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Starkiller said:
Ask Billy Volek...

If you did, I'm sure he'd say something about what a great teammate Steve is and what he means to this team and that he hopes it works out, and that he'll be preparing the same no matter what happens.
nigel said:
As SK already pointed out, players expect to get paid when they're production outweighs their contract. It happens all the time. It happened with Steve, it happend with Eddie, and two years ago it happened with Keith... they didnt hold out and make a fuss like Javon Walker, but the Titans redid their deals to reflect their current worth. And unfortunately, most of these guys get amnesia about that later in their careers when suddenly the deal they did 3-4 years ago is worth more than their production on the field. The only reason Steve didnt get a raise after his MVP season is because he'd just gotten a huge new contract in 2001.

What about when their production outweighs their compensation, most of time that just play on. True Mcnair had just signed a contract but he had the right to negate that contract after his MVP season because he was an MVP now and needed to be paid according to being best or second best QB in the league? Is that what you are saying?
nigel said:
If you did, I'm sure he'd say something about what a great teammate Steve is and what he means to this team and that he hopes it works out, and that he'll be preparing the same no matter what happens.

I have no doubts BV would be kind to SM but you know in the back of his mind he is happy that he may finally be getting his chance to shine again. He know the only way he gets to start is if Mcnair is gone
nigel said:
If you did, I'm sure he'd say something about what a great teammate Steve is and what he means to this team and that he hopes it works out, and that he'll be preparing the same no matter what happens.
I wonder if he's had a conversation with Rosenshark on how he'd handle all this.
nigel said:
If you did, I'm sure he'd say something about what a great teammate Steve is and what he means to this team and that he hopes it works out, and that he'll be preparing the same no matter what happens.

I'm sure he would... but what if we got him drunk first and then asked him? :))
TitanJeff said:
I wonder if he's had a conversation with Rosenshark on how he'd handle all this.

If Billy is looking to get paid, his best bet is for Steve to stay so he (Billy) ends up getting traded or released. If his goal is to start, his best bet is to stay put, but the Titans arent going to redo his deal.
MsTitan said:
What about when their production outweighs their compensation, most of time that just play on.

Are you watching the same league I am??? No, they dont.

MsTitan said:
True Mcnair had just signed a contract but he had the right to negate that contract after his MVP season because he was an MVP now and needed to be paid according to being best or second best QB in the league?

He was already one of the highest paid players in the league. When you're already in the top ten, you really cant argue that you're being underpaid.
Well, for one I believe it was a good move by the Titans FO, although maybe they didn't handle it the best way possible. However I don't understand how so many can accept eerything Bus Cook is saying to the media as gospel... at least the Titans FO is trying to keep this out of the media and between the player and the club.

Heck, Bus probably knows that the FO won't go public with any details, so he can pretty much tell the story any way he sees fit.
Vigsted said:
Heck, Bus probably knows that the FO won't go public with any details, so he can pretty much tell the story any way he sees fit.
And doing it while the big shots were out of town was a nice touch too. Good job Bus. You're a real pro.
When production outweighs compensation, they have those crazy bonus checks... the article came out a few weeks ago. Anything beyond that is ridiculous. FU TO. Same to all the other whiners.
Look here folks, eveyone is making a big deal out of this, maybe it is alright. But don't try to make me believe McNair's feelings are hurt or that the team is letting him down, or that he always was there to "redo" his deal to help the team. Each and everyone of those deal reworks steve put real $$$ in his pocket. I'm sure he didn't mind at all. If my employer wants to pay me ahead sign me up. Titans are doing the right thing for the franchise, it is a team that has a chance to be good again in a couple of years, that I do believe, and I mean playoff good. We are drafting a QB, steve knows it and doesn't like it. That part I believe is "hurting" his feelings. He and bus have forced the Titans hands, I hope he like purple.:sad2:
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