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Titans Lock Door to McNair Until Contract Resolved

SUMMARY: QB Steve McNair was asked to leave Baptist Sports Park yesterday and not participate in the team workouts due to concern the 11-year veteran may injure himself and the team be liable for the $9 million McNair is scheduled to earn this season. The team is currently working with McNair's agent Bus Cook towards a new contract though GM Floyd Reese has been in California for the USC Pro Day. "They can sugarcoat it any way they want to, but when you throw your starting quarterback off the property, an MVP, Pro Bowl guy who led them to the Super Bowl and one of the greatest players in the history of the team ... To just to throw him out? After this, I don't think Steve would want to go back any more," said Cook. Coach Jeff Fisher, still in Los Angeles, thinks this is a matter which can quickly be resolved. "The organization has a great deal of respect for Steve McNair, what he has meant to this franchise and what he has done to this point," Fisher said. "However, it is difficult for me to comment on the issue of him working out at the facility when I was not involved in these discussions. When we get back in town tomorrow I am sure we'll be able to get things sorted out. His contract situation is complicated. I am hopeful that Floyd and Bus will be able to get something resolved very soon."

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It makes perfect sense for the Titans to protect themselves. McNair is capable of having a season ending injury tripping over a yard line or something. McNair brought this whole scenario on himself.
Cook said he received a call from Titans General Counsel Steve Underwood yesterday informing him that McNair would be told to leave the facility when he showed up for the team's voluntary offseason conditioning program. When McNair arrived yesterday, trainer Brad Brown gave him the news.

Are you going to change you signature yet, BP? :winker:
McMVP doesn't exist anymore. McNair is an average NFL QB in the twilight of his career and he is demanding to be paid like a pro-bowl top 10 guy. He brought this whole scenario on himself.

As Starkiller wrote earlier McNair will not be around anyway when this team makes their next run in two or three years. For Mac's 10 million we could have a guy like Ty Law. Add in the fact that McNair could get hurt tripping over a yard line and be out for the year anyway booting him is the right business move. It also puts pressure on Mac and Cook to quit playing games and make their mind up if the 20 million over the next two years they are demanding is legit. If it is Mac is gone anyway.
nigel said:
Regardless of whether the team adequately informed Mac or whether Bus Cook is blowing this out of proportion, its not a good situation.
I have a feeling there is a few things which haven't been reported. Maybe Adams was advised to ask McNair to sit out until the contract was settled and word was given through the proper channels but never reached McNair. Maybe Cook got word and allowed this to happen just to cause the chit storm it has. But any way you look at it now, it looks like the Titans fall to pieces when Reese leaves town to have a trainer tell the face of the franchise to leave.

And how did this get leaked to the media anyway? You can bet Bus called in a tip to ESPN.

Whether this move was just Bud making a statement or a legitimate concern that McNair could drop a weight on his head, there better be some serious mending of fenses today out at BSP. This is one of the most screwed up situations I've seen and makes the Titans look like a amateur organization.

Its very very bad. Once situations like this happen, feelings get hurt, and its almost impossible to go back. If this doesnt get smoothed over today, I'd say the writing's on the wall and Mac will not be a Titan in 2006.
Thing is, it doesn't need to end this way. And you have to wonder what some over at BSP are thinking when stuff like this is allowed to happen.

And for all those who think Bus Cook is just a greedy agent who's just looking to get his 3% of another signing bonus, here's a thought... Bus Cook works for Steve. If Steve didnt want him saying things, it would be very easy for him to make a phone call and say "put a lid on it" like Billy did to Rosenhaus last year.
Very true. But notice the trend. Bus and Reese play hardball in the media. McNair and Fisher are always the voice of reason. It's a game. It's "good cop, bad cop". Thing is, I think both sides know the game extremely well and these agents feel if they don't make some noise publically for their clients, the next bonus baby to come along won't want them. Bus says "See Jay? I set all that up to get my client and extra $3 mil." Rosenhaus and the Postons have changed how the game plays out.

As for lasting hurt feelings, money heals all wounds.
I thought this would get "patched" over today but after reading the comments from Fish/Reese/Chow about Leinart, I think plan A is to put Leinart's (or Cutler's if Leinart gone) name on Steve's locker and get Ty Law.

There is no doubt in my mind that Cook took this to the media to press the Titans to release McNair in hopes to create an "act now" sense of urgency for teams interested in Steve. I think he was also hoping to gain some leverage with fan support like he did with Farve.

We owe Steve a lot so I won't criticize him as harshly, but this is not a smart business move for him.
Soxcat said:
It makes perfect sense for the Titans to protect themselves. McNair is capable of having a season ending injury tripping over a yard line or something. McNair brought this whole scenario on himself.
Protect from what? He is under contract. If Adams has an issue with players getting injured during structured offseason workouts, he should cancel it. It's total BS that McNair be asked to leave and especially how it was handled.

If McNair had stayed in Mississippi "to send a message" and skipped the workouts, we'd be ripping him to sheds here. This was a total and complete no class move by Bud Adams and the Titans.

Look at how Hopkins was treated and it doesn't take much to see the Titans front office is lacking when it comes to public relations these days.
This team is owned by idiots!

Kami hit the nail on the head. He is under contract! Normally it is the player who refuses to work out because they are not under contract.

Based on the logic they employed why work out any player because if they get hurt you have to pay them.

Nice pr move bud! Moron!

Stop messing with s'mac!
TJ, While I agree with you that we're suffering from a FO standpoint lately, I don't know that I really blame this on the front office. I blame this circus on Cook, because it's exactly what he wanted. It sounds like Cook was notified, privately that they didn't want Steve to practice, and he had Steve show up anyway, just to play up "hurt feelings" etc...
Maybe the decision not to let Steve practice wasn't great, but I don't know how else they could have prevented Bus from making a scene. I think Cook just wants to get Steve out as soon as he can, and get some pity from the media.
Why was s'mac there?

So he could be in top shape and have a great year. :sad2:

Bud adams needs to go to hell and take that bad hair with him.

GoTitans3801 said:
TJ, While I agree with you that we're suffering from a FO standpoint lately, I don't know that I really blame this on the front office. I blame this circus on Cook, because it's exactly what he wanted. It sounds like Cook was notified, privately that they didn't want Steve to practice, and he had Steve show up anyway, just to play up "hurt feelings" etc...
I haven't heard Cook was notified of anything privately. Have I missed something?

Regardless, McNair is under contract. Though this is a voluntary workout, we all know just how "voluntary" that is. Remember how he went off on Haynesworth for not being there? If he didn't show, he'd be criticized in the paper and in this forum today for not showing leadership.
I honestly can't believe some people are still totally glossing over the fact the Bus Cook instigated this whole deal.

The Titans FO told Steve he couldn't workout at the facility until contract negotiations were over with. This is a fairly straight forward business to a) force the other part back to the negotiating table and b) protect themselves from being forced to honor a contract they don't wish to honor.

Bus then fails to inform McNair (or possibly McNair actually knew already) and he goes to the facilities only to be told he can't work out until the contract situation is resolved. Cook then calls a few newspaper and tries to make the Titans FO look bad (notice he even lied in the ESPN article, claiming there was no warning, when he later admits Steve Underwood called him personally and told him).

Steve and Bus startet this whole hardball stance by demanding $10mill this year and refusing to negotiate a restructured contract, unless it was a multiyear deal, which obviously the Titans are not interested in. Now the FO decided to use the same kind of hardball tactics, and I can't blame them one bit.
Tennessean - Cook said he received a call from Titans General Counsel Steve Underwood yesterday informing him that McNair would be told to leave the facility when he showed up for the team's voluntary offseason conditioning program. When McNair arrived yesterday, trainer Brad Brown gave him the news.

"But I am sure it came from higher-up,'' Cook said in reference to Titans owner Bud Adams, who is believed to have been involved in the decision. "They told him they apparently they didn't want him to get hurt. They told me they didn't want him working out until he got his contract sorted out, but he's got a contract.

Looks like Mr. Cook forget to get the message to his client.
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