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nigel said:
Jeff, you forget that the whole reason that the $50 million dollar bonus was written into the contract was to force both sides to renogiate. The $9 mil base salary for this season should have been meaningless because both sides knew they were going to redo the deal.
No. I've not forgotten anything here and fully understand the intent of the contract which was to put both parties in a situation to deal with the issue. Regardless of the intent of that $9 mil base, McNair is under contract. He can't take another offer to play elsewhere. He is fully entitled to that amount if the team does not offer something he feel is acceptable. On the other hand, the team can release him. But this was a number created by Reese.

Either way, that money is not "meaningless". The team has said they could pay it and McNair play out '06 as a Titan. It is the CAP FIGURE of $23.5 mil that Reese says has to be dealt with and is the key issue here.

But the current base isn't my beef because I don't think either side has gone very far in renegotiations and won't until after the draft. My issue is how the organization somehow now keeps spouting the $23.5 mil cap figure as if it is somehow McNair's fault he has $13.5 mil in regotiated money and has the current amount set for his base.

Interestingly, Wyatt was on 104.5 this afternoon, and he said that if Mac signs with the Ravens it will be for about the same money as the Titans are offering (shades of Eddie George). If I understood him right, he also said the team basically wants to extend the deal for three years, make the $9 mil a signing bonus, and reduce this years salary to the minimum. So they WANT to pay him $10 mil this year. The fact that Team Mac is saying no makes me think that he wants out.
I think it is because neither side must do anything right now. Reese has sent over one deal if you believe Cook. Cook has replied with one deal. Neither side looks to be in desperation mode yet and both sides should be smart enough to know who the Titans take at #3 will determine a lot here.

I see this getting done unless the Titans do more bush league stuff like we saw Monday. McNair signs a three-year deal, two guaranteed, $9-10 mil bonus, minimum base in '06 with '07 guaranteed (just a guess). That $23.5 cap number in '06 drops to $9 - $10 mil. Rookies are signed and holes are filled.
Titan Jeff,
I don't think the Titans are blaming the cap number on Mcnair, They keep talking about that number only because it's a problem that must be resolved.
The only real way it can be resolved and still keep the team semi-competitive this season is to get steve to renegotiate his contract and make it lower. Otherwise there will have to be another purge. Look, I love steve and like you and others I can't stand the thought of Steve being "dissed" like this. He is unquestionabley the greatest "TITAN" ever (I didn't say Oiler) He will be sorely missed. But face it, HE'S ALREADY BEEN MISSED FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS :( The fact is if he won't come down his realease is the best thing for the team. As great as he was only 3 years ago, his last 2 seasons really didn't live up to his current salary. With or without him, the playoffs are not realistically in sight this year. We might as well make the move now and get our team headed for the future SB run
flamehead2 said:
Titan Jeff,
I don't think the Titans are blaming the cap number on Mcnair, They keep talking about that number only because it's a problem that must be resolved.
I bought into that right up to the point they banned him from BSP and pointed to a cap number they created as the reason.
One other thing i'd like to add. A lot of folks are saying that what the titans are doing isn't fair and that they have a contract and they should honor it. The fact is, what they are doing is included in the contract. It's not as though they are saying he must play and they won't pay. It's not that they refuse to honor the contract, His outright release is something the titans are allowed to do in that contract. It is an option they have in the contract. So to release him is not tearing up the contract it is just another "clause" in that contract. With that said I hope this thing does get worked out and Steve stays on for another 2 years and retires as a titan.
I just don't think it's very realistic. Do you?
Well we all know the real reason they banned him from bsp is to force the issue. It has a little to do with protecting the team. It does and it doesn't. They don't want to get stuck with that cap number whether steve gets hurt or not. So the message is clear "We want a renegotiated contract or we're releasing you" It was a poker move, They wanted to let Steve and his agent know they weren't bluffing so they went ALL IN and now Steve and his agent Either have to CALL (Refuse to renegotiate and get released) or FOLD (renegotiate) Either way the hand will be over as soon as they decide
Am I the only one who read Bus Cook's statement as saying that McNair wouldn't restructure to lower his cap hit, even if it meant still keeping his $9mill this year (the only money he will actually get paid under the current contract)? If he's such a team player, why wouldn't he restructure, still get his $9mill this year and either get a lower figure or go to a different team next year?

To me it looks like he either wants to be released, traded or given a multiyear deal with added guaranteed money (that imo he is not worth).
It sounds like Steve wants out, and is just making a show so it won't look too bad on him when he's gone. Especially the "I don't think he'd want to go back after that" part.
Well from what i can gather, it looks as though the ravens would be willing to offer him the same thing we're asking him to take. This thing looks like the Eddie George thing all over again. It's a matter of pride for steve. He's going to go to Baltimore and make the same amount of money we are asking him to take. He'll play one season there then be released next year.
That's my prediction
TitanJeff said:
I usually feel Climer goes out of his way to be critical but this is dead on IMO.
Titans Coach Jeff Fisher was quoted as saying this "got blown out of proportion." Yes, Jeff, and the Hindenburg was an unfortunate little aeronautical mishap.

Next time, maybe they'll slash his Range Rover tires to make sure McNair really gets the message.
nigel said:
MsTitan, is your real name Mechelle? Seriously, I dont understand how anyone can think that all football contracts should be honored as written no matter what. Steve's contract was specifically written to force a renogitiation this year, both he and Bus Cook knew that when they signed it. And now they want to put on this "why should he take a paycut" front?

I love Mac, and I want him to be our Quarterback for at least the next two seasons. But there is no way he is worth $9 million dollars this year.

Not just football contracts but ALL contracts. I am not talking about what he is worth. Regardless, that is the agreement, pay up. Pay up for the same reasons everybody talked bad about TO. You signed the contract now honor it. Would it have been unfair for McNair to hold out and ask for a new contract the year he won the MVP? yes, because he had already agreed to a contract and he should honor it. If that's the case the you agree that players should not have to honor their contracts. Is that the way you feel? If they feel they are worth more they should have their deal redone?
MsTitan said:
Not just football contracts but ALL contracts. I am not talking about what he is worth. Regardless, that is the agreement, pay up. Pay up for the same reasons everybody talked bad about TO. You signed the contract now honor it. Would it have been unfair for McNair to hold out and ask for a new contract the year he won the MVP? yes, because he had already agreed to a contract and he should honor it. If that's the case the you agree that players should not have to honor their contracts. Is that the way you feel? If they feel they are worth more they should have their deal redone?

I agree with what you're saying BUT:

The owner's and player union like it the way it is. They (neither side) haven't tried to address "contract reform" in their meetings. So, NFL contracts are what they are- payment for current performance with alot of extra language and maneuvering.
TitanJeff said:
If McNair didn't have the $13.5 on his cap number and we were talking $9 mil here, does he get locked out?

Jeff, this is a moot question. He was going to have some kind of prorated money that counts against the cap regardless. There is no way it could be a question of just the $9 mil.
MsTitan said:
Not just football contracts but ALL contracts. I am not talking about what he is worth. Regardless, that is the agreement, pay up. Pay up for the same reasons everybody talked bad about TO. You signed the contract now honor it. Would it have been unfair for McNair to hold out and ask for a new contract the year he won the MVP? yes, because he had already agreed to a contract and he should honor it. If that's the case the you agree that players should not have to honor their contracts. Is that the way you feel? If they feel they are worth more they should have their deal redone?

As SK already pointed out, players expect to get paid when they're production outweighs their contract. It happens all the time. It happened with Steve, it happend with Eddie, and two years ago it happened with Keith... they didnt hold out and make a fuss like Javon Walker, but the Titans redid their deals to reflect their current worth. And unfortunately, most of these guys get amnesia about that later in their careers when suddenly the deal they did 3-4 years ago is worth more than their production on the field. The only reason Steve didnt get a raise after his MVP season is because he'd just gotten a huge new contract in 2001.
nigel said:
Jeff, this is a moot question. He was going to have some kind of prorated money that counts against the cap regardless. There is no way it could be a question of just the $9 mil.
Moot? I think it shows the locking out of McNair for what it was -- the most classless act by the Titans since arriving in Nashville.

It was, and remains, a total embarrassment.
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