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OK, "playboy"???, whatever, how do you know what kind of guy he is? You say he's not a bad guy, what is your definition? What exactly would our "choirboy" have to do to get that label from you? Like someone said in an earlier post if it walks, quacks and looks like a duck it a *(&(&(&( duck.:suspect:
two people have said Jones is a nice person but what you see about him is far from that. People go by what they see and so far they see a person that acts like a thug, hangs with undesirable people and in general is acting like an a$$. And you wonder why some people want to get rid of him.

How many times have the Titans regretted drafting him?
I guess what I want to know is how many times can he put himself "in dumb positions" before he IS witness to something serious...or guilty by association?? The Titans have a LOT of money invested in this guy and personally if he doesn't care enough to keep out of these questionable situations then I am not sure I want him on our team.

Using excuses like his youth, immaturity or whatever only goes so far. I learned at a very immature age that if I touch the stove while its on its a bad thing. Pacman apparently has yet to learn anything about the questionable group he hangs around.
KamikaZ said:
Thanks for an intelligent post cousin...
Being a witness at a crime isn't really putting himself in a dumb position. It isn't like he thought "Hey, I might just go search for some trouble at a gas station"

And as far as my memory goes, Pacman hasn't had any involvement in the drug raid either (did he admit the car was his?)
Big TT said:
So if you grew up "bad enough" you get "freebies" legally and socially speaking? OK, just wanted to know the rules.

freebies from what?

what has Pacman done to get a freebie from the legal system?

And it is common knowledge to know sports athletes and celebrities get off with a lot of stuff when it comes to the law.
it is also common knowledge that young people get away with crimes to keep them out of jail.

Ewker - no, it isn't right, but BigTT point was that growing up bad enough you get freebies from the legal system which is clearly not the case.
Er, no that was not my point gunny, my point is that growing up "bad" will in fact put you under more of a micro scope than most. Life is not fair, get used to it. Don't compain about it. Our diminutive cb is headed for a hard fall if he doesn't "get it" soon.:suspect:
All of this is funny in that Climer and many of the other talking heads had just recently praised Pac for all the OTA's, and that his name had not been in the news lately.
Big TT said:
OK, "playboy"???, whatever, how do you know what kind of guy he is? You say he's not a bad guy, what is your definition? What exactly would our "choirboy" have to do to get that label from you? Like someone said in an earlier post if it walks, quacks and looks like a duck it a *(&(&(&( duck.:suspect:

I've read about how he grew up; he didn't have it easy. For someone to make it where he's at, from where he came, can't be a "bad" person.

Is he a nice guy? I've never met him I dunno. But I don't go around labeling people a "thug" or a "gangsta" left and right.

I love how you place YOUR image of what a thug or whatever looks like on him. Because plenty of respectable brothers might look or speak a certain way, and be completely legit. Again, where is the criminal behavior? Show me. Because guess what? You keep saying he acts and looks the part of something. But of course, you have absolutely ZERO evidence of him actually DOING what you seem so desperately to label him with.

Show me evidence that Jones was involved with the scuffle or that dealing/possession fiasco, or shut up.:sad2:
Big TT said:
So if you grew up "bad enough" you get "freebies" legally and socially speaking? OK, just wanted to know the rules.

See, you know you're winning an arguement when the opposing side makes **** up. What laws has Jones broken recently (don't bring up the assault case, its done).

So O.J. didn't do it either right ?

So, let me ask you this. When someone is murdered and no one is ever found guilty due to lack of evidence, does that mean no one is guilty of a murder as well ?
You want ice with that sir?:ha: And I do believe you know when your winning when the other guy looses his cool, shut up you say?
Titans2008 said:
So O.J. didn't do it either right ?

So, let me ask you this. When someone is murdered and no one is ever found guilty due to lack of evidence, does that mean no one is guilty of a murder as well ?

Legally - no.

Morally - thats upto the person on whether they did it or not.

And a bit of a silly comparison.
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