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danny said:
KamikaZ, don't you admit there's a common thread here? Granted, the media just looks for this guy to screw up but he sure makes it easy for them...

Look at his play on the field last year; towards the end of the season, teams were intentionally sending people at him talking trash because his M.O. is that of someone who couldn't control his emotions therefore costing his team numerous penalties. The media sees that and just sits back and waits. He doesn't seem to let them down.

KamikaZ, are you trying to tell us that you believe that this guy's priorities are in order and he tries to carry himself with some sort of professionalism or even as a mature adult man?
Be serious.

I'm a rationale, patient person. I try not to target people and make assumptions before I know anything about something.

Was he involved? How the hell should any of us know this? All we know is he was in the area of a fight and shots were fired, and he saw it. That's it. End of discussion until ANYTHING comes out.

I know his type, I come exactly from the type of place he did. I'm not convinced that Jones is as bad and such a terrible personality that people say. This is big news huh? A NFL player is asked about an incident seems he seems to have no involvement in. Wow...:sad2:
PacMan is a nice guy. A nice guy from the hoodiest of hoods. Where as a lot of guys in the NFL grew up in small towns or came from middle class or working class families, PacMan did not. Most people's instincts would prompt them to leave certain situations when you see it going down. PacMan's instincts tell him to get closer to see what's up.

I've hung out after hours at the "homeless gas station" and when it gets too crowded or people get too much "liquid courage" the guys that I'm with leave. They realize that no matter what, if something happens, the fact that they have name recognition will make them a target.

One day PacMan will realize that he no longer is just a brother from the hood. I know he wants to keep it real and all, but he has a lot of lose by staying "hood".
I'd agree, we don't have evidence of his involvement, and so we shouldn't conclude it, but there's certainly nothing wrong with ragging on his decisionmaking skills... Can't he have a private party and have enough fun? Keep the man off the streets, he just doesn't know how to stay away.
elfinmagic53 said:
One day PacMan will realize that he no longer is just a brother from the hood. I know he wants to keep it real and all, but he has a lot of lose by staying "hood".

This women basically summed up my thoughts. The hood mentality leaves us eventually, it just takes a different environment. How old is this cat, 21, 22? I know the patience isn't a virtue for some of you here, but try a little bit.
I have been a huge pacman supporter based mostly on where he comes from and his upbringing and honestly because he is extremely talented. I believe a person is absolutely innocent until proven otherwise and I still do. He is innocent right now with the car situation and this situation until proven otherwise. What dissappoints me the most is the fact that he is guilty of putting himself is stupid situations that he shouldn't be in. If you know somebody may have a gun, don't hang around them. The kid may end up throwing his life away and someone who doesn't care about how much money he has or what he or she can get from him, needs to get that thru his obviously thick skull. I have ZERO doubt that Pac Man is a good person and extremely loyal friend and he wants to do the right thing. I also have little doubt that his friends are really and that it probably is pretty tough for him to turn down a good time when he is "the man" most young guys who suddenly become millionaires.

Now everyone calling for the Titans to cut him need to calm down. Unless, he is found guilty of trafficing drugs or shooting someone, they are NOT going to cut the #6 pick after one year. Period. I choose not to whine about it or moan about why we picked him or to boo him at games because in my opinion, it serves no purpose. That is my choice.

Bottom line, this kid needs to get his head on straight. Someone needs to get hold of him and literally knock some sense into him. Be it his grandmother, teammate, friend or coach, for the Titans own good and especially his, it needs to be soon.
KamikaZ said:
I'm a rationale, patient person. I try not to target people and make assumptions before I know anything about something.

Was he involved? How the hell should any of us know this? All we know is he was in the area of a fight and shots were fired, and he saw it. That's it. End of discussion until ANYTHING comes out.

I know his type, I come exactly from the type of place he did. I'm not convinced that Jones is as bad and such a terrible personality that people say. This is big news huh? A NFL player is asked about an incident seems he seems to have no involvement in. Wow...:sad2:

Agreed, who know if he was involved ? But don't you agree with me in the fact he puts himself into positions to fail ? "A NFL player is asked about an incident seems he seems to no involvement in" Well KamikaZ, it's only the second time in a week.

I'm rationale and patient too, come from a crappy neighborhood and know his type. He's too stupid to stay out of harm's way or he's got a little money is his pocket now and just don't know how to act.
GoTitans3801 said:
I'd agree, we don't have evidence of his involvement, and so we shouldn't conclude it, but there's certainly nothing wrong with ragging on his decisionmaking skills... Can't he have a private party and have enough fun? Keep the man off the streets, he just doesn't know how to stay away.
He's had gatherings in private settings. However, if you were a young millionaire, would you really want to stay cooped up in the house? It's more fun being out and about. Maybe he should party where the rest of the Titans hang out. A lot less drama.
TitanJeff said:
That sometimes is one and the same thing. I am the poster boy for some of it.

No peace to be made here Jeff. Just two hard heads trying to get their points across but thank you for your input.
elfinmagic53 said:
He's had gatherings in private settings. However, if you were a young millionaire, would you really want to stay cooped up in the house? It's more fun being out and about. Maybe he should party where the rest of the Titans hang out. A lot less drama.

Yea, he should hang at Travis Henry's joints!
KamikaZ now come on you can drink the koolaid if you want but don't pour me a glass. I don't care how he grew up, I really don't it doesn't matter. Don't accuse me of "hatin" either whatever that means. If you really cared about this guy you would want him to see the light so to speak. If you really come from the situation you claim then you know all to well where he is headed if he doesn't begin to make at least a couple of smart decisions with regards to his "friends". Anyone wonder yet just where the aspiring rapper got the $$$ to buy the drugs in the first place?
Big TT said:
KamikaZ now come on you can drink the koolaid if you want but don't pour me a glass. I don't care how he grew up, I really don't it doesn't matter. Don't accuse me of "hatin" either whatever that means. If you really cared about this guy you would want him to see the light so to speak. If you really come from the situation you claim then you know all to well where he is headed if he doesn't begin to make at least a couple of smart decisions with regards to his "friends". Anyone wonder yet just where the aspiring rapper got the $$$ to buy the drugs in the first place?
true, he really needs to think things thro and pick his friends a lot more carefully
Big TT said:
KamikaZ now come on you can drink the koolaid if you want but don't pour me a glass. I don't care how he grew up, I really don't it doesn't matter. Don't accuse me of "hatin" either whatever that means. If you really cared about this guy you would want him to see the light so to speak. If you really come from the situation you claim then you know all to well where he is headed if he doesn't begin to make at least a couple of smart decisions with regards to his "friends". Anyone wonder yet just where the aspiring rapper got the $$$ to buy the drugs in the first place?

First of all, I didn't call you a hater, so stop attacking me playboy. Apparently you didnt' read my post well enough. When did I say I didn't think he was acting recklessly and that he keeps bad company? Quote me. Can't? That's because I never disagreed with ANY of you on that. Case closed.

I mentioned the environment because our environment dictates what we know and do. You simpily can't expect a kid who grew up in poverty to just "get it" in 4 years, when for 18 years he knew something completely different.

Adam Jones isn't a bad guy. He's immature and his mentality is still stuck in the gutter. Does he need some sense knocked into him? Peolple keep calling for it, and guess what, IT DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK (it's apperently happened in the locker room anyway). Sometimes, we as individuals need to make that change; it comes with maturity and a feel motivation to change. Stop with all this bull**** that if someone gets rough on him, he'll learn. It's going to take someone who actually cares or a really bad event where Jones is actually GUILTY for him to learn.

Until Jones does something that warrants all of you to portray him as something (a thug, a drug dealer, :sad2:), maybe you should wait till he actually does something. Because the only thing he's been proven of doing is getting in a tussle with a night club owner. which to me, shouldn't warrant a "lets drop this guy now" attitude.
I'm with Kamikaz on this one. Yes he puts himself in dumb positions but like he said you all confuse stupidity with immaturity. He just needs to grow up and that will come with some years and experience. We don't even know if he was involved with this whole thing he was just being questioned that's all. he could have been there picking up a six pack or some gas.
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