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TJ, if the Titans are planning on getting rid of him yes it was. If they are showing him who is in control yes it was. If he gets hurt while training the Titans are stuck with all that money so yes it was a good move. I have no problem with them locking him out. As the Godfather said "This is business nothing personal":brow:

my oh please was directed at your comments "the most classless act by the Titans since arriving in Nashville. It was, and remains, a total embarrassment."

I totally disagree with your statement.
Whatever. I don't like the way Bus told him to go anyways and then called in the media dogs. As I understand it, they got in touch with Bus just fine... and he basically said to McNair to go ahead and head to BSP and that way the situation could get all the hype...

I dunno, just brain droppings I gathered from others.
I get it wrong all the time.
This does not necessarily have to be an exception.
What about the whole "I thought it was a joke" excuse?
Honestly, I'm not challenging you on this... it just came across to me in articles as if Bus disregarded the whole thing and sent McNair down there anyway...

(to cause a media stir was my own conclusion, as well as others I believe)
I'm simply correcting bipolar, though I do think they should have informed him earlier than when he pulled into the parking lot...
From today's City Paper:
Cook reiterated what he told The City Paper Monday night that neither he nor McNair had any idea such a move restricting him from off-season workouts with his teammates was coming. Cook said that shortly after McNair was told to leave, he received a call from Titans general counsel Steve Underwood in Houston informing him of the club’s decision.
Bus isn't being quite the drama queen that he's being painted as...
Starkiller said:
I'm simply correcting bipolar, though I do think they should have informed him earlier than when he pulled into the parking lot...
I understand that... like I said, I'm not challenging you on that point. I'm just wondering how it seems to be such a widespread misconception...

in any case, right or wrong, it is a fine point, but I think it to be an important one... got to be an indicator of things to come.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I understand that... like I said, I'm not challenging you on that point. I'm just wondering how it seems to be such a widespread misconception...
I didn't think you were. I think a few people have jumped in to paint Cook as the bad guy without knowing the timeline of events...

People heard that Underwood informed Bus Cook and just assumed that means he knew well in advance of the incident.
Starkiller said:
I have no problem with locking him out, I just don't like the way they informed him.
Well, I take issue with him being locked out because l feel it was just a ploy. But for the sake of argument, let's assume that the Titans actually think McNair could have a season-ending injury by dropping a weight on his foot.

The timing of the thing and how it was handled is my main issue here as well. Bud just woke up and decided to lock out McNair? Everyone knew when the workouts were to start. Everyone knew the contract would not be reworked in time. Reese could have called Cook and McNair two weeks ago to say that the team had concerns and that McNair could spend more time in Mississippi if the contract was not completed. Sure, this would have gotten to the media but there would have been a level of respect there. The front office would not be taking the heat they are now either.

I actually think the Titans thought they'd get some leverage because McNair would not show up.
Starkiller said:
From today's City Paper:
Bus isn't being quite the drama queen that he's being painted as...
that settles that then. You should see Cook's poll numbers.
they are worse than the President's.:hmm:

People really don't like Cook right now.
I need to go find that "I thought it was a joke" quote...
left an entirely different impression all together.
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