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rolling on the floor laughing...

TitanFan4Life said:
NO! Shut the **** up with the Cutler bull**** nonsense talk. He sucks, face it.
:eek: YIKES!
He doesn't suck...:ha:


ohh... snappish...:))
LazyManJackson said:
Cutler is mediocre comapred to Young!!!

They are both good. Let's rep well for Young.
No need to be a wonderlic flunking hooligan about it.

Hating on Jay Cutler doesn't make Vince Young or Matt Leinart better.:sad2:

If Jay Cutler were mediocre he wouldn't be a top 10 guarantee it pick.:greedy:
LazyManJackson said:
I don't hate Cutler, I wasn't 'hating on him'.
ok. what ever you say you pom. :winker:

Calling the boy "mediocre" is just not paying him his due. To me, a boot is something I put on my foot, not the back end of my car. I don't ride lifts... I ride elevators. And in this counrty (USA), when you dis someone and minimize what they are or what they have done... that is hating. ('hatin' really...)

ps- we drink iced tea 100 times more often than hot tea.
oh yeah... and you're wrong.
I can guarantee you , without any doubt in my mind , that if Jay Cutler had gone to USC as opposed to Vanderbilt, he would be regarded higher than he already is

He didn't climb (not only into the 1st round), but into the Top 10 for nothing

Put Matt Leinart at Vanderbilt and my guess is that the result may have been similar if not worse. Jay won alot of the games Vandy won on his own. The final drive against UT was damn near all Jay
why not jay?

it seems to me that cutler is the best of the top three. you know he is smart. he went to vandy for god sake. he's got a strong arm with good accurancy and he has the ability to scramble when the pocket breaks down. leinart is solid and i'm sure would fit right into the offense, but he already looks like he is in his 30's, the way he moves around makes me think he's going to have to retire after next season. as for young, i think the only player you can compare him to is vick and i'd rather have wins than highlights. plus he's from texas.
Puck said:
I can guarantee you , without any doubt in my mind , that if Jay Cutler had gone to USC as opposed to Vanderbilt, he would be regarded higher than he already is

He didn't climb (not only into the 1st round), but into the Top 10 for nothing

Put Matt Leinart at Vanderbilt and my guess is that the result may have been similar if not worse. Jay won alot of the games Vandy won on his own. The final drive against UT was damn near all Jay

Simon Cowell says: "It's still a 'no.'"
hickoryholla said:
as for young, i think the only player you can compare him to is vick and i'd rather have wins than highlights. plus he's from texas.
young has essentially the same record as leinart. and vick has a pretty good winning %
for the last time

winng % has nothing to do with the abilities of the QB
(or at least not everything to do with it)

coaching, intangibles, defense, RB's, WR's, OL all contribute

i'll never know why people relate "greatness" of a QB to his teams wins
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