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Hoffa said:
He needs to become like Ray Lewis is today.

Couldn't resist Bipolar.
I would welcome Ray Lewis as a Titan.


So if you "think" you are not guilty or get off as a result of let's say bad police work, regardless of whether you in fact did do something, you are free of moral responsiblity for the action? Again, I just want to understand the new rules.:suspect:
Big TT said:
You want ice with that sir?:ha: And I do believe you know when your winning when the other guy looses his cool, shut up you say?

Lose my cool? I don't get angry or upset over an internet message board. Sorry. :sad2:

And I'll wait for that evidence as to why Jones is a thug, Big TT...
morals depend on the person. Not on everyone else.

You may feel guilty for doing something morally wrong, but i did the same thing but don't feel guilty for it.
Morals are deemed fit by society, not the individual, or else we would have little regard for the rules of law that gonvern us all and our fellow man, oh, wait never mind.:)) By the way your definition would pretty much sum up a psychopath wouldn't it?
Big TT said:
Morals are deemed fit by society, not the individual, or else we would have little regard for the rules of law that gonvern us all and our fellow man, oh, wait never mind.:)) By the way your definition would pretty much sum up a psychopath wouldn't it?

Morals are just beliefs that you are brought up on. You don't goto jail if you break a moral.

Laws are what govern and control society, break them and you goto jail. (which you know of course)
Big TT said:
Morals are deemed fit by society, not the individual, or else we would have little regard for the rules of law that gonvern us all and our fellow man, oh, wait never mind.:)) By the way your definition would pretty much sum up a psychopath wouldn't it?

Actually, morality is more of a balance of social norms, established law, and the own mentality of the individual. At least to me...:))
Big TT said:
Moral beliefs are the basis of our laws and societies, whatever those beliefs happen to be or when or where for that matter.

not all of them are laws though.

It may be part of your religion not to drink, but you do anyway, it is morally wrong (it aint legally wrong) in the view of the religion but the individual doesnt see that.
Gunny said:
not all of them are laws though.

It may be part of your religion not to drink, but you do anyway, it is morally wrong (it aint legally wrong) in the view of the religion but the individual doesnt see that.

Good example.

I thought this was a football message board. :ha:
Re-read my post, I said Basis of our laws, not every belief of course is a law. For instance I personally was raised with a moral belief that you should behave a certain way in public not loud and obnoxious. Someone who has these personality traits is not breaking the law, they are just rude.
To you it's rude, to someone else, they might now mind, or maybe think it should be encouraged. That's our point; that morality is as relative as any opinion or personal philosophy.
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