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nigel said:
MsTitan, is your real name Mechelle? Seriously, I dont understand how anyone can think that all football contracts should be honored as written no matter what.
Plus, it's not as if players always honor their own contract. How many times a year to we see NFL news where guys currently under contract hold out for more money?
Starkiller said:
Plus, it's not as if players always honor their own contract. How many times a year to we see NFL news where guys currently under contract hold out for more money?

You get an amen, even though you didnt ask for one.
Starkiller said:
Plus, it's not as if players always honor their own contract. How many times a year to we see NFL news where guys currently under contract hold out for more money?
True. But let's now remember the game is played both ways. It justifies that a team can strongarm a player if they don't like the mess they created with their contract.

I won't blame any Titan for holding out in the future.
TitanJeff said:
I won't blame any Titan for holding out in the future.
If they want to go out like Eddie, then they can't blame anyone else.

Bus Wreck served a low blow with this media fiasco he orchestrated for Steve. I wouldn't blame the Titans if they demanded all their conversations with him be recorded in the future.
TitanJeff said:
True. But let's now remember the game is played both ways. It justifies that a team can strongarm a player if they don't like the mess they created with their contract.

I won't blame any Titan for holding out in the future.

Unless he sucks.
Hoffa said:
Bus Wreck served a low blow with this media fiasco he orchestrated for Steve. I wouldn't blame the Titans if they demanded all their conversations with him be recorded in the future.
Who created McNair's current cap situation?
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Yup. Which makes a lot of this look like he is trying to cover his arse for poor management.

"We have communicated with Steve (McNair) and Bus (Cook) since the fall that we could handle Steve's salary cap figure into the new league year (2006), but we are not willing to carry that number into the season."

The cap figure you created, Floyd? Now you are using it as a reason to lock out the face of the franchise?

This kind of thing played when the team was in the playoffs but not after two pathetic seasons.
TitanJeff said:

Good Bipolar.
i tend to agree with jeff on this one, its floyd and whoever that has reduced/restructured his salary every year....

the past 4 or 5 years-"steve will you re-structure for us?" sure why not...

2006-"steve will you re-structure for us" not a chance...

now im not putting the blame on one side fully because bus definitely has blown some of this out of proportion. this definitely a down time within the organization, but hey, the titans will move on with or without him...
TitanJeff said:
Who created McNair's current cap situation?
It was created not unlike most contracts are handled by most teams.

But that's not the problem here, to me. It's how Bus Wreck has manipulated and orchestrated this situation to the media in a effort to embarrass the organization publically, and cause strife among it's fans. Low blow. The organazation (sorry for the spelling) that has already paid Steve 50 million dollars and is asking him now to do what all players know will happen to them if they play long enough.

And whether Steve is the "Face of the organzation" is highly debatable.
TitanJeff said:
Who created McNair's current cap situation?
Whose play has dropped off enough since his MVP season, that his cap situation makes his release a real consideration?

We'll survive.

Root for the uniform. Not the name on the back of it.
Brian said:
Whose play has dropped off enough since his MVP season, that his cap situation makes his release a real consideration?
Right, if Steve had stayed healthy, and was still a threat with his legs, and was still the player he was at the begining of the contract, then he'd get what he wants.
But he's not, so he's got to negoitate, or head for greener pastures.
Hoffa said:
It was created not unlike most contracts are handled by most teams.

But that's not the problem here, to me. It's how Bus Wreck has manipulated and orchestrated this situation to the media in a effort to embarrass the organization publically, and cause strife among it's fans. Low blow. The organazation (sorry for the spelling) that has already paid Steve 50 million dollars and is asking him now to do what all players know will happen to them if they play long enough.

And whether Steve is the "Face of the organzation" is highly debatable.
Do you think this has anything to do with what's going on between Favre and Green Bay? He and/or Cook seem to have Green Bay backed into a corner; maybe the thought was that Mac and the Titans would play out the same way.
Hoffa said:
But that's not the problem here, to me. It's how Bus Wreck has manipulated and orchestrated this situation to the media in a effort to embarrass the organization publically, and cause strife among it's fans.
Hold on a sec. I see two issues here.

We have McNair wanting $10 mil for this season and wanting a longer deal. You won't hear me being critical of Reese and the Titans for not wanting him beyond this season unless McNair takes a significant pay cut for a two-year deal.

But banning McNair from BSP is not about that. It is, as is pointed out by the Titans statement today, about the "salary cap" number. This is a number Reese created yet is now somehow McNair's fault? Even if McNair plays this season for $6 mil, that cap number is still close to a $20 mil. If they cut him tomorrow, it is still $13 mil.

"...we have no choice but to protect the club and its future from the possibility of having a significant amount of our salary cap at risk in a single player should he sustain a major injury."

Again, it is a "significant amount of our salary cap" only because Reese made it so. It has nothing to do with McNair's level of play or his future.

So help me understand how this situation is manipulated and orchestrated by McNair and Cook?
Brian said:
Whose play has dropped off enough since his MVP season, that his cap situation makes his release a real consideration?
How does McNair's current play impact the $13 mil which is already on the books which makes up the vast majority of the cap situation in question?

Want to release McNair because he isn't worth the $10 mil? Fine. It will write off any shot the Titans have to be competitive in '06, but that is Reese's choice. But why lock him and out use his cap number as an excuse when McNair didn't create it in the first place?
So does this mean that Steve won't be on the Titans Radio Caravan tour this year? What gives? Hook him up with a key to the facility.
TitanJeff said:
So help me understand how this situation is manipulated and orchestrated by McNair and Cook?
The Titans informed Bus that Steve should not work out at BSP until they resolve his current contract status, in best interest of the team.
I hardly believe the Titans FO is in the habit of playing April Fools jokes with the agents of their players. Bus knew it was no joke.

So Bus Wreck orchestrates this whole situation of Steve being "unwelcome by the team he has done so much for" by telling him to head out to BSP, and then manipulated the media by crying to them that poor ole Steve has been wronged by the mean ole Titans.

As far as the cap situation, I remember you being OK with the money Reese was pushing back at the time so we could keep the window of SB opportunity open as long as we could. We knew the day would eventually come when the Piper would have to be paid, so it seems hypocritical to now be calling Reese a bad GM who created this whole mess. Reese is indeed the one who has to answer for the cap situation, but we all knew, and most all were OK with it for the chance to contend for a SB.

But I"m not wanting to debate whose to blame for the cap situation, I'm upset that Bus Wreck set up this "Steve gets dissed at the BSP" scenario just to make the Titans (OUR TEAM) look like heatless SOB's to everyone. Shame on him. Low blow.
The contract McNair is currently playing under was given to him coming off of an MVP season. If he was still playing like an MVP, there wouldn't be a problem.

The problem isn't that he has a $9M base salary. It's that he isn't worth that $9M and isn't worth the money he's looking for...
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