., "What do you mean Bud is letting his age affect his decision-making?" I replied and gave my take on why I thought that. Same thing. You accuse me of not answering your question and then somehow declare victory. :rolleyes:

Giving an answer that you happen to disagree with is not the same thing as avoiding the question altogether.

At this point, I honestly don't know whether you really are trolling or you're just not very good at following a conversation. But what I do know for a fact is that it's useless to try to debate with you regarding anything we aren't in agreement on. So I'm not interested in doing it anymore. If you want to take that as some kind of victory or your being right and me being wrong, so be it. Congratulations.

And don't take this as me "having something personal" against you or whatever you came up with last time I tried to explain all this to you. Your schtick is just beyond old and I'm tired of it.

So in this huge rant you can't simply admit "hey I was exaggerating when I said there wasn't one single thing that was good from last year"?

Why is that so difficult for you to do? How can you not at least say K.Wright being one of the best rookie WRs last year was not a good thing?
If we get Gregg Williams, do we also get his bounty system? I'd love to see M'Griff try to hurt someone without hurting hisself.
Thats' the first thing they teach in law school, discredit the other guy.

Alex knows how to push buttons.

Not really. I'm not that upset at what he's doing- just bored and disappointed. And I would simply ignore it but he used to have something interesting to write.

I've called out a few others that use the tactic of charging the other person to defend a comment they have taken out of context. That tactic simply pushes people off the forum which I think is a terrible thing. People on here can disagree respectfully without having to "shut-up" a dissenting opinion.
Here is the problem I'm having Alex. I told you I didn't make that statement. You feel compelled to search it out anyway which suggests you can't take what I say at face value. When your research fails you, then you feel compelled to issue an indirect insult. Furthermore, I never said "the Titans shouldn't hire any prior coaches or promote anyone with ties to this organization" but you post that I did. Another example of you paraphrasing your perception of a statement to suit your argument (aka "taking out of context").

Why is it a problem if I use the search feature? As I said, I guess it wasn't you that specifically said the "same ole, same ole" line that someone said.

I did go through some posts and did see where you said you were ok with Gray for another year. I was actually going to quote some of your prior posts where they were somewhat contradictory with the idea of hiring a former coach of the Titans but then I said screw it cause these debates are aren't debates and the dialogue is annoying me... mainly on things said below...

You see- you are more interested in discrediting the person who has a different opinion than your own rather than simply addressing the issue. I was very clear in my prior post to you. Yet- you ignored the points I made and continued on in your charge to malign/insult me personally.

I don't know what's going on with you, but you used to not do that. I'm not sure why it bothers you so bad that others simply are not high on the organization right now. Particularly in a way that you don't agree with. Just accept it as a difference of opinion- which everyone is entitled to have- including you. It certainly doesn't persuade someone to agree with your opinion when you persist in insulting them personally.

Why do you continue to do EXACTLY what you are accusing me of in the first paragraph of this quote? Where/When have I ever said it bothers me that others simply are not high on this organization right now? I have NEVER said that and in fact have always been a proponent of people's right to complain on this board. In fact I have multiple times recently stated I have no problem with legit criticism. What does bother me is the wild exaggerations (not one good thing from last year--- puhleeze) that are used in order to criticize a portion of this organization from personnel to coaching to ownership to management. If it is grounded in facts I have no issues but when people just make stuff up to attack the organization I think that's ridiculous.

I will state that when reading through some of your prior posts and your being upset with me over fake fan comments you did state that no one was saying they were quitting being a fan. But you are wrong, there were posts stating "I am done with this organization." If need be and when I have time I'll go quote some for you.
I could see him joining as a assistant and if Munch gets the boot, Williams takes over. I might be wrong but didnt Gray coach under Williams Def at some point?

Grey was his DC when he was HC in Buffalo.

Be kinda weird to be the boss of your former boss.

I wouldn't be against it, but I don't see it happening. Besides, if we get a new coach, Williams will probably get the DC job.
We'll also get the media coverage we all want.
Why is it a problem if I use the search feature? As I said, I guess it wasn't you that specifically said the "same ole, same ole" line that someone said.

I did go through some posts and did see where you said you were ok with Gray for another year. I was actually going to quote some of your prior posts where they were somewhat contradictory with the idea of hiring a former coach of the Titans but then I said screw it cause these debates are aren't debates and the dialogue is annoying me... mainly on things said below...

Why do you continue to do EXACTLY what you are accusing me of in the first paragraph of this quote? Where/When have I ever said it bothers me that others simply are not high on this organization right now? I have NEVER said that and in fact have always been a proponent of people's right to complain on this board. In fact I have multiple times recently stated I have no problem with legit criticism. What does bother me is the wild exaggerations (not one good thing from last year--- puhleeze) that are used in order to criticize a portion of this organization from personnel to coaching to ownership to management. If it is grounded in facts I have no issues but when people just make stuff up to attack the organization I think that's ridiculous.

I will state that when reading through some of your prior posts and your being upset with me over fake fan comments you did state that no one was saying they were quitting being a fan. But you are wrong, there were posts stating "I am done with this organization." If need be and when I have time I'll go quote some for you.

Don't waste your time- we don't need to debate semantics or context. Opinions change including yours. Doesn't make either of us hypocrites. Frustrations wax and wane- peoples comments reflect their opinion at that point in time. We can both find past quotes from each other that reflect that.

The way you're approaching this post is much different than the ones I've found objectionable- it is actually dialogue. I'm good with having a different opinion and respect yours as being different. I enjoy having a conversation. I get a bug up my azz when somebody begins to quote me out of context and I'm then charged with clarifying my true opinion. It gets off topic fast.

The whole concept of a "fake fan" is insulting because who is any one of us to judge the validity of a posters "fan-dom". It's an idiotic egocentric concept. Those who toss out that moniker are doing so just as inflammatory rhetoric. I get disappointed to hear you use it because you are capable of actually having a good dialogue. I only imagine you are "trolling" because you're fed up with people complaining. And I can go find several posts of yours in the past that reflect your frustration with not winning it all. Not too far off the opinions you're presently criticizing. Finding those posts is less important than simply having a respectful dialogue without insulting the other person with whom you may disagree.

I like the idea of hiring Gregg Williams as an assistant for the reasons mentioned above. I've criticized the organization in the past for their preponderance of hiring "in-house". The main gist was that seemed a higher priority than hiring people that have demonstrated they can win it all. Hiring Williams is a situation that they can hire a guy with Titans ties who HAS won it all at a coaching level. That is an asset. As opposed to hiring an ex-player who has neither played nor coached a winning super bowl effort.
You see- you are more interested in discrediting the person who has a different opinion than your own rather than simply addressing the issue.
Nail on head right there. Honestly, it sucks discussing stuff around here because too many guys (and a few very obvious guys, in particular) take this tactic.

I just try to drop quick thoughts in posts and not care too much what other people say -- and stay out of Taboo altogether. I recommend giving my strategy a try.
Nail on head right there. Honestly, it sucks discussing stuff around here because too many guys (and a few very obvious guys, in particular) take this tactic.

I just try to drop quick thoughts in posts and not care too much what other people say -- and stay out of Taboo altogether. I recommend giving my strategy a try.

> $2000 moolah not worth listening too

Care to try to back up that "tight ass owner" comment? Was he a tight ass owner when he offered Peyton more than any other team?

yes we gave money to do what? he was average at best and until i see him stand out like he is being paid then he will be a bust signing....what center did we get in free agency that was our major need during the off season? oh thats right he tried to get a qb to up the ticket and jersey sales over addressing our biggest you really see us signing a big name FA this off season either? history says no
I see one or two, times have changed and not only will the new CBA make it almost necessary, but his hands are almost tied after giving Munch an extension.
yes we gave money to do what? he was average at best and until i see him stand out like he is being paid then he will be a bust signing....what center did we get in free agency that was our major need during the off season? oh thats right he tried to get a qb to up the ticket and jersey sales over addressing our biggest you really see us signing a big name FA this off season either? history says no

You mean aside from the 5 we bought in who decided to sign elsewhere?
well who would those 5 be because i cant remember at the moment and did we even give them an offer? like what was our offer compared to what they accepted?

5 might not be an exact number but I do remember:

Saturday (pretty sure)

can't remember anyone else off the top of my head.
And how disingenuous does someone have to be to say they can't find 1 single positive thing to say about last season? I don't mind the criticisms but I don't like the over-the-top ridiculous exaggerations people need to make up in order to bash the organization, coaches, and owner.

Things I liked:
  • The Dolphins and Steelers games
  • The performance of last years draft. Three good starters out of the first three picks. Coty Sensabaugh and Taylor Thompson also look like keepers
  • The coaching staff is not afraid to play young players
  • Morgan stayed healthy and started to realize his potential
  • The young OLBs. Both look to have a bright future and are fun to watch
  • CJ is still CJ. He will always remain aloof. At times he will leave us wanting more but he is still arguably the most dangerous player in the league
  • The play and attitude of Matt Hasselbeck. Took the demotion to second string like a man. Played well when we needed him and did not complain when it came time to go back to the bench
  • That there is hope for the future. If we were this bad with a roster loaded with vets I would be very concerned. We have a bunch of kids in key roles who will only get better with time.
Grey was his DC when he was HC in Buffalo.

Be kinda weird to be the boss of your former boss.

I wouldn't be against it, but I don't see it happening. Besides, if we get a new coach, Williams will probably get the DC job.
We'll also get the media coverage we all want.
Does not have to be that way. Keep Grey as DC and make Williams the Senior Assistant Head Coach for Defence.
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