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Puck said:
Dukes of Hazzard

one of the worst uses of a license ever
they did get Daisy right ... that's about it


best part was the "I'm just smokin up some meat for the BBQ" line Willie had

Jay Chandrasekhar is awesome but he should stick to Broken Lizard flicks for a while... Rule of thumb - don't bother with modern movie remakes of old TV shows...
avvie said:
The last original idea I've seen in a movie is "Being John Malkovich", which I seriously doubt was a Hollywood flick.

I thought Pan's was fairly original in scope
Memento was another movie I couldn't say I'd seen the likes of
Puck said:
I thought Pan's was fairly original in scope
Memento was another movie I couldn't say I'd seen the likes of

Haven't seen Pans, but I'm with you on Memento. That flick was so trippy that I developed a short-term memory loss by the time it was over.
Yep, i know...I remember it being discussed before. I've checked out the cover a few times, but haven't deemed it worth filling out a Blockbuster application yet. :ha:

I do want to see it though...looks interesting.
i just saw it in Hollywood Video's 4 for $20 bin .... well worth it at that price, though you may not find yourself watching it more than once
so, I finally saw

not sure that I got that it "portrays the demise of the Maya"
hell, it didn't portray that at all
last I saw them they were a bustling metropolis - human bowling and all

I still didn't get who the original forest tribes were - they were not Maya
wtf ?

and is it just me, or did the end of the film hint at a sequel ?
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Anybody seen the trailer? Oh my god. I cannot believe they released that. That ending to the trailer is just a jaw dropping silencer.
Puck said:

Excellent movie, but not for everyone
It is a dark and sometimes brutal fairy tale for adults
I was originally disappointed in the Spanish dub, but the language proved more theatrical than if it'd been spoken in English
the direction and editing were some of the best I've seen in years

a truly unique movie with elements rarely experienced in film. if you engage this movie without expectations, you're bound to be treated to an entertainment experience that you may never forget

:thumb: :thumb:
just don't watch it with the kids

Just saw it. I was :applause: Gonna have to see it a few more times. It did seem like it could have been a little longer, with some more emphasis on the fictional world.
Children of Men


I believe SK recomended this movie awhile back, and I'd have to second that. It's a fantastic story that hits on some very important themes. It's one of the grimmest movies I've seen lately, and one of the best. :thumb: :thumb:
I thought Children of Men was fairly average. Though I did hear good things about it (from Starkiller and Childress I believe) I just didn't think it was all that good.

I guess it is one of those love/hate movies.
Gunny said:
I thought Children of Men was fairly average. Though I did hear good things about it (from Starkiller and Childress I believe) I just didn't think it was all that good.

I guess it is one of those love/hate movies.

Almost. I think SK loved it,I fell into the wtf give me back two hours of my life category.:ha:
My internet has been down the past couple weeks, so I rented Pan's Labyrinth, or "labyrinte de fauno" ;)
Definately enjoyed it, and I really wanted to kill the captain myself. I'm not sure what that says about me. One of the greatest lines in the world: "Obedience for obedience's sake is only for men such as yourself, Captain."
avvie said:
My internet has been down the past couple weeks, so I rented Pan's Labyrinth, or "labyrinte de fauno" ;)
Definately enjoyed it, and I really wanted to kill the captain myself. I'm not sure what that says about me. One of the greatest lines in the world: "Obedience for obedience's sake is only for men such as yourself, Captain."

If you liked Pan's then check out The Devil's Backbone...
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