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He didn't really have trade value, he's just got 4 or 5 piranhas, i mean clubs waiting to maul him. Brian Billick is meant to be the main one.
For all we know, Steve or his agent were informed that he shouldn't show up to train until a new agreement is reached. Steve has been hurt before without even being touched by another player ( i.e. calf injury at Indy couple yrs ago).

Bus Cook is playing the drama-queen crying to the media and making a huge deal out of no big deal.
Bud Adams may be old, but he isn't stupid. EG was the example, others should make a note of what happened to him. In the end, EG was worse off and the Titans were better off. If Steve follows EG's trail, you can rest assured the Titans will be better off, but he won't be.
ok, I might be the one of the select few, but I have no problem with what the Titans organisation did. Maybe now Bus Cook will know that spouting crap in the media, while being largely accepted as just hot air by the fans, won't cut it with the FO.

And secondly, who brought this story to the media? Considering how much Bus Cook is yapping his mouth, I'm inclined to think he decided to call a few papers. In that case it sounds to me like he and Mac can't wait to get out of town. The FO sure didn't send a memo to the newspaper about McNair being denied access, so any "humiliation" is on Bus Cook's account.
Look guys, McNair needed this IMO, we can't keep his salary cap number at the level it was going to be at, 23 mil or whatever, he isn't worth the 9 mil for this season. Maybe a wakeup call is what he and bus cook needed. I would be very, very surprised to see any other team offer anywhere near what the Titans would pay him. Think about it, what teams need an over 30 year old, injury prone QB? Not a very long list is it. This is just business, I just hope Steve has more sense than EG did at this point in his career. It would be a sad ending.:suspect:
The decision not to let him practice is ok IMO.
The decision not to notify him in a respectable manner was not cool. Bud Adams or whoever in the FO can get Steve on the phone. I'm sure every player has a free Cingular phone since they are such big sponsers. (or at least the cash to pay for one) The idea that they would just wait for him to show up and then tell him to piss off is BS IMO.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
The decision not to notify him in a respectable manner was not cool. Bud Adams or whoever in the FO can get Steve on the phone. I'm sure every player has a free Cingular phone since they are such big sponsers. (or at least the cash to pay for one) The idea that they would just wait for him to show up and then tell him to piss off is BS IMO.

This however is information we're not privy to. Who is to say McNair or Cook didn't get a letter or call from the FO telling them he wouldn't be allowed at the facility, and he decided to show up anyways? Maybe they tried calling him but couldn't find him, it certainly wouldn't be the first time in NFL histoy that a team couldn't reach one of their players during the offseason.
The way I read it was that cook was notified, and McNair shows up anyways. Looks to me like cook forced the issue to see if the team would really do it, well he asked for it and he got it. Just another time an agent has lead a player down the wrong road. :suspect:
I'll have to admit, I was shocked to read about this happening to Steve.

I can see the Titan's side in all of this. I wouldn't want to risk 9 million either, but I hope to goodness that Steve knew about this before showing up at the Training Facility like the media is reporting. That's just wrong to send Steve home after he shows up to work out. I'm going to take everything I read about this issue with a grain of salt. Everyone is posturing in this situation.

Steve is smart and knows this is a business and probably understands why the Titans wouldn't want him to risk injury in this situation, but if he truly didn't know that he wouldn't be allowed at the Training Facility before he showed up then the Titans handled this thing all wrong.

I think Buz Cook is dreaming about McNair's future contract, but the thing is, if the Titan's don't belly up, some team will. I would absolutely HATE to see Steve in that horrible purple and black, almost as bad as I hate to see him with a horshoe on his head.

I'm also with Starkiller, Steve departing might be the best thing for the Titans, it's just kind of hard to see that after what Steve has given to this team and us fans.
Vigsted said:
This however is information we're not privy to. Who is to say McNair or Cook didn't get a letter or call from the FO telling them he wouldn't be allowed at the facility, and he decided to show up anyways? Maybe they tried calling him but couldn't find him, it certainly wouldn't be the first time in NFL histoy that a team couldn't reach one of their players during the offseason.
Fair enough, If Cook did know and decided to make a media circus... that is BS IMO... Couldn't reach him? I doubt it. Anyhow, I've been busting Steve's chops over the cap # the last couple of weeks... I'm going to side with McNair on this one until more information comes to light. I might have to change my signiture to Bus is a moron... I dunno. Till then Steve gets the benefit of the doubt.
The idealist in me had really hoped I would be sitting in the Coliseum watching them retire McNair's number and thanking him for all his service to the Oilers/Titans.

The thought of him playing for another team makes me ill. Call it business or whatever...but there is just something wrong with this. I doubt you would see them doing this to Favre in GB.
Vigsted said:
Well, GB is letting Favre walk all over them at the moment. They should change from Packers to Doormats.

Unlike the Titans, which still have their nuts intact. Favre is over the hill, he may be an icon, but as a player his time is up. Steve is getting to that point, he may still have a couple of good years left, but there are way too many question marks about his health and his game.

Both sides are playing high stakes, but the Titans has shown more than one time that they aren't bluffing. Either McNair signs a new contract or he's gone.
Did they toss him out like a drunk from a bar? Did they handcuff him and do a full "perp-walk"? If not, why are some of you so outraged? $9M is a lot of money.
Regardless of whether the team adequately informed Mac or whether Bus Cook is blowing this out of proportion, its not a good situation. Its very very bad. Once situations like this happen, feelings get hurt, and its almost impossible to go back. If this doesnt get smoothed over today, I'd say the writing's on the wall and Mac will not be a Titan in 2006.

And for all those who think Bus Cook is just a greedy agent who's just looking to get his 3% of another signing bonus, here's a thought... Bus Cook works for Steve. If Steve didnt want him saying things, it would be very easy for him to make a phone call and say "put a lid on it" like Billy did to Rosenhaus last year. Bus has been making comments about Steve playing elsewhere all spring, and Mac has let him. Like SK said, Steve will most likely not be our QB when we are ready to make another Super Bowl run (2007 at the most optimistic, and more likely 2008). If Steve wants another shot at a ring before he hangs it up, his best bet is probably to do it with someone else.
I also think whatever the issue with the "why's" of him working out or not, this is going to be a little sticky. Note how Fisher chose the word "hopefully" when talking about a contract resolution? That's a very different word from the "confident" he used just last week...
They way we've handled this whole offseason with respect to McNair is just stupid. If we'd kept this all secret, we might actually be able to trade him for something. Now we'll get zip! This was handled much more poorly than the Warren Moon debacle. At least we got a 3rd for him. But that was before Reese, when we had a little bit of class. For those who want to claim that the Titans wanted to keep it hush, hush and Cook is the one to blame...I ask this, do you really think Reese is going to draft his client, Cutler, after all this? He is officially on Reese's sh** list along with Rosenhaus and EG's agent. I think dumping McNair buys Reese another year of 4-12, 5-11, but not Fisher. I feel sorry for him. He's gonna be the scapegoat for another sh**y year....and Chow will get dumped too, the whole staff will. Keep that in mind all you Leinart folks...why draft a "system guy" for a system he may never see with us? A guy who is afraid to run the 40! Don't punters and kickers run the 40? (Sorry, I'll save that for another thread) And can someone remaind me why in the hell did we bother to pay a king's ransom for those four free agents?

And as far as "Volek and Mauck can carry the load"....give me a break, a load of crap maybe. Volek was worse than Steve last year when he did play....the show he put on two years ago was with Heimerdinger, not Chow. He struggled last year. As for word..."Jacksonville"....enough said. Well, boys and girls are you ready for last place? We are going to be right back in the top 5 next year....can you say Adrian Petersen? That's about the only thing we've got to look forward to the next twelve months....watching Reese f-up two more drafts and continue to keep his job. Simply amazing!
McMVP is awsome and I would love to nail him down long term, 5-6 years AT SECOND STRINGER MONEY with bonuses not likely to be earned based on games/snaps.

At this point McMVP does not deserve elite starter money as those days are gone. He and his agent believe McMVP deserves the 9m his contract calls for in 2007 and I agree completly.

My problem is how to reconcile the two issues. Is there a way to structure an NFL contract where the base drops from 9m to 1m over 5-6years??? I ain't saying it can't be done but I am saying it won't be done.

Best case I can think of now is that McNair drops his base down to 5m or so for 2007 then signs a contract fitting a veteran NFL BU QB so he can rightfully retire as a Titan in 2012 or something.

On the other hand I think a trade just became very likley
Of course Steve was told not to work out at BSP until a new agreement is reached.

Do you really think that the FO went to all the trainers and said; "If Steve shows up, tell him he's not welcome here. We're not going to tell him, just you trainers, so don't let it leak out until he shows up. We want Bus to run to the media and paint us a heartless, thankless organazation".

Conspriacy theorists having a field day.
royhobbs said:
I ask this, do you really think Reese is going to draft his client, Cutler, after all this? He is officially on Reese's sh** list along with Rosenhaus and EG's agent.

I would hope that both Reese and Cook are profesional enough to not let the McNair issue have any impact on the possible Cutler issue. However if Bus was also the agent for Mason and Rolle back when, then I guess my hopes are in vain.
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